
The Meme Train

Little thing I decide to write for the fun memes, don't take this way too seriously, if you wanna vote, vote then. Just don't act like an ass. Also the book isn't for anyone of a prudish nature, so yeah, if you are then this ain't your cup of tea, hell it's not even tea, it's a full cup of espresso. Oh yeah, the R-18 tag is there for gore, I don't know know how to write good smut, and I don't plan to write smut in this book any given time. ____________________________________________ Take a look at me for example: I died, that was painful. I got chosen to be entertainment for some dude that I never got to even meet. I cheesed the "golden finger" I got and made an entire world go straight to fuck all. Now I'm just casually being the madman that everyone says I am. Oh, and fuck cultivators. I don't like their kind around here. What do you get? Some random kid being a fucking lunatic that's what! Take a read if you want! You'll definitely regret it! (Disclaimer, I own nothing aside from my MC and any OCs I may cook up, the cover was from google, I just searched Thomas the Thermonuclear Bomb and I found Thomas the Thermonuclear Apocalypse, I came looking for copper and I found gold. Also this is a work of fiction, any names that are placed in here are yadda yadda yadda you know the drill, anything in here is coincidental.)

AntiLoliLewding · Anime & Comics
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325 Chs

The running speed starts slowly

/Lili POV/



It's been about a few days since I last saw that man, ever since he let me stay with the Guild, I've been working alongside them for about a couple days already and from what I've seen, he really is weird, he was trying to calm me down when I cried but when he was on that floating board, he was so threatening, I guess he must be nice to some and angry to others. I really wonder as to why did he decide to help me of all people? Was it really because of him pitying me? Or did he lie about that? He acted apologetic when I cried and when I felt that strange feeling in my chest. He even went so far as to feed me and let me stay in the last floor of the dungeon. I really don't understand how some people think, but then again, I don't really understand what's going on with me right now whenever I think of him. (Hey Lili! We have to rearrange the books again! There was some guys who were fighting in the library yet again! Let's get it over with so that we can take our break.) a red haired woman with wolf ears said to me. (Okay then Rose. Hey, has anybody caught your eye yet? You can't exactly be alone forever you know?) I say to Rose as she just pouts at what I just say and tells me to hurry up.



(Hey Lili? What are your thoughts on that man, Frank? Do you think he really is telling the truth about having everyone blame him for the deaths of everyone who died in the dungeon?) Rose said as I looked at her and saw that her face was sort of sad, I remember what Eina said about what happened to Rose, she never took any confessions from anyone since she didn't want to end up alone should anybody she accepted dies in the dungeon.



It was a sad life for Rose since she always felt responsible whenever one of her assigned adventurer dies in the dungeon, she never got a proper coping mechanism for what had happened to her. Lili then takes a few minutes to try and think of a good answer, then, she opened her mouth to give her answer. (To be honest Rose, I don't really have a good answer to what he just said since he might be lying about what he said. But that doesn't mean that he won't take responsibility.) rose took a few seconds to think before sighing and asking Lili (Lili, you were stuck with that man for a few days, what have you learned from him? How he acts, how he thinks or even if he like girls. If you have any information then that would be very appreciated.) Rose says in a very professional voice as Lili had a spit take from what Rose said. (R-Rose?? W-What do you mean if he likes girls? He told me that he did! It's just that he isn't looking for anybody right now, that's what he said to me! And even though he acts weird sometimes, he's still quite nice for a friend.) Lili says as she mumbles the last part to herself as she looks away from Rose.



Seeing this Rose heard the extra things that Lili said and sighed at what the Pallum girl had said to her. (So what you're trying to say is that he's just different? Is that it? What race is he then?) Rose says as Lili then looks at Rose before scratching the back of her head at the fact that she never really looked at Frank closely. Thinking about what he might be like nearby to her, Lili's cheeks started to become flushed as she remember how he calmed her down when she quite literally cried herself to sleep. She never really expected that Frank was like that and she sort of liked that about him. Lili was spacing out for about three or so minutes before getting shook back to reality by Rose. They then had their break talking about how the city was going to be under the new power that was Frank.



