
The marionette was my faithful love.

In this story the female lead found herself in a way to a relationship. She was forced by herself to help the male character to get out of the toxic relationship. Little did she know that the male character was a marionette under someone's control. "This is a story for my delusional friend so, most facts are based on a true story =)"

zlvneko · Teen
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14 Chs

Bonds of my childhood

After the competition and all those problems I had to face, the school finally announced that we would have a long holiday to rest. It was about 7 days, which is one week. It was a lot for me, so, I decided to visit my old friend Arnt. Arnt and I were friends for more than a decade. We were friends since our parents were friends. But now, even though my parents have passed away, we are still friends because we have many special memories and many special bonds that we have made in the past. He was my one and only trustworthy friend. I don't mean that my other friends are terrible, but to gain my trust, we must know each other really well. I mean, Emerald is still not trustworthy to me, to be honest. But I believe she would be a good friend and not a backstabber to me. Arnt is studying to be a therapist. I don't really think he can be a good one because, if I am being honest, he is a psychopath. Since our childhood, he has been very overprotective of me and has overreacted to simple things. His anger would rise very easily, and he is just too weird. That's one of the reasons I've not contacted him for the past few years. But now that I feel bad about it, I think I might visit him or something. I opened my phone and scanned for his number. It did take me a while to do that because there was a lot of stuff on my phone, as I am an ambievart. I called him, and he said that I could come to him. He is now at the orphanage center. I thought that I could even make some fun memories there, so I decided to go there.

I actually had to do research for about 15 minutes on how to get there. We were far apart, and I did not know how to drive. Google said that I could ride the train to get there, but it would be like an hour's ride. I wanted to go there so bad, so I decided to pack my things and get there. I also believe that this trip would make me forget all these problems here that I want to run away from, so it would benefit me, I guess. I started packing my things and booked a train ticket. The train ride was not, surprisingly, that long or too bad. The orphanage center was located in a seaside coastal area, so, there was a beach there. I started to navigate around, but I wasn't making any progress for almost 30 minutes. But then I started to try and ask the locals there, and boy, was I correct. I should have just asked them in the first place. They knew where the orphanage center was, and they even knew about Arnt. I quickly went to the center, and at the first moment I saw the center, there was Arnt. I ran to hug him as he replied with a warm hug. It was a very tearsome moment for us. I was kind of glad that I could actually make new memories here, though. "Long time no see, Pearl," he said after the long hug was over. "I missed you so much, Arnt." I replied. "Now, let's go inside. Kids are kinda staring at us right now," he whispered. Oh crap! So, the kids saw us hugging. How did I not think about that? Well, I guess I was acting dumb right there. We got inside, and there were many kids. When I saw them, it made me feel pity for them. How bad were their parents when they decided they would abandon their children? How sad would it be when they knew their parents had left them? How could they even understand what losing their parents means at this young age? Well, I guess I would have to find out more about their lives later on. Plus, I am learning about a case to win an argument against stopping parents who abandon their kids.