
The Med Ninja (Machine Translation)

The MC is transmigrated as Nohara Rin's big brother. He is a medical ninja and a swordman. This is a machine translation, I am not the author.

RandomSwordsThief · Anime & Comics
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52 Chs

Chapter 49

This kind of thing, in the eyes of Konoha people, is simply ridiculous.

Someone's eyes turned red all of a sudden, and stood up abruptly, angrily saying, "What does it have to do with us when they lose the wind shadow! Why do we need Konoha to hand over the murderer!"

"That's it! Ah, what does this have to do with our Konoha!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen sighed and said this matter, even as a Hokage he felt very difficult to handle.

"The time when the three generations of Kazekage disappeared, happened to be when our Konoha peace delegation went to Sand Ninja Village to negotiate, so Sand Ninja Village pointed the finger at our Konoha."

"The people of Sand Ninja Village agreed that it was We Konoha who were the killers behind our backs, and we detained the members of our peaceful visiting mission to force them to hand over the bodies of the third Kazekage, and only two of the ten members of the visiting mission escaped back to Konoha alive."

"Now the entire country of the wind has completely blocked the borders of our Konoha, and the country of sand has begun to send a large number of sand ninjas to infiltrate the border of the country of wind and the country of fire. It is like fire and water, and there is no explanation for us at all Opportunity."

"This battle is unavoidable now, and I have issued a recall order for all the Konoha ninjas who are still outside."

In the explanation of Sarutobi Hiruzen, everyone understood clearly. The Sand Ninja Village of the Land of Wind is framing them at all. This "black pot" that Konoha has to bear for no reason immediately inspired the unwilling blood types of the ninjas present.

"This kind of thing can be framed on our Konoha head, I think the people in their sand ninja village are blind!"

"That is, we have never done this kind of thing, where did we come from the three generations of Kazekage? Corpses? If we want to fight, we will fight, our Konoha people are not cowards!"

"Yes! If we want to fight, we Konoha are not afraid of them!" In

Hokage's conference room, enthusiasm was so high that the voice of fighting drowned out. , Several people's eyes were a little red, and there was a strong fighting intent in their eyes.


Hiruzen Sarutobi slapped the table and shouted loudly.

"Since the Sand Ninja Village has insulted us to such a degree, we don't have to endure it any longer. Although I, Konoha, have always loved peace, I will not be afraid of anyone's provocation! If we want to fight, we will fight!

" I ordered to assemble all Konoha's ninjas immediately, and conduct a mixed number of ninjas, Orochimaru, Jiraiya, the two of you will rush to the border of the land of fire and the land of wind with the vanguard early tomorrow morning."

"Yes! Sarutobi-sensei!"

"Namikaze Minato, you wait for those ninjas who are being recalled to return to Konoha, and then assemble the follow-up support troops and go to the border."

"Yes, Hokage-same!"

"Nohara Amazawa, now manned I'm nervous, and I can't do anything. I can only take care of the medical department and logistics supply. But don't worry, you don't need to worry too much about this part. I will send a ninja to assist you in counting and managing the number of people. You only need this. The medical minister takes the lead and takes the lead to stabilize their military heart."

Nohara Amazawa hesitated for a while, but he did not expect that Sarutobi Hiruzen would directly speak to such a degree, and under such public eyes, t's not good to refuse either.

He nodded,

"Okay, no problem."

In addition to the front-line issues being arranged, Sarutobi Hiruzen arranged a lot of things to do in the village for a bunch of other people, but Nohara Amazawa didn't listen too carefully.

At the end of the meeting, everyone went out one after another, and everyone's faces became more solemn. For Konoha, who had been at ease for a long time, the news of the war was too sudden, and everyone hadn't been there for a while. Be prepared enough.

At this moment, an arm was placed on Nohara Amazawa's shoulder.


He saw who was coming.

"Amazawa, today's matter is really thanks to you, if you hadn't handed over this information to me and let me report it to Hokage-sama, Konoha couldn't have taken measures so quickly, and I'm afraid the battle would have been delayed by then. Take the lead." Minato Namika smiled softly.

"Come on, don't give me any credit, that information was exchanged by those two patients with their lives, I just gave them to you." Nohara Amazawa waved his hand with a smile,

"By the way, you It's just in time, anyway, such a big thing happened tonight, you can't sleep, I just have a little thing, I have some doubts about Fei Lei Shen, I want to ask you."

"Okay." Namikaze Minato nods his head.

It's not like Master Orochimaru and Teacher Jiraiya, who are busy all night organizing the pioneer troops to go to the battlefield.

The follow-up troops that Minato Namikaze will lead have not returned one after another, and he will not be dispatched to the battlefield so quickly, even if he is in a hurry, it is useless.

It would be better to take advantage of this period of time to have a good discussion with Nohara Amazawa. He was also very curious about the extraordinary speed of reaction Nohara Amazawa showed in the last session, and even his own ninjutsu combination of Flying Thunder God and Ransengan could be used. Can defend.

The two avoided the crowd and went to the training ground together.

And tonight's Konoha, everyone was alerted, the lights lit up like stars, and the flaming torches shuttled on the road.

There are people coming and going on the street, one by one in a hurry, and it is even noisier than when Konoha is in the daytime on weekdays!