
The Merlin Scrolls

In this universe the World is ruled by Celtic, Norse and Greek gods who have multiple personalities creating the Roman, Egyptian and many other gods but this verse is under the command of the endless Lord and Lady magic watching this world Lord and Lady magic knew if this continue this world will be destroy by a Minion of the Nothing so it takes a soul from Lord Death and combines it with Merlin. Merlin with Magic and creatures of Harry Potter but without the magical world. Crossover with Harry Potter and Elder scrolls Oblivion and Skyrim

Jason_Kelly_9462 · Movies
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2 Chs

The gang learns the truth

Slowly waking up I feel grass under me the sounds of crickets chirping around me and the sounds of slight groaning coming from around me.

Hearing a Bing I open my eyes floating above me were the words

'' I apologize child I could not make them loyal to you best I could is keeping them from fighting each other and you but for now they will follow you oh, and the angels are still angels but they are angels of you meaning as you grow in power the angels will too for now, they are as powerful as they were in the show also as Companions, they can't access the system beyond inventory for upgrades you need to do it personally also Sam and Dean have Magic but Dean needs a Focus to do magic beyond physical magic like increasing his strength and speed as well as his senses. But everyone can go on quests with you. Also, this is a new world for them while you will have Merlin's memories oh, and Will came with you thanks to you and Hunith agreeing that you needed protectors the others are Nobles from fallen houses from other lands but were great allies of Camelot ''.

Groaning for a moment I sit up looking down I see a roll up blanket under me for my head and a blanket under me with a blanket on top of me looking around I see we were in a clearing.

Blinking I notice it was still night time freezing I hit my head for a moment and whisper '' Tempus Loctus Temp (Time, Location and Temperature)''.

Saturday Aug 1, 210 AD 4:35 AM

Camelot, Ascetifr Mountains 28 Degrees F

Middle peaks


With Fire Going and Horses and Wagons covered up with Blankets and Horse Cloaks to keep them warm with them also being inside the cave to keep Snow off.

Blinking I sigh as I Realize I needed to sort my mind and Spital world. \

Taking a breath, I say '' Pause ''.

The world greys as time stops then I enter my mindscape

Entering to an empty space I focus my mind on building a World air, water even animals continuing to focus I create pathways with locks and Magical animals that must be defeated before you can move on with a few Famous Warriors and armies defending the way to the gates at the very end I built an entire city with a castle, Inns and Taverns full of guards to defend him and a Public Park which holds a false Ward stone to disable the traps instead they will get three times stronger and Library acting as a home for fake memories.

Entering the castle, I built it to be ten floors with all but the tenth underground and you have to pass and defeat hordes of magical creatures like Dragons, hydras and Nunda as well as countless soldiers and wards that must be dismantle. in order to reach the library which held a another set of fake memories with his real memories hidden under a desk which led to a staircase which holds a single computer that you have to know the password for in order to enter with ten copies and backups for the backups hidden in the rivers of my world which will automatically be copied and placed in the computer if I get them remove automatically. Pleased with it he made the Castle walls Gold and green then he places suits of armor that will come to life as a last resort with Paintings which will act as cameras in every area of the world along with them being AI control with a control room right under the memory room which holds ten copies of everything, he created which will come to life if I lose everything place AIs in charge of watching over my world and upgrading it every second.

Pleased I leave my mindscape.

Coming back to the world I smile please that the world was still frozen Taking a breath I call out '' Spital world ''.

Spital World

Entering the world, I freeze stun the Spital world was basically a better copy of his Mindscape looking around he sees people working confused he asks '' System who are they ''?

'' Lord Magic decided you needed people working to keep the world in top shape also this is where Angels get their power from also this is where your inventory goes when you're not using it for the people to place it in statis or fix/ upgrade the equipment if needed for you the only thing they can't do is forging or enchanting but you are able to summon people from this world at the cost of credit ''.

Reading it my mouth falls open in shock suddenly I notice the bookcases full of books, scrolls and stone tablets glowing walking over I pick a book and start reading.

Spending I don't know how long I read every Book, Scroll and Tablet on the shelves and the few Maps I had on the shelves having meals fed to me by my servants.

Getting to my feet I stumble at stiffness in my legs.

Taking a breath, I call out '' Real world''.

