
The Mates of Dragons

Xerxes is the last of his kind, living to try and complete a promise. The last one before he can just fade off like the rest of his kind. There is nothing left here, no mate is coming. Xerxes is the last living dragon. So why when he comes across one headstrong female. It feels like there is a chance? Kendra herself feels used, lost and trapped. A prisoner of those she works with. Those that hunt down mythical creatures in the world. Kendra however is about to find out that the world is far more vast than anyone could imagine. Especially when she comes face to face with the last living dragon. A deadly creature that has set his sights on her. Volume1: Mates of Dragons Volume2: Souls of Dragons Volume3: Atlantean's Mate Volume4: Atlantean's Dragon Volume5: Atlantean Souls Volume 6: Hearts of Dragons

Lee_C_Conrad · Fantasy
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458 Chs

Every World is Connected

"Get going, Torrence said to go. I will grab the last of what we have and bring it," Newark said to the one elite that turned to get the last items there. The rest taking off into the woods. Newark and Ganner had arrived barely a handful of hours ago. Torrence had been in a rage after the first fight with the Atlantean at the cabin. They were just getting back from seeing where the darkness had been. Where Newark now knew it was to keep new bodies to house it should the current physical vessel be destroyed. 

Newark was the last at the cars that had parked after the first ones that chased the group escaping the facility. They'd come from another direction, and he could hear the fighting. The gunshots, saw a flash of blue somewhere in the distance. However, Newark was in a really dangerous tough position. He could not go into those woods, he knew that it would get him killed this time.

"Fuck," Newark said more to himself realizing that he was probably up on time.