
The Med Ninja (Machine Translation)

The MC is transmigrated as Nohara Rin's big brother. He is a medical ninja and a swordman. This is a machine translation, I am not the author.

RandomSwordsThief · Anime & Comics
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52 Chs

Chapter 50

In the sky of the cold night,

half the moon hangs diagonally, and the stars are twinkling.

At the training ground at this time, there was no one else except Nohara Amazawa and Namikaze Minato.

At this time, except for the two of them, the others were already too busy to spend, and there were only two of them left to set off for the battlefield in two days. At this time, they were still in the mood to discuss ninjutsu here.

Nohara Amazawa was the first to tell Namikaze Minato about the problems he encountered in Flying Thunder God.

Namikaze Minato answered neatly, but occasionally encountered stuck problems, and some aspects were not even thought of by the reformer. "So that's how it is!" Nohara Amazawa exclaimed, the idea of ​​Flying Thunder God's ninjutsu suddenly became clear in his mind, and many places that could not be connected before were made smooth by Minato Namikawa's explanation

. . Namikaze Minato couldn't help but exclaimed, "Amazawa, your learning speed is too fast! It's recorded in this book, but the new ones I got after studying the Hirashin for a year, I didn't expect you In such a short period of time, I have mastered them, and I have discovered a lot of things that I have not discovered before!" "Haha, the predecessors planted trees, and the later generations enjoyed the shade, if you hadn't been here to help me answer No doubt, I have to be trapped by these problems for a long time." Nohara Amazawa laughed. Namikaze Minato secretly shook his head. Although he was always known as a genius with unparalleled talent, he had to admit that Nohara Amazawa's true talent was far beyond his own. Even if he didn't answer these doubts for him now, he just took a few more days to figure out these things. However, even if he was complimenting him in his heart, he just evaded it vaguely.

Minato Namikaze could only helplessly smile, "You're not fighting as a ninja... I really don't know if it's a loss for Konoha..."

"Hey hey hey! Don't take our medical ninjas as ninjas! Look! Look at Tsunade, look at me, and look at the other people in our medical department, each one of them on the battlefield is considered a fighting force!" Nohara Amazawa shouted in dissatisfaction.

"Okay, okay, I said too one-sidedly..." Minato Namikaze hurriedly apologized with a smile.

"By the way, Minato, I still have a ninjutsu I want to ask you, I don't know if you can do it, I originally wanted to ask the old man Sarutobi Hiruzen about this ninjutsu, but just in time for him to be very busy. , so I can only ask you."

"What's more polite to me, just tell me directly!"

"Okay, this ninjutsu is..."

... In

the next few days, although Nohara Amazawa has not yet Going to the battlefield directly, but also busy.

As Konoha's medical minister, he is the commander-in-chief of Konoha's logistics center.

Although Naruto sent a capable ninja called "Tian Ye" to assist him, there are still many things that he needs to see in person.

He must connect with Nara Shikaku and the others. He must store a large amount of food and medicinal materials at this time. After counting these grains and medicinal materials one by one, they will be sealed in the scrolls, along with their medical troops and logistics troops. transport to the battlefield.

He could only sneak in during this period of time, find time to accompany Rin to train and instruct her in ninjutsu.

The training ground in the backyard of Nohara's house

was already a mess at this time.

The originally smooth marble floor has now been shattered into pieces. The surrounding earth and rocks are flying around, and the wood chips are scattered. It is even more terrifying than the scene after the storm. It is simply a wreck.

Nohara Rin panted and stood opposite Nohara Amazawa, her forehead was full of crystal sweat, she slapped the fine hair between her forehead and left it along her cheek.


She was panting heavily, but her eyes were not as weak as before, but instead looked very determined,

"Brother, come again! This time I will definitely perform better than the last time!"

Nohara Amazawa shook his head, his eyes drifted in the direction of the door, and signaled,

"Rin, Minato Minato has sent someone to look for you, and his rear-drive troops are almost assembled, so hurry up and don't delay. The schedule of the big team."

"Ah!" Rin was stunned for a moment, then stuck out her tongue in annoyance, "Oh, my brother was so devoted to training with me, I even forgot what Teacher Minato told me. Sin, sin! I'll wash up now and hurry over!"

"Wait a minute!" Nohara Amazawa stopped Rin who was about to run away in a hurry, h. shot, and handed her something, "This is what I'll give you. I made an amulet, you stay on your body, if you encounter any danger, tear this amulet to pieces, and I will immediately rush to your side to protect you."

"Yo, brother, you finally didn't give pills this time? "Rin Zijiao had a wicked smile, and her brows were also dyed with a smile.

"You girl, hurry up and take it with you!"


Nohara Rin put the amulet on her neck, and suddenly came close to Nohara Amazawa, wrapping her hands around his neck.

The next second, a soft lip flap stuck to his face.

"Brother, I like you the most!"

"I'm leaving! You should also pay attention to safety!"