Real World

Appearing back, I smile as the world was still frozen

Taking a breath, I call out '' System what can you do ''?

'' I have a Status function allowing you to see your status and level as well as level yourself up, I have an Inventory which will keep everything in top condition and even better then when you put it in, I have a Perk sheet so you can find out your perks, Your Skills which will allow you to see your skills, A Shop which is connected to The shop in Lord's Magic's Realm where you can spend your credits, Party which will allow you to Bring Characters from this world on Quests and give them the power of a limited system and Companions which are people created from the Spital world who will follow and serve you if you had earn their loyalty cost Karma Points to buy and you can earn them by doing good or bad deeds''.

Surprised at what it could do I call out '' Status ''.

''Merlin Alex Ambrosius Emrys ''


Lord of the now Fallen house of Ambrosius by Father also Balinor Ambrosius is the cousin of Raymond Ambrosius Gawain's Father and Uncle of Igraine Pendragon making you in line for the throne of Camelot. Comes with two rings the Ring of the Ambrosius and one of 5 rings of a De Bois. With a Seal of Nobility from both families.

Heir of the De Bois family – The De Bois family are Powerful Lords and Merchant family that spread their power throughout the 20 Kingdoms of Albion but only four gain the Do Bois ring as they were made Branch heads.

Emrys- As Emrys you are Immortal only a Magic killing weapon that is enchanted by ten gods can kill you and that's if a god uses the weapon to cut off your head and burn your body without both you will heal.

Merlinus – The Wise that Power allows you a bigger boost of brains in dealings of Political, Economic, and Warfare.

Myrddin – Your Divine Form/ True Name with which means this name is the name of your soul as Myrddin you have a massive healing factor and like Dragon Ball Z you can collect magic from the air to power up.

Wyitt- is a Daedra (Demon) as you are a Wyitt you are descended from a Daedra specified two generations from the Daedra Asmodeus the Daedra Prince of Lust and Wealth Lord of the Realm of Edom a Realm of Hell. As the Grandson of Asmodeus you have Expert level knowledge in the Sexual arts and you are great with Money and have a better chance of better loot and getting good rewards.

Crown Prince of Edom – As the Grandson of Asmodeus you are in line but your grandfather has watched over you and your father your entire life.

Asmodeus Protection – Along with the Protection as the champion of Magic. Asmodeus one of the most protective of all Daedra have place you and your father under your protection but as a Daedra Prince he needs a vessel to walk the earth. But Asmodeus is one of 12 of the Daedra Princes and Daedra and Dark creatures are wary of making Asmodeus a enemy.

Dragon lord

King of Magic

LV 1

HP: 1000

MP: 1000

STR: 10 (Affects how powerful your melee, range and Magic does)

STA: 7 (Affects how long you can last in fight and how long you can do magic before you do magic and how much a spell cost) -70%

INT: 85 (Affects what Magic you can learn and how smart you are)

WIS: 9 (How you use your knowledge and increase speed that magic returns)

CHR: 6 (Ability to Barter, Speak and Command armies)

MAG: 90 (You already know every magical skill and spell possible now you need to create your own spells and potions to gain more)

LUC: 40 (You gain better luck, Will affect the world such as better quests or even better rewards, and you have great skills in games and gambling even in bets)

Dex: 5 (How flexible you are and your speed and skill in dodging and or Parkour)


Unlimited Magic Potential- You can always grow stronger

Merlin Magic – You can use all magic from this world

Harry Potter Magic – You can use all Harry Potter Magic

Skyrim Magic- You can do magic from Skyrim

1-5 Basic, Intermediate, Advance, Adept, Expert, Master, Grandmaster, Sage

Expert Swordsman – LV2 (Lancelot skill with a sword)

Expert Spearsman –LV 1

Expert Staff master –LV 4

Adept Mace and Axe- LV 4

Adept Dagger- Lv 1

Master Dual Wielder- LV 3

Advanced Trident Master- LV 5

Master Archer – LV 1

Adept Blacksmith- LV 1

Advanced Crafter- LV 3

Intermediate Hand to HAND LV 4 Combat

Basic Two-Handed Weapons- LV 4

Master Sexual Arts- LV 5

Master Banker –LV 4

Master Economist- LV 3

Master Invester- LV 1

Adept Sneak (Includes skills of a thief and scout) - LV 2

Sage Escapist- LV 1


Emrys- As Emrys you are Immortal only a Magic killing weapon that is enchanted by ten gods can kill you and that's if a god uses the weapon to cut of your head and burn your body without both you will heal.

