

The reality of my mind... Be ready to step inside, don't trip!

princy_prince · Fantasy
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11 Chs



Did I not fit in your plan called, Life?

Was I not good enough?

Why are you pushing me away?

Why are you Imprisoning me in this cage?

Tell me, what did I do wrong?

Why are you treating me this low?

Am I no better than those gold diggers?

Why are you leaving me behind?

You promised we would be together.

This love in me is turning to hatred,

I won't be able to let go of our memories.

Tell me,

Why me?

Why would you torcher me so much?

I can't..

I can't do this.....


I never wanted you to feel this way,

I have always loved you.

I felt that I am good enough for you.

I wish you could read my thoughts.

But you keep building your walls high and higher,

And I am not able to to break them down,

Until and unless you bring those walls down yourself..

I wish we could stay for eternity,

But I don't think you will keep up to the pace of our relationship.

I want to go slow,

But you are rushing our love to a face of uncertainty.

I wish you could understand.

Tell me,

Why do you keep it high?

Why don't you just let me in?

Why are you closing yourself to me?

To the one who loves you dearly?

I couldn't breathe,

seeing you cry made my heart break.

But I couldn't do anything about it.

I just wish you to have a good life,
