
The MEEK ME, turned into FIERCE ME.

A cold but lovely wife, and loving husband. She was loved by her parents and siblings. Becoming a successful mysterious billionaire, she fell in love with a man but she was so proud to say that she loves him and she needs him. "Darling, I want to you all to myself," he said. "___" she was speechless seeing his coquettish expression. She was addressing the wound on his hand when "wifey my little brother is also hurt mend him for me." again she was speechless -_____- "Nada, Do you love me?" asked Theo. "Hmm," she answered. After hearing yes from his wife he was on cloud nine. He knew that she loves him but she is too proud to confess, so he will make sure she says that she loves him. ~Joshua Wyatt Grayson, a famous Casanova in the eyes of the world. A kind and innocent man to the people who knows him well. He fell in love with a girl. "I love you," said Joshua. "I love you too." This was the reply he got. He swore that he will make her happier. He will steal her pains and give his happiness to her. ------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a double love story. Assist the Two lovely couples on their voyage of love. I don't own the cover. All rights reserved to the owner.

flyerHz · Urban
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61 Chs

Who are you?

"Nada are you sure about that?" asked Anas.

"Yes," Nada said with determined eyes.

"You know she'll never agree to this," said Anas.

"But I want her to be happy. She deserves much better than all of this," said Nada in a sad tone.

"Dear sis, listen to me don't be like this. I know she will not like this. And we are her best friends, not her enemies. Forcing her to do this is not good," Anas said hugging Nada.

After thinking for a while Nada nodded her head.

On Ian's side.

"Boss there is a window on the south side. We can go inside through it," said Ian's assistant.

Ian signalled his comrades and entered the mansion. The mansion was quite huge and so there were many rooms. Ian signalled half of his men to go upstairs and others to check the rooms.

Ian with remaining men inspected the lounge and then kitchen area. Searching through the kitchen Ian's assistant suddenly fell and landed on his face.

"Ahh," Ian's assistant muffled his groan.

"Be more careful," said Ian.

"His eyes have weakened," joked one of the men.

"Be serious," warned Ian.

"Sorry Boss."

Ian's assistant glared at his partner and said,

"Boss, come here. See it's like a hood or maybe a door to some hidden area."

Ian looked carefully and indeed it was like a wooden door under the carpet in the kitchen. He removed the carpet and tried to open the door but it was locked.

Ian took out a sharp blade and opened the lock on the door. He rotated the blade several times and heard a *cling sound.

"It's open," exclaimed his assistant.

Ian lifted the plank of the door carefully. Some stairs were revealed once Ian opened it. He turned his night vision glasses on and said,

"Four of you stay here. Max, Joe you both come with me."

Max was Ian's left-hand man while Joe was his assistant and right-hand man. They both nodded and followed their boss.

Ian, Joe and Max descended the stairs and cautiously looked around. It looked like an underground dungeon. There were many people locked up in there.

A few were dead and some were barely alive. The place was filled with a pungent smell of blood. Joe and Max scrunched up their noses. They both were trained yet still felt the smell unpleasant.

They turned towards Ian but he still wore an expressionless face. Ian walked inside and scrutinized the humans in the dungeon.

Ian noticed a young boy. He looked five to six years old. Ian frowned and went near the cell where the boy was. He opened the cell door and tried to approach the boy. But the boy shrank back obviously wary of him.

"W-h-o-Who are you?" spoke a feminine gruff voice.

The voice came from the right side of the cell. Ian looked to his right and saw a woman sitting there with a dead person on her lap.

Ian's eyes went wide seeing who it was. He could not believe that this person was in such a sorry state.

"Boss we have kept them captive. The mansion is under check," shouted Joe.

Ian shook his head and stood up. He exited the cell and was going to say something to Joe when he heard the woman,

"Are you....?" she trailed off.

Ian refused to answer and ordered Joe,

"Joe, Get the alive ones to the hospital." Saying that Ian left.

On the other hand, news about the new heir of Augustus family arriving in Country A was being aired.

[It is said the mysterious young master of Augustus family is back in the country.]

[Rumor is that he is an illegitimate child. And the legitimate heir is someone else.]

[Some talks are that the infamous and mysterious Augustus' heir is a psycho.]

"What kind of bull-shit are they spouting?" roared a man.

"How can they say such things like that for our little bean," said an angry young man.

"How dare they? I'll make sure to make all these channels close down by tomorrow," said the third man furiously.

These three young men were Ian's brothers. They were named Harry, Ivan, and Peter. They were sitting in the lounge in Augustus family Mansion.

The servants standing behind them were shaking their head. They all were sympathizing with these dumb people who said such things about their young master Ian.

'These possessive brothers will ruin these dumb people. Oh, it's not easy to be a reporter.' thought the assistants of the trio.

"Lucian, make these channels shut down," shouted Ivan who was the eldest to his assistant.

Lucian could only nod and went to make the necessary calls.

Harry and Peter looked at each other. They doesn't want to stay behind. They will also do something for their little sibling.

Harry and Peter both nodded at each other and called their assistants to come over.

Harry said to his assistant Xian,

"Find out who was the one behind these rumours."

Peter said to his assistant Chen,

"And you find all the dirty laundry of these old geezers."

By old geezers, he meant the shareholders at Kings Corporations. Kings Corporation was the family business of Augustus.

Both of their assistant nodded and went to do their respective works.

When their assistants left the three brothers looked at each other.

"Will she be okay?" asked Peter.

"Hmm she will," assured Ivan.

"But..," said Harry.

"Don't be worried. She is our sister," said Ivan.

"She hates us. Will she accept our help?" asked Peter.

"Yeah she hates us," said Harry in a sad tone.

"She doesn't hate us. She is just not aware of the truth," said Ivan.

"Yeah, she doesn't know the truth," Harry said as if assuring himself.

Back on Ian's side,

After coming out of the underground base Ian went upstairs. Ian entered a room followed by his men.

A man was sitting on a chair in the room. His mouth was bleeding. He looked dishevelled but still grinned when he saw Ian. The man was in his early thirties.

"Come, come. Let me see who is so daring to get me The king of the world," the man said.

"You don't deserve to know Master's name," said one of the Ian's man.

The man sitting on the chair laughed loudly. He then stopped laughing when he didn't get a reaction.

"Who are you?" he asked with a dangerous voice.

Ian raised a brow and thought,

'King of the underworld. Yeah true to his title he is fearless.'

The man patiently waited for Ian's response.

"Tell me Who are you? Otherwise my snipers out there will kill you and your men," the man said.

Ian smirked. Joe scoffed and said to the man,

"Your lousy men. They are already dead."

The man widened his eyes and shouted,


Ian opened his mouth and two words came out of his mouth,

"Your Death."

The man on the chair felt a shiver run down his spine. He didn't know why this man was able to make him cower in fear.

He never felt such fear form anyone. He looked at the young man closely and tried to figure out who he was.

Max saw the fear in the man's eyes and said,

"You call yourself the King of the underworld *humph nut you don't even know the basic rules a king has to abide by. You are just a cruel Bast*rd."

The man looked up shocked by MAx's words. A thought came over his mind.

'No one knows about me disobeying the laws of the underworld. And no one can make me this miserable, unless he is...

No no, he can't be him. If he is him I'm dead for sure.'

I'll be using Ian when Isla is in her male disguise and Isla when she is herself. So please don't get confused. If you like this novel, please make sure to give your support by voting, Thankyou.

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