Merlinus – The Wise that Power allows you a bigger boost of brains in dealings of Political, Economic, and Warfare

Myrddin – Your Divine Form/ True Name with which means this name is the name of your soul as Myrddin you have a massive healing factor and like Dragon Ball Z you can collect magic from the air to power up

Wyitt- is a Daedra (Demon) as you are a Wyitt you are descended from a Daedra specified two generations from the Daedra Asmodeus the Daedra Prince of Lust and Wealth Lord of the Realm of Edom a Realm of Hell. As the Grandson of Asmodeus you have Expert level knowledge in the Sexual arts and you are great with Money and have a better chance of better loot and getting good rewards.

Crown Prince of Edom – As the Grandson of Asmodeus you are in line but your grandfather has watched over you and your father your entire life.

Asmodeus Protection – Along with the Protection as the champion of Magic. Asmodeus one of the most protective of all Daedra have place you and your father under your protection but as a Daedra Prince he needs a vessel to walk the earth. But Asmodeus is one of 12 of the Daedra Princes and Daedra and Dark creatures are wary of making Asmodeus a enemy.

Dragon lord – As a Dragon Lord you can speak to Dragons and Dragon Kin and command them.

Reptile Tongue – You can speak to all Reptiles and command Snakes and Lizards.

King of Magic – All Creatures of Magic and those with Magic will see you as their King. That doesn't mean they won't fight you but it will give you a measure of command over them.

Champion of Magic – As Champion of Lord and Lady Magic you serve them directly and in the eyes of Magical Creatures and Gods to oppose you is to oppose Lord and Lady Magic... The Daedra Princes Malog Bal, Boethiah, Mehrunes Dagon, Namira, Peryite, Sheogorath, Vaerimna all want your soul to feast on your Power for eternity and Black Creatures will want your soul to feed on your pureness. But the other Gods, Divines (Children of Gods), Daedra Princes want to protect you from them most will try to get you to be their Champion too some will offer you aid freely.

Pleased with my stats I whisper '' Inventory ''.

Inside I see A tent, Trunk and the Moleskin Pouch.

Pulling out the Moleskin I open it causing the Pouch to glow for a moment then it disappears leaving a bunch of Weapons, Clothes, Armor, Health and Mana Potions and Recipe for them, and Gold to appear in my Inventory.

I it now read

10 x of every sword listed

North African swords[edit]

Flyssa (19th century Algeria)

Kaskara (19th century Sudan)

Khopesh (Egyptian)

Mameluke sword (18th to 19th century Egyptian)

Nimcha (18th century Morocco and Algeria)

East African swords[edit]

Billao (Somali)

Shotel (Eritrea and Ethiopian)

West African swords[edit]

Akrafena (Ghana and Togo)

Ida (Nigeria and Benin)

Takoba (Mali and Niger)

Central African swords[edit]


Asian swords[edit]

East Asian swords[edit]


Main article: Chinese sword

Dao (刀 pinyin dāo) "sabre"

Baguadao (八卦刀)

Butterfly sword (蝴蝶雙刀)

Changdao (長刀)

Dadao (大刀)

Liuyedao (柳針刀)

Miao dao (苗刀)

Nandao (南刀)

Piandao (片刀)

Wodao (倭刀)

Yanmaodao (雁翎刀)

Zhanmadao (斬馬刀)

Jian (劍 pinyin jiàn)

Shuangshou jian (雙手劍)

Hook sword (鉤)


Main article: Japanese sword

Nihonto (日本刀; にほんとう)

Bokken (木剣)

Chokutō (直刀)


Iaitō (居合刀)

Jintachi (陣太刀)

Katana (刀; かたな)

Kenukigata tachi (毛抜型太刀)

Kodachi (小太刀)

Nagamaki (長巻)

Ninjato (忍者刀)

Ōdachi/Nodachi (大太刀/野太刀)

Sasuga (刺刀)

Shinai (竹刀)

Shinken (真剣)

Shikomizue (仕込み杖)

Tachi (太刀; たち)

Tantō (短刀; たんとう)

Tsurugi (剣)

Wakizashi (脇差; わきざし)



Main article: Korean sword

Hwandudaedo (환두대도; 环首大刀)

Saingeom (사인검)

Southeast Asian swords[edit]

Swords and knives found in Southeast Asia are influenced by Indian, Chinese, Middle Eastern, and European forms.





