
The MEEK ME, turned into FIERCE ME.

A cold but lovely wife, and loving husband. She was loved by her parents and siblings. Becoming a successful mysterious billionaire, she fell in love with a man but she was so proud to say that she loves him and she needs him. "Darling, I want to you all to myself," he said. "___" she was speechless seeing his coquettish expression. She was addressing the wound on his hand when "wifey my little brother is also hurt mend him for me." again she was speechless -_____- "Nada, Do you love me?" asked Theo. "Hmm," she answered. After hearing yes from his wife he was on cloud nine. He knew that she loves him but she is too proud to confess, so he will make sure she says that she loves him. ~Joshua Wyatt Grayson, a famous Casanova in the eyes of the world. A kind and innocent man to the people who knows him well. He fell in love with a girl. "I love you," said Joshua. "I love you too." This was the reply he got. He swore that he will make her happier. He will steal her pains and give his happiness to her. ------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a double love story. Assist the Two lovely couples on their voyage of love. I don't own the cover. All rights reserved to the owner.

flyerHz · Urban
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61 Chs

Seducing the Master.

Ian aka Isla called his driver to pick him up. The driver came as soon as he can.

"Master," greeted the driver.

Ian nodded his head and sat in the backseat.

"To where?" asked the driver.

"Back to Villa," replied Ian.

The driver started the car and replied,

"Better, Master."

Ian leaned back and closed his eyes. He sighed and massaged his temples. He was thinking what to do with that disgusting woman.

'Huh, she sure is bold. Being a nymphomaniac is not a great thing either. It's a disease I wonder how did she turn out this way. But this is for sure that she is evil.'

Ian was busy in his thoughts when his phone rang. Without looking who was the caller he answered the call.

"Hey, Where are you?" said the caller.

"Nada, Just finished hooking a fish," replied Ian.

"Isla, your voice. Can't you speak like a girl?" nagged Nada.

"Woman, be practical," said Ian in a serious voice.

Realisation dawned upon Nada.

"Oh so are Ian right now," said Nada.

"Hmm," hummed Ian.

"Isla you promised that tonight we are going out," whined Nada.

"We'll go tomorrow," said Ian.

Nada pouted and replied reluctantly,


Ian smiled picturing Nada pouting disappointedly.

"Take care of yourself and bye," said Nada.

Ian hummed and said, "Bye."

After the call with his best friend, Nada, Ian felt fresh. He looked out of the window.

It was drizzling. The outside view was spectacular. Ian smiled. The driver was shocked seeing his Master smiling so beautifully.

This was the first time Ian smiled in front of his underlining. The driver thought to himself,

'Master's smile is so beautiful. And the shine in his eyes is bright. I wish he can smile more often.'

Ian coughed seeing a dreamy expression on the driver's face. His driver broke from his trance and drove attentively.

Seeing the driver went back to his normal self. Ian looked out again.

The car stopped at the red signal.

Ian was still looking out, appreciating the view. He was busy admiring the mother nature when a car stopped beside his car. But Ian didn't notice it as he was so immersed in admiring the drizzle.

A man in his mid-twenties was sitting in the back seat of the car. He was busy checking some statistics on his Ipad when he caught sight of Ian's profile. The man didn't know why but he dropped his Ipad on the seat and focused all his attention on the youngster in the next car.

The way his eyes sparkled looked whimsical. His smile was pure bliss for a maiden's heart.

The man didn't know why he was not able to tear off his gaze from the youngster. But he so badly wanted to touch his cheeks which looked pale like ice. Or snow as they were so white and smooth.

Ian was busy admiring the view of drizzle and the man was busy admiring him when,

"Master-Master," came the voice of a man.

The man who was disturbed between his admiring the youngster frowned. He looked angry. He turned and faced the man who called him. The man was his P.A who was now sweating profusely.

He thought,

'What did I do? Why is he glaring at me?'

The man gave his poor assistant a gloomy look as if telling that poor assistant,

'You better have something important to say, otherwise.'

"Master, assistant of Mr Gaumond called and conformed the meeting time."

The man nodded. His voice devoid of any emotion.

"Master the meeting is tomorrow at 5 pm."

The man hummed and looked out of the window but that youngster's car was gone.

The man felt disappointment in his heart and sighed heavily. He looked at his assistant and said,

"Find the person who was sitting in the car next to us just now. I want his details by tomorrow first thing in the morning."

"Master is there any specific thing that I can use to find about the man?" asked the assistant.

The man glared and replied,

"The car was black silver."

The assistant nodded but deep down in his head he was crying hysterically,

'Master how can I find someone just like that. You are cruel. I didn't even notice the car's model or even the no. plate, how am I supposed to find a person with just the car's colour.'

On the other side,

Ian arrived in his Villa thirty minutes ago. He directly went to change his clothes.

After changing he came down. He was busy reading some files in the lunge. He signed some files.

Lily came in and said,

"Master the dinner is ready."

Ian looked up from the file he was reading and said,


He arranged the files and entered the dining area. Lily and Nanny Rose were setting the food on the table.

He sat in his chair and said,

"Ahh smells nice. I'm famished Rose darling."

