
The Mates of Dragons

Xerxes is the last of his kind, living to try and complete a promise. The last one before he can just fade off like the rest of his kind. There is nothing left here, no mate is coming. Xerxes is the last living dragon. So why when he comes across one headstrong female. It feels like there is a chance? Kendra herself feels used, lost and trapped. A prisoner of those she works with. Those that hunt down mythical creatures in the world. Kendra however is about to find out that the world is far more vast than anyone could imagine. Especially when she comes face to face with the last living dragon. A deadly creature that has set his sights on her. Volume1: Mates of Dragons Volume2: Souls of Dragons Volume3: Atlantean's Mate Volume4: Atlantean's Dragon Volume5: Atlantean Souls Volume 6: Hearts of Dragons

Lee_C_Conrad · Fantasy
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458 Chs

Close Call

Baker was running as fast as he could. In front of him, he saw Jake get shot in the shoulder. He went down, but Baker grabbed him by the good arm to help yank him to his feet. They heard the warning that Vintas gave. This was not good, and Baker was aware more than anyone else. This horrendous tingle went up Baker's spine and he glanced back and saw a fast-moving blur. It was the archdemon and it was coming right for them. 

"Jake shift to fight!" Baker called and Jake did. He shifted and turned on a dime to meet the incoming attack. Torrence clearly was not expecting such a brazen move and the werewolf got the upper hand for a second. Jake caught Torrence's upper arm in his jaws, twisted, and slammed him down to the ground. Then they were running again, as Torrence got up to come after them. Baker turned and shot with the weapon he'd been tossed from one of the others. He nearly unloaded it into Torrence having turned.