Balato (sword)



Gari (sword)







Langgai Tinggang

Luwuk (sword)








Si Euli

Sikin Panjang












Dahong Palay













South Asian Swords[edit]



Bladed Weapons of Indian subcontinent[edit]








Kayamkulam vaal


Malappuram Kathi





Sri Lanka[edit]


West and Central Asian swords[edit]

Acinaces (Scythian short sword)

All of the Islamic world during the 16th to 18th century, including the Ottoman Empire and Persia were influenced by the "scimitar" type of single-edged curved sword. Via the Mameluke sword this also gave rise to the European cavalry sabre.

Terms for the "scimitar" curved sword:

Kilij (Turkish)

Pulwar (Afghanistan)

Shamshir (Persia)

Talwar (Indo-Pakistani)

Yataghan (Turkish)

Khanjar (Arabian)

Saif (Arabian)

Scimitar (Arabian)

Zulfiqar (Arabian)

European swords[edit]

Ancient history[edit]




Harpe (Greek mythology)

Iron Age sword

Falcata/Kopis (swords with forward-curving blade)

Makhaira (Ancient Greek sabre)

Xiphos (Greek term for the Iron Age sword)

Migration period sword

Spatha [Greek-Roman sword]

Post-classical history[edit]

Main article: Oakeshott typology

Arming sword (high medieval knightly sword)

Curtana (a medieval term for a ceremonial sword)

Longsword (late medieval)

Estoc (thrust-oriented)

Claymore (late medieval Scottish)

Paramerion (Eastern Roman Byzantine sword)


Viking sword (early medieval spatha)

Rubbing my face I look and see I had every type of bow, Axe, Spear, Shield, and Daggers ever made before the year 1885 with 3 Warhammers.

Plus, 10 Types of Armor a 1 of each of the Roman styles, 1 Full- size Knightly armor, 1 of each of the Viking Armor, 1 full-size Germanic Armor and 1 French Armor.

Looking at them I smile as I had an idea


Quest Added

Hire Blacksmiths and Tailors to make copies of your Armor and Weapons and then Sell them across the world.

Reading it I notice it was open ended accepting it I knew that I now had a way to make a lot of money.

Talking a breath, I unpaused the world looking at each of them I give Robert a Warhammer, 3 Daggers and a Spatha Sword all sheathe right next to him with a single Dagger under his Pillow. With Robert's Wagon Carrying the other two Warhammers with a Kaskara Sword on his horse,

Pleased with his choice for Robert I move on to Eddard giving him a Claymore, two Axes, 3 Daggers, Bastard Sword and a Longsword with a Curtana sword on his horse plus a Bow and spear in the wagon.

Moving on Sam, I gave him a Liuyedao Sword, a Mameluke Sword, a Katana, and a Flyssa sword along with 3 Daggers and a Spear with the daggers, spear and Katana carried by him with the other weapons on his horse along with a Round Shield.

For Lucifer ( Mark) I gave him a Morningstar, A Liuyedao sword, Bastard Sword, 2 Spears and 4 Daggers along with a Spearsword.

Jack was given a Xiphos, Gladius, Longsword and Falchion Swords with 2 daggers and a Roman style Shield.

Dean Got a Longsword and a Curtana sword along with a Dadao Sword.

Castiel only got a Gladius, Claymore and two Axes.

Arthur Dayne, I just gave him his two swords, Robin Hood a Longsword and Bow, Rhaegar got a Bastard Sword and two Daggers.

For Will I gave him a Katana and spear to go with his father's weapons of Longsword and Dagger along with a Roman Foot soldier armor with a Roman Long Shield.

Sighing at my Followers having weapons I gave each of them 1 of each type of Armor to allow them to choose their armor.

Each of them was wearing Noble Level Clothing with Chain Mail under it with Leather barrier under the chain mail along with Cloaks.

