
We were all hurt

Canary arrived at the company ( Andersons co) and sat in his office. He was still being bothered by Lisa's stay in their Mansion. He knew there was no way he would chase her away even if he wished to.

' I should leave the mansion for them. " He thought and rung Micheal who came immediately.

" You called for me Sir. " Micheal said with a bow.

" Please have a seat. " Canary said and Micheal sat down.

" I want a house to buy. Can you get me one ? " He asked Micheal.

" A house , Why on earth do you want a house ? " Micheal asked surprised.

" I want to leave the mansion. " Canary said.

Micheal chuckled at this. " Are you doing this because of Lisa ? " Micheal asked.

Canary just sighed. " I need to. I can't stay with her in the same house. " He answered.

" Well i see. " Micheal murmured.

" Do you still love Lisa ? " Micheal asked Canary.

Canary giggled and gave Micheal that look. " Why ask that ? " He asked.

" The answer is yes or no. " Micheal said and gave Canary a kean look.

" I know it has been hard for you to accept the fact that Lisa is your Uncle's daughter. I know Uncle Joel hurt you alot , all the things he did in the company and killing your father. But Lisa is innocent about all these , Don't punish her beacuse of this. " Micheal tried to tell.

" I broke up with her even before i found out she was Joel's daughter. " Canary declared surprising Micheal who didn't know.

" Then why did you two break up ? " Micheal asked.

Canary got up from his office chair and said. " That's something between me and her. Tell everyone we have a meeting today at 2pm . " He declared and left.

As soon as Canary had just left the office he was surprised to find reporters outside waiting for him with their cameras and microphones.

" Canary...thanks we have met you . Is it true that Joel killed your father....we heard he was arrested .....why did you do it secretly ...

what about his lost daughter ...

? " Different reporters asked different questions at that moment.

Canary was silent till Micheal came to find the surprise .

" Who allowed them inside ? " Canary asked angrily.

" I am sorry sir. I didn't know about it. " Micheal apologized and looked at the reporters.

" We are not answering anything..Please leave as soon as possible. " Micheal said getting his phone to ring the guards.

" please tell us....please tell us..." The reporters cried not willing to leave the place.

" Fine...i will speak . " Canary declared in a loud voice and they all kept silent to listen to him. He was now live on all televisions.

Arya was at home changing channels to get a romantic movie to watch when she landed on Canary's face a live on tv.

" Mommy..it's Canary on tv.." She shouted paying more attention now. Lucy came running to watch.

" My name is Canary Andersons. A son to the late Mr. Alexander Andersons ." He started.

Those who didn't know him were now falling for his extra handsomeness and he talked live on wire.

" I am currently the President of Andersons co , a fashion and design company that i believe most of you are aware of. There has been a rumour since yesterday that my Uncle has been arrested. Yes , Its all true. My uncle known as Mr.Joel Rivers has been put behind the bars yesterday for killing my father."

As Canary had reached this point, Lisa who had been in her room at the Mansion had left to get some drinking water and she found Lucy and Arya watching. On seeing Canary live on tv she also stopped to watch him.

" That Uncle of mine , My mother's brother, killed my father because he wanted to take away my father's wealth. I am sure you all know that he had become the president of this company after setting me up for abusing the female workers of this company which was not true. But now that he has been sentenced to life imprisonment. I can live at piece. " He concluded.

" Oh what a sad story ! " One of the reporters commented.

" Then what happened to his daughter. We heard that he was looking for his lost daughter. " The other asked.

" We found her. No need to worry about that. " Canary said. Lisa was listening.

" Wow congratulations about that. When will she be introduced to us ? " Another male reporter asked.

" That is not my business now. " Canary replied piercing Lisa's heart with daggers.

" My only concern is now running the Company and that's all. " Canary replied to them

" One more last question Mr Andersons , How do you manage to live wiith your mother after what her brother did , and how did she react when she found out ? The old reporter asked.

" Everyone was hurt. " Canary answered solemnly.

" Everyone was hurt by what Uncle did. But as you know , sometimes we have to forget and move on. " Canary said these last words almost shading tears and he eyes were wet at this moment.

After these he walked away and the reporters gave him away feeling sorry for him.

Where Lisa was also released a tear. Likewise was Lucy and Arya who had not seen that Lisa was standing behind them.

Lisa realised she was going to shade more tears so slowly she walked back to her room silently and when she reached there she sat down on her bed and begun shading untold tears.

Canary also walked to his car and a tear dropped from his left eye but he rubbed it off with his palm.

" Canary , you have nothing to cry for. Your father Will never come back. " He said to himself.

In her tears Lisa remembered what Canary had said. " Joel killed my father because he wanted to take his wealth. " This is what Canary had said.

' Canary , you lied...my father killed your father because of what your mother did to him. She separated me and my mother from him , and all father did was because he thought i had died because of Lucy. Lisa said innery.

" I admit my father was wrong to kill your father , But i will also never forgive your mother for separating me from my parents and making me grow as an orphan. " Lisa swore as she dried the tears away from her cheeks.

" Its all your fault Lucy , You will pay for everything . You will pay for both Alexander's death and making me an orphan because you are the root cause. "

Lisa swore again.