
The Mess in my Head

Just a bunch of randomness about daily life happenings

Cidny_Kings · Urban
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2 Chs

I thought I was Safe

I didn't send a notice, nor did I make a request, damn I never asked for this.

I didn't asked to be born, it just happened, and what a turn out I ended up being.

Mom met Dad, one was as high as a kite, the other, a bit tipsy, they said. One thing led to another then bam, nine months later I arrived.

But it wasn't that easy, no mom tried all the tricks in the books just to get rid of me for the first six months I was a fetus inside of her. I've asked why not just abort me from the start, but her answer was,

Somewhere deep, deep, deep down, she didn't want to abort me, but she just wasn't sure either, if she should have kept me , so the safest bet was trying the dirty tricks.

A load of bullshit if you asked me, but it is what it is. She confessed, after six months passed, and she was still pregnant, she decided to pray, asking God for forgiveness, and hoping that I came out ok.

God really blessed me, no lie, I came out better than ever, I had both eyes intact, all limbs working fine, Damn I was a straight A student. I was a walking miracle.

I always had my head held high, My parents were proud of me, and I was proud of myself also. I thought nothing could stop me.

I thought I was safe.