/Frank POV/



Well this bitch was getting me annoyed even harder than usual since she wanted to cuddle with me, like, I don't wanna be touched by anybody unless I allow them to. But then again she sees me as a mischievous child, so I have to play the role, I had to cop a feel of her ass a couple times for her to blush, and I'm sure that it felt heavenly but I will not simp anytime soon, so I merely smiled widely and fell asleep. The next morning, I woke up to her using me as some sort of a body pillow. I would say that this is a very compromising position since her face was right below mine, thankfully [Full Control] made sure that I didn't pop a boner, I gently moved her off of me and ran out of there, but not before leaving a simple note that I was headed straight to the dungeon for reasons. I then went back to an alleyway and had the dungeon bring me back into the 100th. I wonder how the white rabbit is doing?



/Belle POV/



I was going to do it! I was going to ask my goddess if I could make a run in the dungeon! That was what I was going to say to her but when I asked her, she gave me an angry look while berating me as to how much of an idiot I was for suggesting such a thing, I tried to reason to her about why I needed to go to the dungeon, reminding her about my grandfather's wish of me to pick up girls in the dungeon. She then smacked me on the head and said for me that if I wanted to achieve my dream of picking up girls inside the dungeon I needed to be a lot stronger.



So I kept pleading her to allow me to go, we needed the money right now to buy food, water and other things that were required for us right now. I even went so far as to use the last of our Valis to get her some blue ribbons to decorate her hair with. Grandpa always said that a gift was one of the quickest ways to a woman's heart. I didn't tell her that we had no extra Valis since if she knew, I would be in massive amounts of trouble. After all that, she sighed at me and finally allowed me to go do a run in the dungeon! I was so happy that I kissed her on the cheek and ran to our room to grab my gear! I'm going to do my best in the dungeon! And maybe pick somebody up!



/Frank POV/



Okay then, it appears that the story's protagonist is making her move, except it seems that there won't be a Loki Familia or an Ais Wallenstein to save her from a minotaur that won't spawn. If that happens then I can most definitely assume that plot is gonna get butt fucked beyond help at this point, or maybe fate has some other plans for her? Or maybe I'm going crazy after spying on a fucking close-to13 year old and that I need some serious mental help. Anyways though, after taking a long look at the girl I ponder on what am I gonna do now since there's very few things I want to do. Oh wait! The Dian Cecht Familia! I can screw them over! But then again, there's not much change from it aside from some "teaching" for Dian Cecht himself. Hehehehehehehehe, I'm such a genius, oh wait I'm not a genius I'm just spouting bullshit. Anyways, time to pay a visit to a very greedy god!



/Dian Cecht POV/



{Oh how much I love money, it's so shiny and glittery and shiny! That stupid Miach thought that arm was worth that much?! Hah! I just upped that damned thing's price for the sake of it! There's absolutely no way I'd just let that man off the hook! He's been praised in Heaven for his looks and his skill! So I've taken it upon myself to spite him by making him beg me to save that worthless Chienthrope! The look on his face when I told him to bow for the life for that mortal was so good that I almost felt pity on him. Anyways, I think that it's about time for me to do my "duties"} Dian Cecht thought to himself as he got up from his desk filled with a substantial amount of Valis, and walked out to see the multiple people placed within beds, all having varying amounts of damage to them.



Seeing this, Dian Cecht snickered inwardly as he put on a face of friendliness and walked over to what seemed to be a little girl holding a doll. (Hello there young one, what seems to be the matter here?) he says as he sits down on a wooden stool that was right next to her bed. (Hi there, do you know what's wrong with me?) the little girl said as she put down the doll and looked at Dian Cecht. Feeling her gaze, Dian Cecht was angry but put it aside as he continued to make small talk with the child. (Mister, is there something wrong with me?) the little girl said as Dian Cecht raised an eyebrow at what she said. (Well little one, you're going to have to tell me what happened if you want me to fix you.) he said as he started to look into the child's body. It seemed to be fine at first until he felt something within her, something so dark that it almost consumed him whole. {What in the world?} Dian Cecht thought as he looked at what seemed to be a dark orb within her. (Is there something wrong mister?) the child said as Dian Cecht started to sweat from fear.

1704 words, so I wanna get some research done for a good world that I can send Frank to, again I have no clue about xianxia but I guess I could send him to one. Anyways and as always, I'll see you guys, on the dark side of the moon! Peace!

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