
The Meme Train

Little thing I decide to write for the fun memes, don't take this way too seriously, if you wanna vote, vote then. Just don't act like an ass. Also the book isn't for anyone of a prudish nature, so yeah, if you are then this ain't your cup of tea, hell it's not even tea, it's a full cup of espresso. Oh yeah, the R-18 tag is there for gore, I don't know know how to write good smut, and I don't plan to write smut in this book any given time. ____________________________________________ Take a look at me for example: I died, that was painful. I got chosen to be entertainment for some dude that I never got to even meet. I cheesed the "golden finger" I got and made an entire world go straight to fuck all. Now I'm just casually being the madman that everyone says I am. Oh, and fuck cultivators. I don't like their kind around here. What do you get? Some random kid being a fucking lunatic that's what! Take a read if you want! You'll definitely regret it! (Disclaimer, I own nothing aside from my MC and any OCs I may cook up, the cover was from google, I just searched Thomas the Thermonuclear Bomb and I found Thomas the Thermonuclear Apocalypse, I came looking for copper and I found gold. Also this is a work of fiction, any names that are placed in here are yadda yadda yadda you know the drill, anything in here is coincidental.)

AntiLoliLewding · Anime & Comics
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325 Chs

But gets faster each minute

/Frank POV/

/About a couple hours beforehand/



{Well then, I suppose I could take a look at my status, hey system, you know what to do.} Frank thought as the prompt he saw was different from before. (Hey umm system, what the fuck is this?) he says as the prompt before him says that the system will be undergoing an update. {It is what it is host, my creator had taken the time to allow me to update with new features, such as more efficiency, easier to find things, and such. He had also added the new better version of no longer deducting luck for any rolls. The Luck will also be changed to where you no longer have a generated amount every day.] the system replied as Frank's pupils went wide as he heard what the system said to him. (Hol' up, what you're trying to tell me is that I no longer have to worry about losing luck on every roll, but that I have to actively look for things that give me luck? If so then that's some bullsh- . . . . . actually if I think about it harder then that's not that bad. And it sort of makes it easier for me to understand things.) Frank says as he then walks towards the table in the sewer. That's right, he was still inside the sewer with the blonde goddess who was simply asleep at the moment. (Hey system, how different would things be in this update? Aside form the things that you've already told me.) Frank whispered as the system replied via prompt. [Host, there will be more comprehensive data available to you. And costs would be lessened severely host.] the system said as Frank sat down on a chair and sighed. (Can you open the Status now?) he asked. [Yes host, opening status.]





[Health]: ∞/∞ (Will Of the HellWalker: Passive [Immortality])


[Luck]: +149,832,327


[Stands]: [Silver Chariot: Act II]


[Energy]: [Chakra Manipulation]


[Cards]: [Will Of the HellWalker], [Inheritance of the Pink Omega] , [The Joestar Family Secret Technique: Running the Fuck Away], [Full Control], [Full Transformation], [Will of the Blind Idiot], [Will of the Radio Demon]


[Miscellaneous]: [Phone] [9,990 Rounds (9 mm FMJ)] [Stand Arrow]



(Hmm, that is. . . . . . acceptable. Seriously though how the hell am I supposed to get more Luck then?) Frank asks as the system simply replies that Frank can just use the luck in the souls from the dungeon. Hearing what the system said, Frank felt strange about it and just decided not to care. Taking a look at his new status, Frank felt as if that things would get more annoying over time. And he wasn't a big fan of annoying, unless he's the one who is. [Host, would you like to purchase more Legendary Packs?] the system said as the option shows up right in front of him. (Buy me ten of them, it's about time for me to become a bit more stronger if you know what I mean.) Frank said to the system as a smile started to grow bigger and bigger on his face. [Pending purchase, purchase complete. Would you like to open a Pack?] it said as Frank just nods. The Rolls come in and Frank smiles at what he was gonna get. (One at a time now, I don't wanna rush it too hard.) he says as the system rolls one time and a new thing had appeared.



[Congratulations Host! You have obtained:

[Living Specimen]:[SCP-053]

- SCP-053 is otherwise known as the "Little Girl", her anomalous ability is the constant descent to homicidal madness that affects any beings near her. They will first kill any other beings that are within the "room" then proceed to attack 053, once they touch 053 with the intent to harm, they with have a spontaneous heart attack and die seconds later. Any and all injuries that 053 would have sustained quickly regenerate within minutes, even going so far as to regrowing whole limbs. Caution: Please take care whenever you expose 053 to any beings aside form yourself. You are not harmed by her anomaly.



