

The reality of my mind... Be ready to step inside, don't trip!

princy_prince · Fantasy
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11 Chs


Should it always end up this way?

A fight, A Commitment,

The rage and A war.

It keeps making me feel dead.

It makes me feels dead on the inside.

My mind is dying,

But who would care right?

When I don't even bother about myself.

How selfish could I be?

Not caring for your feelings.

How egoistic could I be?

In the end the blame is on me.

You suck out all my oxygen,

And left me with nothing.

You just left me.

And you told me that I am Evil.

I am obsessed, I am worthless and ruthless.

You said it,

I am going to be nothing without you.

And I guess your right.

I am nothing without anyone.

Because I am all alone on my own.

And you wanted me to have faith and hope in life,

When I could barely keep us together.

You wanted me to have high standards and maturity,

When you couldn't do anything right.

In the end I am just left behind,

Behind by the people I look out for,

The people I once said, I love you and I will be there.

But I guess those memories,

Just disappeared into thin air.

Alone by myself,

Always and forever.