
The Marvel Multiverses Vongola Primo

Giotto Giovanni is a reincarnator; a fan of cheesy, power of friendship anime, and a lover of all waifu’s. How did he get to this universe? He does not know, all he could remember was walking through Comicon singing his favorite anime songs one moment and being in a new body with a new name the next. But Giotto won’t let this mysterious isekai put him down, he will rise to the top, he will achieve everything an isekai protagonist should achieve because- “I have the power of GOD and ANIME on my SIDE!”

Alexander_Wilde · Movies
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23 Chs

Chapter 19: Aeolia Schenberg and a Choice

After a long while of keeping away, Giotto had finally found himself truly resting- not that he needed it physically, at least before all this. Though as a former human it was still mentally taxing, so he spent quite a bit of time shutting his eyes and just pretending to sleep. 

Now though his body could continue to trudge forward but both his mind and spirit were nearing their limits. 

Celestial Enterprise, Vongola, Tony Stark, Giotto did not have much trouble yet and he was already burnt out. Add to that the accident just a few hours ago and the new person he just met, Jessica Drew and then there was HYDRA-

*Still, the things I did in a matter of months were really too much…*

Reflecting once more, Giotto found it funny that a lot of the things he would have only dreamt of doing were done in such a short amount of time.

From being a ghost, a nobody, he became a billionaire, lost his virginity and was on the road to building his own mecha.

*If it weren't for VEDA I would have not been able to do even one of these things…*

Thinking about it all, Giotto knew that he was only able to reach the current point he was at because of VEDA. 

He had all the knowledge, both technical and theoretical from Aeolia Schenberg. But he lacked the ability to make them work. 

*Aeolia was probably a huge Kantian, despite having access to VEDA, to the GN particles, he literally made all the things I know of possible and yet I am the one who was able to do so many things in the span of a few months…*

Recalling the anime, Giotto sighed as he thought about how the writers probably did not think too much about the background and everything else. They simply wrote Aeolia Schenberg in the best way they could to fit their desired plot.

Not taking into consideration any other factors which leads them to some crazy new discoveries for Giotto. In fact, Giotto would have never realized these problems if he did not reincarnate and acquire Aeolia's knowledge.

The possibilities for the GN drive technology, VEDA and all their derivatives were endless. But based solely on his own recollection of the Gundam 00 series and the knowledge he obtained from Aeolia, Giotto could only come to such a conclusion.

*I really want to talk to Aeolia, tell him how his technology was not used properly, how he could have done more… alas, all the system does is stay silent and randomly pop up in key moments or the most worthless of times…*

Giotto lamented as he closed his eyes wanting to stop thinking. He entered the world of dreams but as he did a weird change suddenly occurred. 

As the scion of life, Giotto was pretty much in tune with all his senses. That was why, the moment he felt a ripple in his soul, he was quick to get up alas-

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you… Mr-… well how about I call you Mr. Giovanni?"

Giotto tried to get up but as he did he found that he did not wake up in his room. Instead he woke up in a white space. As he stood up he realized that he was now face to face with a familiar yet unfamiliar man.

His features resembled a memory in his mind but the contrast between reality and anime just made things-


Giotto unintentionally let out his inner thoughts and surprisingly, the figure before him answered.

"I do agree, to think that my whole life and existence was nothing more than a piece of fiction… how… underwhelming"

The man, Aeolia Schenberg spoke with a tired tone as he shot Giotto a gaze that was a mix of lamentation and resignation. 

"Aeolia Schenberg?"

Giotto asked hesitantly, his gaze a mix of confusion and disbelief.

"Well, it seems that we both have certain thoughts which coincide, some that don't and… well we both can't believe the current situation-"

Aeolia spoke calmly, his gaze relaxing into an apathetic expression with a sigh as he continued.

"But, to be honest, I am the cause of all this- well not your reincarnation and the system but this meeting was indeed caused by my own selfishness"

Aeolia explained, his explanation causing Giotto to look at him with a shocked expression. Giotto wanted to say something but the moment he tried to the whole world, an angry roar resounded all over.

"Unfortunately we don't have that much time… all I want to tell you will be given to you through my memories."

Aeolia gave Giotto a warm look, he smiled as he extended his hand revealing a bright white-green orb of light. 

The old man lightly tossed the ball that quickly shot towards Giotto's forehead.

"Mr. Giovanni, you have been placed in quite an interesting situation. Your experiences may lead you to think, think about your world, your existence. I too had the same thoughts. But for now all I could tell you is-"

As the old man spoke, his figure blurred in static, like a glitch he seemed to disappear but only for a moment as he returned. A frown was on his face as he sighed and continued his speech.

