
The Mid Laner Belongs To The Jungler

Synopsis: Fu Yue suffered a hand injury and could no longer play in the competition but he never thought that the day his e-sport career ended, his life as well also came to a stop. However, the next thing he knew was that he somehow crossed into another world. Everything was fine, he no longer had a hand injury, his new family was also very nice just that... Why does he have to be an Omega?! Anyways, after some time passed Fu Yue came to accept the reality. He is a man who chases after a career, not love so Omega or whatever it means nothing to him! Filled with determination, Fu Yue decided to focus on returning to the e-sport industry. As luck has it, he found a very good pro player who shared the same mind as him in the game. Fu Yue then joined his team to become the new starting Mid Laner. Fu Yue, " Captain Wei, one more round!" Wei Chen," Mm." Some time later after getting together... Fu Yue, " Captain Wei, I-" Wei Chen, " Mm? One more round? Okay." The game in the story will be using League Of Legends (LOL), a MOBA game as a reference. This is an original novel so inevitably there will be a lot of errors. The cover is drawn by @Pineapplrr

B1ackDiA · LGBT+
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77 Chs

Becoming an Omega

Due to his strange questions, Fu Yue was immediately escorted to another room to get his brain checked.

'' There is nothing wrong with second young master Fu so, it might be a temporary memory loss.''

'' What do you mean might be?''

Fu Zheng coldly spoke after hearing the doctor's uncertain tone.

As a result, the doctor broke out in cold sweat facing this dominant Alpha's suppression.

He wanted to say that there was nothing wrong with his son but after witnessing the latter's strange behavior not long ago, he, too, was embarrassed to say so that's why he used the word might be.

Nonetheless, he could not afford to mess with this family so he sheepishly smiled, '' I assure you that nothing wrong with your son other than memory loss!''

At his words, Fu Zheng silently turned to look at his younger son who looked like he had completely lost his soul before slowly turning his head back, '' You seriously think so?''

The doctor,''...'' Please stop, I am starting to doubt my own ability as a doctor now.

Of course, no one but Fu Yue could answer this question.

He is not okay at all… Haha

During this short time, the people around him started to fill him in from left and right but the amount of information was so huge that Fu Yue was left dumbstruck.

First of all, he crossed to another world. In this world, people seemed to have colorful hair and eyes regardless of race so his eyes and hair were genuine.

Secondly, those two were his biological parents. That's explained why he inherited some of their traits like silver hair from the pretty dad and violet eyes from the handsome dad.

Indeed, something was wrong with this statement…

That's because in this world men could get pregnant!

In this world other than being called man and woman, there were three more secondary sexes, Alpha, Beta, and Omega.

Alpha was at the top of the food chain and was a natural-born leader responsible for 10% of the population. Meanwhile, Beta was more on the common side having accounted for more than 80% of the masses.

Last but not least, Omega. They had the least population and regardless of gender, they were capable of giving birth.

And of all things, why does he have to be an Omega?!

At the thought of this, Fu Yue shakily turned his head to his pretty dad with a pale face, his voice was close to crying, '' … Will I have period each month too?''

An Yan who was faced with his younger son's abnormal question felt his heart ache, '' … You even forget common sense too?''

Fu Yue,''...'' It is this world that doesn't have common sense, pretty dad.

''You fool, you won't.''

As Fu Yue was about to fall into despair, he once again heard his big brother's cynical voice which dragged him back from the abyss.

Fu Yue instantly snapped  his head to look at his recently-acquired brother in joy, he reconfirmed,'' Really?!''

To his reply, Fu Zhen nodded his head in return causing Fu Yue's face to become as radiant as a sun.

However, Fu Yue's happiness did not last long as the other party suddenly dropped another sentence.

'' But you will experience estrus once every three months.''

Hearing an unfamiliar term, Fu Yue blinked his eyes in confusion,'' Estrus? What's that?''

Seeing his reaction, Fu Zhen gave a helpless sigh. At this moment, he knew that talking to him was like conversing with a cow therefore instead of explaining, he gave his little brother a brochure that he grabbed on the way.

Fu Yue took the brochure in his hands in puzzlement before reading out the title.

'' Things to know about being an Omega.''

This was an information brochure that the hospital gave out to the patients so the content was not much but had all the important points to take note of.

At first, Fu Yue had a curious look as he was reading something new but after getting into the 'heat' part, his expression slowly sunk.

Every Omega would experience going into heat once every three months that's why they needed to take inhibitors or suppressants in time lest they went into estrus, releasing pheromones to attract Alpha to mate with them and mark them by the nape.

