
The marionette was my faithful love.

In this story the female lead found herself in a way to a relationship. She was forced by herself to help the male character to get out of the toxic relationship. Little did she know that the male character was a marionette under someone's control. "This is a story for my delusional friend so, most facts are based on a true story =)"

zlvneko · Teen
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14 Chs

Packing my things

My holidays were too fun to be true. I had lots of fun. I got to know more about the kids there, and they were really caring and friendly to me. Our friendship also grew even more. Arnt was very protective over me, and we even did some research about kids being abandoned. He was actually very smart and good at psychology. He told me lots of facts about it. I needed to write a paper on it, so he was giving me great help. "Hey, I have to return to my school tonight. I don't really want to, and even though I want to say that I would come back, I can't. If I go back, I don't actually think I will find time to return here. I don't even think I would actually have time to text you, though. I mean, I had fun, really. All those camping trips and stuff here were so much fun and memorable to me. All the moments here were pleasurable," I said to Arnt. "Well, I know that you have to go back and that I can't make you stay. I will let you go. But I know that you've found someone already," he said. "H-how did you know? I mean, no! I don't!" I flattered as my heart started pounding faster. "Well, technically, I am specialized for this stuff, so why would I not know about this? Plus, you are my childhood best friend, and we have known each other for an everlasting time." He replied with a smile. Well, he does have a point, though. I mean, if we were friends for this long, we would clearly know our feelings.

That evening, we went to the beach to watch the sunset alone, without the kids. It was a delightful moment. "Hey, since you have to go back later, don't you want to say goodbye to the kids?" He appealed. I just nodded back, admiring the sunset. Then, a phone call hits. "Hello? Who's this?" I asked. "It's Jimmey. I heard that you went on a small trip around the coastal area, and I am near there. Would you mind if I dropped by there?" He rambled. "Am, sure! But I am going back to school soon. But If you came by, I could consider myself 1 more day." I responded. "Cool. Send me your location by then." He ended the call. I sent him the address of the orphanage center when I saw Arnt looking at me with crazy eyes. It was just like the same thing that happened back in our childhood. He would go nuts about me being close to boys. I have mentioned that, and that's why I did not contact him for years. Jimmey arrived after a few minutes. "Why did you come near here?" I asked at a glance. "Well, I need to pick up something, so, yeah. Plus, I heard that you were nearby, so, I thought it would be fun to come see you." He stated. "Okay. By the way, this is Arnt. My childhood friend. "Wow! I thought you had high standards for making friends," Arnt sarcastically said, as if insulting Jimmey. "What the hell is wrong with you, man? Jealous? But all you can do is insult me, huh?" Jimmey replied. "I am not insulting you, I'm just describing you. Plus, was it even that bad?" Arnt replied. "Guys! Kids are there, plus, if you guys are going to fight, just get out. I came here for some peaceful time, not for war and conflicts. Are you guys just stupid enough to know about it?" I shouted as I got a bit angry. They both stopped and stared at me. The kids were thankfully not there. "What do you mean we were stupid?" Jimmey asked. "I didn't said you were stupid. I said you are stupid. There's nothing past-tense about it. Plus, I am definitely taking my legs off. I don't care about having a peaceful time here anymore when you guys destroy it. Bye bye!" I said as I walked by. They literally destroyed the happy mood that I had created so well. I packed my things, said goodbye to the kids, and booked a train ticket. It was about nine at night, but I wanted to go back, so I chose to go back this late. I was waiting at the station when suddenly someone put a cloth around my mouth. Slowly, I felt dizzy as I fell to the ground.