"Giotto Giovanni, what you are experiencing is real, everything is real, I may be fictitious in your mind but my consciousness is a variable no one expected, so was that of the original Giotto-"

The words spoken by Aeolia shocked Giotto continuously, all his statements were like sledgehammers that shattered every wall of thought in his mind.

Especially when Aeolia named Giotto, the real Giotto. 

A memory came to the young man's mind, he recalled his first day in this world. The moment where he was breaking down, when he was losing his mind. As he was looking at his own weakness, his self doubt grew by the second the warm feelings, the prompt from the system came.

His world suddenly brightened but it was all a facade, he simply jumped on the moment, but that was also the moment he was truly uplifted. Not by the system but by the whisper of what he believes was the true Vongola Primo.

*The asshole even talked to me… wait… so that was-*

Even now Giotto did not believe that the words he heard that day and just a few moments before were all real. He knew that the Vongola was a piece of fiction, but he didn't mind. He survived his previous life using anime as his anchor.

He did not lose to depression, to loneliness, to self-doubt.

Pushing forward, he used all the characters in anime as his lifeboat to stay afloat. He may have been one of the crazy fans who religiously defended fictional characters, but to him those characters were not fiction.

To him they were real, he formed true bonds with them. He despised off brand fiction that focused on doing bad things to his beloved "friends". He despised any piece of fiction that made his "companions" cry. 

That was the kind of person Giotto was in his previous life, that is also the reason he did not doubt himself when he believed that the words of Vongola Primo were all in his head. Because to him those were the words Vongola Primo may have given to him.

Now though, the revelation of Aeolia Schenberg added a certain proof, a proof of existence for his dear friend. The words spoken to him by Giotto that day were not "all in his head". He was not "imagining things". 

"Giotto… Vongola Primo really said those words?"

All of Aeolia Schenberg's revelations went past Giotto's mind. Instead he was focused on affirming the existence of Vongola Primo that day.

Schenberg and the original Giotto had lived as a stray consciousness in Giotto's (MC) mind since the day the young man was given his knowledge. Since that day Schenberg had been watching all the young man's actions, hearing his inner thoughts and turmoil. 

The old bastard knew everything about Giotto (MC), he knew everything the young man had gone through.

It may not have been too deep, too dark or too bloody, it was not as depressing as those experienced by characters in the Gundam universe. The young man, before he became Giotto, could even be called spoiled at times.

Schenberg saw this, he felt a bit of disgust at the young man's thoughts at times. Distaste for his simple minded actions, thoughtless decisions, impulsive thoughts… If he were given time, he could have listed a lot of failings of the young man.

*But he's growing, every person is a compilation of experiences. His life is just beginning… and his future is filled with endless possibilities-*

Aeolia smiled looking at Giotto's expression, he knew what was going on inside the young man's mind. As such he answered the young man truthfully, with a warm smile Schenberg's final words were-

"He did, and so did I-"

With those words Aeolia dissipated into various tiny particles, his disappearance was reminiscent of the snap effect that happened in Avengers Infinity War and Endgame. 

Seeing this Giotto was suddenly hit with a wave of different emotions. Joy, sorrow, elation and depression, his mind was a mix of positive and negative thoughts. But as his mind was at the brink of chaos a green light flashed in his eyes.

*I… I see- this life… is not mine alone…*

It was a thought that stems from the cheesy power of friendship anime, he knows a lot of people would laugh at him. Cringe at his thoughts and even call him a baby for even having such ideas. But to Giotto, such thoughts brought warmth, and the fact proved itself with Aeolia and the original Primo.

They never acted like the typical "People who had their identity and knowledge stolen" archetype. Instead Giotto passed the torch to him, like a teacher figure from shounen anime. Aeolia acted like a father he never had, not showing love but still leading him towards where he should go.

Taking a deep breath, Giotto forced a smile on his lips. His eyes still held a mix of emotions but he did his best to hold back. His lips pursed and slackened, his cheeks and nose were twitching continuously. His chest was heaving up and down, his head moving back and forth.

For a few minutes, Giotto calmed his mind by repeating these movements, he did not allow his eyes to break. 

He did not care that his actions were like that of a child, but his heavy heart was not stone cold. 

Feeling like his head was in the clouds, Giotto did not lose control, no matter how much his mind was pulsating, from pain, from sorrow from a mix of emotions that wished to tear him apart- He held it all in, he took repeated deep breaths. 

And after a while he finally stopped, now steady but still lightheaded, Giotto looked up. The vast blank white space gave a feeling of emptiness but to Giotto it was not empty.

"Vongola Primo, Aeolia Schenberg… your wills- I promise to carry them on"

Giotto whispered in the wind as his lips formed a satisfied smile. 

The moment he finished his words, the world seemed to respond as it shook violently.