Ian always called Nanny rose like that. She was like a mother to Ian.

Nanny Rose smiled lovingly at Ian and said,

"Ian child, Eat I made all your favourites."

"Rose darling is the best," said Ian smiling.

Lily was mesmerized by her Master's smile. Ian's smile was sure intoxicating. While Jullie blushed seeing Ian's smile.

Lily's smile was pure admiration whereas Jullie's smile was filled with lust and dirty thoughts about Ian.

Ian took a bit of the risotto and hummed in satisfaction,

"This is so tasty~~~."

"Try this smoked chicken as well," said Nanny Rose serving the chicken to Ian.

Ian nodded and ate the chicken. His eyes sparkled tasting the chicken. He said,

"Rose darling your cooking is still so delicious. I love it."

Nanny Rose and Lily smiled seeing their usually cold master acting like a child. Where Jullie was still in her fantasy world, dreaming of winning his heart.

Ian finished his dinner and was going to get up when Lily hesitated to say something.

"Is there something Lily?" asked Ian.

"Um, Master I stewed soup. Would you like to give it a taste?" she asked nervously.

Ian nodded and replied,

"Why not, bring it in."

Lily happily went into the kitchen and bring back a stewpot of soup. She served it to Ian and patiently waited for his remarks.

Ian tasted the soup and said sternly,

"Lily how can you make something....."

Lily's expression became bad and cold sweat perspired on her forehead.

Ian saw her expression and laughed,

"Hahaha. Something so delicious. This soup is so good," said Ian.

Lily smiled stiffly and said,

"You scared me, master."

Ian just smiled. Jullie who was standing near the kitchen's door smirked when Ian drank the soup. She looked sourly at Lily when Ian smiled at her.

She said to herself,

"Tonight you'll smile only to me, Master. You'll be mine. Hehehe I'll soon be the madam of this house. Humph and that Lily will be the first to be fired by me."

Ian went upstairs in his room to shower. He was tired and just wanted to lay on the bed and sleep. He wanted to shower but he didn't have much strength.

All of a sudden he felt tired and his temperature was rising. He knew the reason of sudden hotness he felt. He was drugged but how can he drugged.

'I ate at home so why? Unless that soup. I felt a strange aroma but Lily can never betray me.'

Ian groaned and tried to get up for a cold shower. He was heading towards the bathroom when his phone rang.

He saw it was his assistant and decided to answer the call.

Ian hummed, "Hmm."

"Master target is locked come quick," came the hurried voice of Ian's assistant.

Hearing that Ian's eyes become sharp instantly. He replied,


"I have sent the location," said the assistant.

Ian hung up and entered the bathroom quickly. He pressed a brick from the wall and a hidden passage revealed. The hidden passage leads to a massive room.

Ian went inside and opened a cupboard. He took a syringe out, filled it with some liquid and injected himself with it.

"This will do it for now," he said clenching his teeth.

He went back into the bathroom, closed the hidden passage and changed his clothes. He came out of the bathroom and was shocked to see a seminude woman in his room standing with her back facing him.

He was instantly furious at this disgusting trick and ignored that woman. He passed by her trying to leave the room. But that woman hugged Ian from behind and said coquettishly.

"Master Ian, be mine. From tonight onwards you'll never be alone. I'll keep you company. I love you, Master, accept me."

Ian was disgusted by her voice and yanked her away.

"Jullie you dare," he yelled.

Jullie still didn't get the meaning in his voice and continued her seducing ploy.

"Master you'll love this here," she said while holding Ian's hand and placing it on her bosom. She didn't even notice Ian was wearing gloves.

Ian shrugged his hand away from her and slapped her in the face hard.

"Master," she whimpered coyly.

Ian slapped her again and yelled at her,

"Jullie, fu*cking white lotus bit*h just you wait for me to kill you."

Ian went away after that. Lily and Nanny Rose heard uproar in Ian's room. They saw Ian laving the Villa angrily. Lily quickly went upstairs followed by Nanny Rose.

They opened the door to Master bedroom and saw Jullie sitting there almost naked with a dishevelled look.

They immediately understood what happened and shook their heads. Lily glared at Jullie and said,

"I told you to not play with him. But you-"

"Humph, it's just he was not in a good mood. He'll surely like me," said Jullie standing up proudly.

"You are still stuck on that," said Lily incredulously.

Nanny Rose sighed and told Lily to bring Jullie and lock her up in the basement. Jullie was horrified to hear Nany Rose and started crying hysterically.

Ian on the other hand reached the location his assistant sent him.

Parking his bike away from the said location he went towards where his subordinates were standing.

"Boss everything's under control," said Ian's assistant.

"Good. Any activity?" asked Ian.

"Yes, sir there are uhm," Ian's assistant hesitated.

Ian raised a brow and asked,

"What is it?"

"Sir it's inappropriate," said the other subordinate.

"Oh Okay," said Ian.

"Leave it. Let's get in," ordered Ian.

There were a total of ten people in Ian's team excluding himself. They all got their positions and sneaked in an abandoned mansion.

"Be careful," said Ian to his comrades through an earpiece he was wearing.

"Roger Sir," replied all of them.

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