Frank seeing the numbers went slack jawed, this SCP was one of the most dangerous one of them, and it was just a child, a little girl that doesn't seem to be even ten for fuck's sake! And the fact that she's supposed to be an apocalyptic horseman with a "mount", makes her definitely Euclid/Keter. Hell! She could even become Apollyon if she trained with 682! Frank seeing this was elated at the fact that he had a very dangerous girl at his behest, but at the same time, the morals that were still with him told him it was wrong to use such an innocent being to slaughter people. Frank weighed his options and decided to just flip a coin, heads for use, tails for not use. Unfortunately, the coin had fallen on heads. This was going to be brutal.



/With the Loki Familia/



The familia had just regained the egg and had been experimenting on it for hours as of late, trying to understand just what is it that nearly wiped out the entire Loki Familia, they tried bashing it, crushing it with a rock, using failed potions on it, they even went so far as to use magic on it. Loki even went so far as to ask for the help of Demeter, and by ask, she begged Demeter for her help, in which the latter agreed for two conditions, one being money, and the other being the complete stop of bullying Hestia. Loki begrudgingly agreed to it and gave her the "minimal" amount of 7,000,000 Valis, that wasn't much due to inflation in Orario, but it was better in the more rural areas. when she saw the egg, she felt an unnerving amount of fear and disgust coming from it, she said what she was feeling to Loki and was given a glass of water, the minute she touched the egg, she opened her eyes and ran from it, going to the bathroom to vomit the majority of the contents of her stomach.



/Demeter POV/



{That creature, oh that poor creature, it doesn't even have a soul, it's so hollow, are these what the monsters of the dungeon, soulless beasts that only want to kill? No! There must be some good to them! They're just children without souls, yes that's what they are!} Demeter thought to herself as she opened up the bathroom and saw the Loki Familia look at her with worry. (Demeter-sama, are you okay? You went to the bathroom as soon as you touched the egg. Is there something you found from it?) Riveria asked as Demeter nodded her head as she spoke to them. (The beast within the egg has no soul, in its place was some sort of seal, it looked so strange, it was like a white circ-) She spoke until she was interrupted by Finn (A white circle with three white arrows in it pointing at the center. Is that what you saw Demeter-sama?) Demeter was shocked that Finn knew what she saw. (It's the mask of that bastard! He wore it when he made his statement against Orario! He basically declared war on the entire city of Orario!) a gruff voice said as they saw a very specific werewolf walk through the door with bandages on his body.



(Bete! You should be in bed, why are you going around in this state?!) Riveria said as she used her healing magic on Bete's wounds so that they won't flare from pain. (That bastard put me in this state old hag! Why wouldn't I be pi-) he says before noticing what he just said and looked at Riveria's expression which was very very dark. (The second you're healed, report to me, I'll give you a sufficient training routine so that you won't be beaten again.) she said with a cold expression on her face as Bete gulped at the thought of it, and with his tail tucked between his legs, he ran back to his room. Seeing this, Riveria sighed at his words and shook her head before returning to give attention and answers to Demeter. (Forgive me Demeter-sama, he was beaten by the dungeon master, he grabbed Bete by the throat and slammed him to the ground multiple times before running away, leaving Bete at the verge of death. He's one of the most dangerous people that exist within these walls as of late.) Demeter hearing this nodded at what Riveria and started to think of what he might be like, to attack a familia member but leave him barely alive. {Whoever he may be, it's still wrong to toy with the lives of so many beings, I must have a talk with him!} she thought as she continued to talk with the Loki Familia of what the man thinks while creating these beings, then she promptly left the city to return to her familia, since she's the goddess of harvest, and to a lesser extent, a goddess of life.



/Back to Frank/



Frank was simply looking at what was going to happen if he summoned the little girl, glossing over the entirety of her description before grabbing the card and tearing it. Then a white ball of light appear out of nowhere. It started to grow before disappearing entirely, leaving a small child curled into a fetal position, asleep. Seeing this, Frank was genuinely scared for a second before remembering the caution that came with her. {Well, here goes nothing.} he thinks as he woke up the child. She woke up rubbing her eyes before looking around and seeing Frank. (Hello there little one.) he said to the girl as she replied (Hello Mister, who are you?) Frank seeing the innocent expression that the child had his heart melted. (My name is Frank sweetie, I'm the man who brought you out of that white place honey.) he said as the girl noticed where she was in. (Mister?) she asked. (Yeah kiddo?) Frank replied to her. (Where are we?) she asked as Frank bluntly replied to the child (We're in the sewer kiddo, I work for somebody who likes to live here.) she nodded at what he said before he asked her (Hey kiddo, could you do me a favor?) and she nodded to his words, he then whispered what he wanted her to do.

1741 words, I cultivate the Dao of Cliff mortals, bow before me! In all seriousness though, I've been watching a bunch of stuff about Warhammer 40K, I'm not so confident if I want to write about that but I'll incorporate a bit of it. anyways and as always, I'll see you guys, on the dark side of the moon! Peace!

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