Despite this Giotto stood motionless as the whole world started to shatter like glass in the distance, he could see a vague figure.

It didn't look intimidating nor did it look kind, it simply existed, it was like it was nothing and everything. Seeing this figure a hint of understanding flashed in Giotto's mind-

*I see… so that's it-*

:action: snap :action:

Giotto's eyes suddenly opened as his body shot up, looking around he found that he was back in his room. He was still wearing his suit and as he turned to look at his watch, he found that a good 9 hours had passed since he laid on the bed.

"9:13 am… really now… hopefully Emma and the rest are doing well… though I could trust VEDA to handle things-"

The memories Aeolia shared, the knowledge he was given and the realization that hit him.

Giotto did not know how to take it all in, his mind wanted to stand up and start working. Using work and action to mask his own uncertainty to run away from his chaotic thoughts. But-

"They'd probably tell me off if I did that…"

Recalling his experiences, Giotto smiled warmly as he laid once more on his bed. The dark ceiling was cold but his heart was warm.

No matter how many times the image before him overlapped with his past life Giotto did not feel down or lost. Instead he smiled as he spoke to the empty space before him-

"You are not alone… not anymore"

With such words, Giotto closed his eyes in satisfaction as he let the warmth in his heart lull him to sleep. The emotional roller coaster that he has been through made him come to various realizations.

There were many things he had to do, many actions he had to take. People he had to talk to, relationships he had to clarify. 

Giotto could already see the chaos that would be his life, he already saw the troubles that would plague him. The trials and tribulations awaiting him and the many experiences waiting for him.

All of these- were nothing more than possibilities, but Giotto did not fear them now. He did not keep them as his motivation to move forward.

Instead Giotto used them to plan for the future, to find a path for himself and those he cared about. A path that would ensure the happiness of those around him and those he could reach.

"I already know what I need to do but… for now, I need to do something about this superimposition!"

Giotto declared, he stood up fixed his clothes and walked out of his room

"VEDA, where is Jessica?"

The many changes that occurred in the room would dictate the future of this universe, the changes that would come with movements and actions of Giotto. The unknown event in this room involving Giotto had once again caused a ripple in the fate of this universe.

Yet, only one person realized this, a mysterious woman who sat cross legged in a remote mountain top in the Himalayas. In tune with the universe, the woman had many thoughts racing in her mind, she had many things to look after, many problems to solve. But now, her focus was on something else-

A green flash of light momentarily crossed her eyes, but instead of panic. Her lips formed a smile as she whispered-

"So that is his choice…"

P.S. I know some people hate the ancient one, but for me... I also hate her especially in the MCU. But I can't just make it so that she doesn't exist now can I? That would remove a LOT of things from the universe and that is not even beginning to explain why Earth is still good after being eyed by various dimensional entities.

So yeah, I also hate her, I don't want her in the fic but she needs to be there to maintain balance... at least until the MC finally establishes himself and decides to shoulder the burden. Don't worry though, I won't go the- "Save ancient one" route, in fact I have a different plan for the sorcerers. Kekeke, those assholes better be ready for me!

So here we have the chapter tying answers to many of the things happening. This chapter was actually written a long time ago, before the short hiatus.

The only thing I changed here was the fact that Giotto had parts of his body left in the Quantum Void.

I know, he's kinda too OP, but I mean who in the marvel universe of heroes isn't? Look, if we analyze the MCU, most of the OP characters are usually held back by their heroic and kid spirit. On the other hand, not so OP characters are the ones who are more... bloody.

Yes, Giotto had shown that he was not completely heroic, he could kill and he WILL kill when needed. But among the people he had killed he only knew of two- no three... wait he also massacred HYDRA agents-

Well he's not the Spiderman level of "will not kill" but he is also not at the deadpool or Logan level of "all my enemies will be killed".

Right now Giotto is kinda sane, he's coping, with a LOT of things. Initially I didn't need to make this obvious but I had to find a way to insert this chapter earlier seeing as many would probably get confused with Giotto's various antics and changes.

In any case, this story was not meant to make you worry about Giotto dying or being defeated. I did not model this after Dragonball, but after other anime series.

The dilema here is- So what if Giotto can't die? Will Emma survive a funshot to the head? Will his new executives for his companies be safe after the action his businesses had done? How about Jesssica Drew? What will he do with her? Moreover who is that figure that seemed to destroy the space of thought? What did Aeolia show Giotto? These are the questions I had as I wrote this story arc. I didn't think

Will Giotto win? Will he get a powerup? These kinds of questions are there but are more background stories. In any case hope you had a great day, the next chapter will be coming out tomorrow. As of now, no delays are in sight

Alexander_Wildecreators' thoughts