Looking my clothing over I select my Leather shirt and pants with long clothes over them to keep me warm then I place my Chain Mail and Sparta Armor over it then my Lord Clothes with a Cloak going over me.

Pleased with my look I place them next to the fire to warm them and then get back under the covers for another 3 hours of sleep before Breakfast.

Giving myself a Aragon sword and a Longsword, Trident, Shield and Bow for Weapons.

3 Hours Later


'' Have Rested full HP and MP and All Illness and Wounds healed''.

Waking up I stretch yawning as I wake myself up rubbing my nose, I look at my companions for a moment grimacing I knew I will have some problems.

Grabbing some Food from my Inventory I start cooking a meal of boar meat, Carrots and corn and few Apple slices and made it in mind for 22 People enough for everyone to have two bowls.

Grabbing some bowls, I place some spices into the Pot and wait for it to cook.

Grimacing I pull out the map and grimace we had 2 Weeks before we arrive in Camelot and that's if there are no surprises and I only had enough food for 3 More days for all of us,

Frowning in confusion I start remembering my past freezing I realize a difference when I was five my village was attack by a Band of Outlaws running I and fifty survivors move on finding my father we move on where I met the ten and they learned about who I was getting my father to give me his ring and a seal we moved on with my father becoming the leader.

With Father leading us we have roam the lands as Merchants and Sell swords ( Warriors for hire) selling Weapons and Armor the only reason, we were on our way to Camelot is we came across a Druid camp and they convince Father that I was Emrys and his nephew was the Once and future King so he sent myself and my friends to complete my destiny while Father works to bring the druids to a safe place as their new Leader as they sensed his power and he has been able to provide the Druids with Money and men to protect them ( Father has 600 men and 2 Knights able to fight under him out of the 2000 people under him. Which is amazing since he has 800 Men and 1000 Women with 200 children under his leadership and he started out with only 500 People. But his legend has grown and now people flock to him for protection and food with him even having ten warlocks and ten sorcerers. Serving him boy were they excited to learn he was my father once they learned who I was.).

Shaking himself out of his thoughts I see some people moving.

Hearing people groan I froze as I realize although they had this world's memories, they will have to acclimates the memories meaning for an hour they will have no memories of this world watching each of them freezing I see Lucifer, Jack and Cas panic quietly at the fact that they sleep now.

Watching them scent the air and feel each other I watch everyone sit up and everyone look around each other.

Looking at each other stun I see Robert see Rhaegar and Eddard and see him frown as he realizes he couldn't get anger then I see them look at me and grimace as they try to resist their new feelings of loyalty then they sigh as their stomach rumble and they sit in front of fire.

Smiling I grin and say '' There's enough for each of us to have two servings dig in we have a lot to discuss''.

3 Hours later

Everyone was sitting in shocked at what they heard then Dean shouts '' Can you prove what you just said ''?

Sighing I call out '' Spital world ''.

Suddenly everyone spins then we all stop as we appear in a Living with 2 tvs on allowing them to see the future everyone curse at what they see and Robert looks heartbroken that Lyanna didn't like him then pissed at Ned at not knowing Lyanna had a child watching the world end because of Westeros at war against the Night Queen they all sigh as they look at each other.

The other 4 were outrage at learning that Chuck was playing with them and how he used them turning over clenching his hands Dean asks '' Why didn't you allow us to get our revenge''?

Sighing I allow them to see how Chuck merged with Amara and how they thought Jack won only to learn that Chuck planned it that way taking over Jack to allow him to bring beings back from the empty and the Empty would have no way to stop it.

Looking at them in sadness I say '' Chuck is god if you stayed in that world, it would have only brought suffering instead, I brought you here given each of you freedom from him and his control and I got Lord Magic to create a new God to defeat Chuck and Make the world better ''.

Frowning the 4 nods now knowing that if they had stayed Chuck would have won then Lucifer smiles as he says '' Thank you ''.

Nodding I look at the others who were in shocked then I said '' It's cool you four were my favorite characters and I hated the ending and I hated that Chuck undid the growth you went through the fact that I wanted aid to fight against the evils of this world is nothing ''.

Nodding the four looks at each other for a moment while Robin Hood smiles at the future his actions brought.

Thinking Sam asks '' What about Mom''?

Smirking I said '' She is with my father ''.

