
Lisa Belinder Rivers

The following morning, Lisa was awaken by the maid to go and join the table for breakfast. She washed her face and changed into decent clothes to go and join the family.

Canary who was on the table with Lucy and Arya already saw Lisa approach and got up.

" I am done , Have a nice day. " He said to Lucy and Arya. Lisa knew he did this intentionally because he didn't want to eat with her.

" Dear cousin.." Lisa called him loud enough for the rest to hear.

Canary turned to look at her.

" Are you leaving the table because you can't eat with me ? " She asked

Canary smirked. " Not really , I just remembered I have a tight schedule at work so I have to leave as early as possible. " he lied.

" Really , How about I prepare some food and bring it to you at the work place ? " Lisa asked to mock him.

Lucy knew where this was going so she interrupted.

" No need Lisa, Canary doesn't like eating home food from the workplace. " She said and turned to Canary.

" You will be late please leave. " She said to him. Canary made a bow before all of them and left.

Lisa smiled at Lucy and sat down to eat with them.

" I am sorry if i caused any problem. " She said to them.

" Its okay Lisa. I will be so happy if you and Canary get a long as cousins. " Lucy spoke.

" I am...Madam Lucy , May i ask for a favor ? " Lisa asked .

" Please do . " Lucy said.

" Now that my father is not around , You are the head of the Rivers family. I want to be fully iniated as a daughter to the Rivers. " Lisa spoke .

" I thought we did already. " Lucy argued.

" Aunty , Aunty look at me. I am Rivers but i still look like that Lisa that grew up from the orphanage. I would like to do some shopping and changes so that l also look like you and Arya. " Lisa said with innocence.

Lucy was happy to hear this.

" Lisa , i am glad that agreed to be part of our family. I will fully help you with anything that you want. Sure...

we shall go for shopping right after breakfast. Please have something to eat first. " Lucy said to Lisa.

" Mom...i really happy that i will also shop with Lisa and you. " Arya said smiling.

Lisa smiled back at them and decided to eat her food but the moment the sppon almost reached her she felt like throwing up and covered her mouth with her hands immediately.

" Are you alright ? " Lucy asked with concern

Lisa just got up and ran to the washroom from where she vomited violently. After that she washed her mouth with water and looked at herself in the mirror.

" i thought that my morning sicknesses had stopped. if i continue vomiting they will suspect me. I need to be more careful , no one should know that i am pregnant with Canary's child . "

She said and her mind came up to how she found out she was pregnant.

When Lisa went to Virgin island after her breakup with Canary, She used to work in the fields of Isaac and Rose .One day she was watering the flowers when she fainted and was taken to the hospital. On gaining her conciousness, The doctor came to see her with Rose and Isaac.

" I am sorry for making you worry , I should not have over worked. " Lisa apologised.

Rose laughed at her thought and sat down before her.

" Lisa , you mean you didnt know ? " Rose asked.

" Knowing what ? " Lisa questioned in confusion.

" You are two weeks pregnant. Congs..." The doctor declared.

" Preganant ? Me ? " Lisa could not believe her ears.

" Mmm.." Rose and Isaac respended.

" Huh.." Lisa begun cruing instead.

" What is wrong ? " Rose asked.

" I can't have this child , I can't..." She yelled.

" Doctor , Isaac let me talk to her. Please excuse us. " Rose requested and the two men left.

" Lisa , What the hell are saying ? " Rose asked her in disbelief.

" Rose...I have to abort.." Lisa cried.

" Lisa no...is that what the church taught us from the orphanage ? " Rose questioned.

Lisa was deep in tears.

" I broke up with him. And he hates me so much , just as much i hate him. I can't keep his child , I can't handle it. " Lisa cried.

" No Lisa...you can't do that because of such a stupid reason. Look at me , Do you want to have a child like me ? " Rose asked

" Rose , You have your husband with you who can help you raise the children with love. What about me now , I have no one. I don't even have money that will help me raise my child. How will i handle being a single mother at only 20 years ? " Lisa asked.

" My dear , you dont have to worry. You have me and Isaac. We shall help you as much as we can. " Rose promised.

Back to present...

Lisa after remembering this left the washroom and went back to her room to change.


Canary was in his office at Andersons when Bella entered.

" Good morning my love..." She said to him with a smile.

" Good morning, What brings you here ? " Canary asked.

" Don't talk to your girlfriend like that. I just wanted to see you. " Bella answered walking towards him and she sat on his lap while she put her hands around his neck.

Canary sighed. He had accepted to date Bella once again since he broke up with Lisa but the truth he wasn't feeling anything for her anymore.

" Canary , You don't know how happy it makes me that we are back together. I really missed all of these. " She said wrapping her hands around his neck.

" How about we go have breakfast. I didn't have enough from home. " He said just wanting Bella to get off his lap.

" Sure..." Bella said with a smile and got off him.


Lisa, Lucy and Arya went for their shopping. They picked a number of dresses , shoes and jewerry for Lisa and some for them.

" Lisa , How comes you have mostly picked free dresses , They are mainly worn by pregnant women . " Lucy complained.

" Aunty, You know i am not used to tight clothes and as you know i grew up from the church so...i just want to look decent. " Lisa lied but though her information was true.

" Ohh, i love that of you. i think i will also buy more of free dresses for myself. " Lucy said.

" Sure , i will help you select. " Lisa said with a smile.

They picked more of clothes and bags and later they drove back home.