

The Moon Godess shed a tear as she watched another innocent die such a horrible death at the hands of those she had named 'the archfiends'. However, her spirits rose at the pure joy she felt blooming within her as the Mahani were in the middle of a mating ceremony. This was one of the few werewolf packs that had no archfiends. They cared deeply for all the people on their seven islands, wolves and humans alike. She watched the Mahani for a bit longer, reveling in the love they shared for their fellow man. She then turned back to the young wolf who was killed by her Blood Alpha during her first shift. She was an Omega - smart and loyal. She was also his son's mate. The Blood Alpha wanted better for his son. He took the poor girl's innocence before beating her to death. As the Moon Goddess turned back to the Mahani, a plan formed. Her people needed a champion to protect them from these evil, corrupted beings - wolves and human. All it would take is a little magic and some wolves with big hearts. She had plenty of both. And so it begins... *********************** AN: The books will eventually go to Wattpad once they are completed, but you get to see them here first!

April_Jester · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Chapter 17 - Dean

While only my coming of age will prove that I am the next Blood Alpha Montross, everyone treats me as if it's already happened. It's crazy that all these people act like I'm their superior, even though I don't even officially have a wolf yet. I'm going to laugh so hard if I happen to be a lesser rank.

Today, however, it came in handy. I told the guards at the gate to not stop Evan and just wave him through as he was doing something important. No one questioned me. If it got Amanda some help quicker, it was worth any punishment.

I doubt I'll be punished though.

A few years back, I overheard a conversation that changed everything. Dad was complaining to his father about not being able to go to the Mahani. It seems that at the exact time that a new wolf emerges, no matter the rank, it can be given an Alpha command. This is how new wolves with issues shifting for the first time are helped.

My father and his before him were given a command to never go to the Mahani and never allow them on our land. The command also added to pass it to the next generation, on their first shift. My great-grandfather believed this would create a never-ending cycle to keep the Mahani away.

He was angry that his fated mate was a lower-ranking Mahani that had more power than a Blood Alpha. He rejected the poor girl and in his anger, banished all Mahani from ever coming near us again.

That man never thought about how it would affect us, as a pack. We were not able to ask for help when needed and had the unpleasant task of taking the life of those not following the laws.

The cycle will stop with my father. I've made sure of that. I'm told we can feel the shift coming about an hour or two before. Plans are in motion to keep him away from me when I shift. I've also tried my best to keep him away from any others having their first shift, just in case.

My mother knows what I'm doing and is helping me because of the grief my father goes through each time someone dies because of this banishment, or each wolf he has to kill.

I went to see Evan's mother, to ask for any information on Amanda. She gave me great news. Amanda will live. She was rejected by a Blood Alpha and then given a command to never tell anyone. Poor thing.

The Blood Alpha decided on a Mahani for his chosen mate but had to resort to kidnapping and rape as the Mahani had a fated mate. He is awaiting his death.

Amanda will be gone for a while, as she heals and gets counseling. We don't have that here. Many wolves over the last couple of generations have died from the pain and sadness of rejection.

I guess it's time to tell Dad. With my heart in my throat, I headed to the main packhouse. I hope he doesn't go into a rage. I've seen him do that and I don't want to be on the receiving end.

His office door was shut and I knocked lightly, in case he was busy.

"Come in, Dean."

I'll admit it, I'm scared. While I was so sure at the time that his gratitude for Amanda surviving would outweigh the trickery, I'm not so sure now.

"Are you busy?" I asked.

"No. I'm just waiting on an update."

"Who is bringing the update?" I should keep others away. Just in case.

"You are. So, tell me."

He looked me in the eye and I may have peed a little.

"Um, so, um, Amanda was rejected by a Blood Alpha and given a command to not tell anyone. The Blood Alpha then attacked a Mahani that he wanted as a choice mate. The Council has sentenced him to die." I said very fast. My nervousness increased when I didn't get a response for almost a full minute.

"And how do you know this?" He finally asked.

"Evan snuck her out and to the Mahani," I replied softly.

"Really? He did this alone?"

"I may have told the guards not to stop him." I barely whispered.

My father didn't say anything for a good three minutes. They felt like the longest minutes of my life.

"I still feel her Pack bond. Will she live?"

"Yes. She won't be returning for a while though. She was near death." After a moment I added, "I'll take my punishment, whatever it may be."

My father just stared at me, saying nothing.

Finally, he stood and walked over to me. I was too frightened to move. His hand suddenly wrapped around my throat, cutting off my air. His eyes were glowing with his wolf.

"You will never defy me again!" He shouted.

I clawed at his hand while trying desperately to get air. Right before I passed out, he let go. I fell to the floor, coughing, tears running down my face.

I watched him take a calming breath before he opened his eyes again.

"Go to the infirmary and get checked out since you don't have wolf healing. After, you will report to double physical training every day for the next month."

I nodded, stood, and left his office. That was the first time he had ever laid a hand on me and I was visibly upset as I ran to the infirmary.

While sitting on the hospital bed, getting checked out, several things occurred to me.

One, when he yelled at me to not defy him again, it was not an Alpha command, even though his wolf was present. I thought about that hard.

Two, the people in the infirmary spread the word quickly that my father did this to his son for breaking the rules. No favoritism.

Third, and most importantly, even though I was supposedly the next Blood Alpha, I was punished. They respected my dad for that.

He unknowingly left the door open for me to do this again, if necessary. I wonder if he knew what he was doing.

I think he did.