However, marking was a really important thing for an Omega so this could not be done carelessly unless you were sure that the Alpha was the right partner for you. 

One Alpha could mark several Omegas but an Omega once marked couldn't be undone unless you find a superior Alpha to mark you replacing the previous Alpha's mark.

However, superior or dominant Alphas were rare and they were unlikely to mark someone who once belonged to another Alpha due to their innate possessive and territorial characteristics. 

That's why prevention and protection were a must for a single Omega during that period.

Fu Yue harshly rubbed his eyes before rapidly blinking them as he leaned his face closer to make sure that he was not misreading.

Unfortunately, no matter what angle he looked at, it was still the same!

Did this world evolve backward and they start to exhibit animal characteristics now?!

Fu Yue has never dated before but he also never thought that he would be gay so you could say that he was a straight man through and through!

That's why reading this caused Fu Yue to become dizzy.

Nevertheless, amid this shock, Fu Yue dumbly turned to the next page and immediately met with the anatomy of a pregnant male Omega.

Fu Yue,''...''

Fu Yue wordlessly closed the brochure and then resumed his soulless state once more to which Fu Zheng once again gave another dagger glare toward the doctor.

The doctor,''...'' I'm begging you, just leave.

Finally, after another checkup and it was sure that there was nothing wrong Fu Yue was allowed to go back home.

Seeing that a driver was waiting for them in a cool-expensive looking car, Fu Yue momentarily went silent.

He had long expected that his newly-acquired family was rich judging by their appearance but it appeared they were wealthier than he initially thought.

Fu Yue was, in fact, an out-going with a decent IQ but during this time, things were so strange that he lost his calm for a while letting others mistake that he lost some of his intelligence (?) that's why for a minute there, no one dared to talk lest it triggered him somehow.

'' So I tripped in the bathroom and fainted?''

Since no one was talking, Fu Yue started to find a topic to talk about to ease the stiff atmosphere.

Fu Yue was sitting in between his big brother and pretty dad so Fu Zhen who was on his left answered,'' Yeah, you diet too much.''

'' No wonder, I am so skinny.''

Fu Yue mumbled as he looked at his bony arms. He knew that Omega cared a lot about their appearance but to the point of starving himself was not a good idea.

Fu Zhen continued to add, '' You are not even a model like Dad so no need to care too much about your weight.''

Hearing this, Fu Yue turned his head in admiration toward his pretty dad on the right,'' You are a celebrity?!''

An Yan gave a soft hum as he habitually fixed his younger son's bangs. However, the moment his finger touched the latter's hair, the latter suddenly flinched causing him to regretfully retract his hand.

Fu Yue knew that he unintentionally hurt his pretty dad's feelings again but he could not help his instinctive reaction so he quickly apologized,'' I'm sorry, I didn't mean it…''

An Yan waved his hand dismissively, ''It's fine, we can slowly get to know each other more later.''

Hearing this, Fu Yue secretly heaved a sigh in relief. 

Fortunately, his new family seemed understanding and did not push things hard or else Fu Yue might have considered the option to run away due to awkwardness.

As a result, due to this episode, the journey back home was pretty quiet.

The trip was not long and soon, Fu Yue arrived at their house, or better said a villa which caused his jaw to involuntarily drop.

In the past, he came from a middle-class family and after his parents passed away, things were rough. The only thing that he had left was their old house and some savings.

The savings was just enough for him to finish middle school so Fu Yue still needed to find a job to feed himself. Luckily, he was good at gaming so he soon got scouted by an INF's coach.

Since he liked playing games and could earn money at the same time, he immediately agreed.

That's basically how he got into becoming a professional player.

Recalling the past, Fu Yue's eyes couldn't help but seem a bit lost which others portrayed as a nostalgic look so they did not find anything wrong with him.

Seeing his reaction, An Yan quickly explained," You usually live here. This side villa is closer to Ah Zhen's company so he mostly stays here with you as well."

Fu Yue got his sense forcefully dragged back by his pretty dad's words which his humbled self did not understand, " Wait, both of you are not living here with us?"

This time, it was the silent handsome dad who answered," Me and your dad live at the main house because you want to move out to live alone so we let you live here."

As they talked, the four made their way across the little garden into the building which Fu Yue still could not comprehend this was just a place for two people.

" Second young master! You are finally back!"

Fu Yue who was immersed in looking at the house was startled due to a loud heart-wrenching voice suddenly appearing out of nowhere.

Almost immediately after, a middle-aged woman was seen running in their direction.