Grinning the two nods to me pleased that their mother was here too.

Nodding to each of them we teleported back to the real world.

Real World

Cleaning up we all get our weapons and stuff on then we hook up our horses to the wagons and rode down the mountain.


'' Relationship with each of them have grown 40% went to unwilling followers to willing followers''

Finally reading the Ping I smile as we spent the next two days climbing down the mountain.

Which had a snowstorm slowing us down causing everyone to hide in a cave that Lucifer made to keep us warm.

Boy, are Lucifer, Jack and Cas angry that they can't fly as their grace and wings are slowly bonding to this world and until they are they are having their basic powers.

Which for Lucifer and Jack was Light Manipulation and minor Earth Manipulation while for Cas was healing and Telekensis something all angels can do but in different ways.

The past 2 days Lucifer has been teaching Jack how to use his Powers with the three divines going to the Spital world along with everyone else for three-four hours to learn about this world with Arthur training Dean, Sam and Will in the use of Weapons something that they were enjoying.

As Arthur was a master in all types of Weaponry except Archery something that Robin Hood was teaching them along with Sealth and Pickpocketing.

Looking at everyone who was eating the last of the venison and vegetable stew I grin as we ate are hearty meal while Robert was delighting in telling stories of wars, he has fought in something that Dean was competing in with monsters he has fought and killed meanwhile Eddard was slowly being brought in.

As they spoke, I saw Robin hood and Rhaegar talk to one another while Cas, Jack and Lucifer were discussing training and teaching Jack something that Lucifer was doing with enthusiasm as he had the chance to get to know his son already, he discovered the two had the same love of Pranks and love certain shows something the two have been watching in the Spital world meanwhile Cas was training him on how to heal and revive and about the human world something that Cas was enjoying.

As in his mind he's lessening Lucifer's influence on Jack.

Feeling a increase in heat I smile as I look down the mountain, please I call out '' Robert, Dean, Robin go bring back an enough food for everyone ''.

Getting nods the three races off while everyone else grins as we slowly follow them looking for a spot to stop.

Seeing Lucifer breath in the clean air I smile as we rode about ten more minutes before finding a small clearing with a small pond the size of watering hole. Setting up for the night I look up into the sky and see the sun was already mostly down.

Setting up my tent I call out '' Hey this is a Harry Potter type tent with enough room for us all''.

Smiling they entered the Tent with Arthur standing guard over us along with Eddard who was brooding at what not putting Jon on the throne caused.

Dean Pov

Riding a horse, I shift at the way my world went learning that God was evil was massive the fact if I tried to get revenge it would blow up in such a massive way pissed me off but luckily I know that Chuck will get his due and Amara will be safe something he was surprised he actually cared about feeling a pull on my heart I sigh as the Bonding with Amara was getting stronger telling me that Amara was coming here and the only reason why she would be was for me plus the fact that it was stronger was that she learn he left to protect her and the other reason she would think that is if Lord Magic or Lady Magic told her.

Getting off my horse I see the other two tie up their horses. Doing the same we nod to Robin who was the one who was leading us.

Seeing the massive grin on Robert's face I knew that Robert was actually happy that he wasn't the King anymore which was allowing him to do what he used to do which was go hunt and fight wars.

Shaking my head, I hear the sound of slurping sneaking up we pause as we all hear

'' Sneaking a skill that allows to be unnoticed 45% Chance success and success Pickpocket and or assassination ''.

'' Success''.

Looking down we see three deer grinning we lift our bow then we stop as a baby deer feeds each of us look at each other and sigh then

'' ROAR''!

Pale we look back down at the Pond and see the deer running as we ready our bows we see 2 Boars and a Outrage Bear grinning the three of us ready our Spear and bows and as One we release.

….. WHAM!!

The Shoots were head shots smiling we walk down and as we do we see the Boars were Male as well the Bear.

Robert grins '' Young none of them have had a child yet so no lost ''.

Pleased we mercifully kill the three then we carry them to our horses and load them up getting on the three of us look toward the mountain instantly we can see smoke grinning Robin starts leading us back to the base.

Seeing the single tent the three of us look at them in confusion then Sam yells '' Dean its like Harry Potter''.

Eyes wide I laugh as I realize we had a Harry Potter tent.