

The Moon Godess shed a tear as she watched another innocent die such a horrible death at the hands of those she had named 'the archfiends'. However, her spirits rose at the pure joy she felt blooming within her as the Mahani were in the middle of a mating ceremony. This was one of the few werewolf packs that had no archfiends. They cared deeply for all the people on their seven islands, wolves and humans alike. She watched the Mahani for a bit longer, reveling in the love they shared for their fellow man. She then turned back to the young wolf who was killed by her Blood Alpha during her first shift. She was an Omega - smart and loyal. She was also his son's mate. The Blood Alpha wanted better for his son. He took the poor girl's innocence before beating her to death. As the Moon Goddess turned back to the Mahani, a plan formed. Her people needed a champion to protect them from these evil, corrupted beings - wolves and human. All it would take is a little magic and some wolves with big hearts. She had plenty of both. And so it begins... *********************** AN: The books will eventually go to Wattpad once they are completed, but you get to see them here first!

April_Jester · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Chapter 10 - Sam

The new day has dawned and I stretch beside my beautiful mate, Lily. Her wolf lets out a small bark at me for waking her. Too cute. She is an Omega - smart and strong. Everyone believes my calming power is from being a Blood Alpha, and it is strong, but I do pull her power when I need it. She is amazing. While I could spend the whole day staring at her, I need to check on Nicolas and make sure the safety precautions are set up for his Mate Meet.

There is always potential for something to go wrong so over the thousands of years we have been doing this, we learned from our mistakes.

In this case, both of the mates have trauma. This usually means it will go surprisingly easily or get bad very fast. There is very little grey area to focus on. My hope is it goes easy.

As I get dressed, my love hands me a cup of coffee, nectar from the Goddess. I check in with the girls to see how the children are. They all spent the night at Grace's. This reminds me to send a quick check to Gamma Two, to make sure she is keeping an ear on the Elementals. She had seen Grace late afternoon, yesterday.

Grace is not cleared for work but is stable, which is what I expected. What happened to Nicolas took an extra toll on her but helping with the children is soothing her soul. She normally spends a great deal of time at the daycare after a mission anyway.

I kiss my lovely mate goodbye and head off to the medical ward. My work never stops.

The male Omega who was given the task of tending to Nicolas is in a snit and I'm sure I know why.

"Nicolas," I say in a stern voice, "stop tormenting the people helping you."

He turns away from the nurse to look at me and I see his wolf's glowing eyes.

"I understand you don't want people touching you right now but it must be done so you can get better," I said. "Don't you want to go home?" I asked, trying a different approach.

His eyes returned to normal and he sighed before turning back to the Omega.

"I'm sorry, Micky. He's very stressed out."

"Completely understandable. Can I please get this medication in you? It's to make sure all the drugs are gone."

Nicolas agreed and the shot was given in his left upper thigh. His wolf didn't want anyone touching him close to that area. I could understand why.

"Did you sleep at all?" I asked.

"Some, but not as much as I needed. The stress of the Mate Meet is mixing with what happened and my nightmares are creative, to say the least."

"If it helps any, she is just as concerned as you are. I think she didn't believe me that you aren't going to reject her."

Nicolas stared at me, dumbfounded.

"The medication takes an hour to clear your system. All of your other test results are negative. You can be released once that hour is over." The Omega said before nodding to me and leaving the room.

"Are you going to let me go see the children before the Mate Meet?"

He knew the answer so I wasn't sure why he asked the question. Instead of answering, I asked my own.

"Why are you so worried about them? Or is it something else?"

"I just want something concrete to hold on to." His words were low and soft.

"You can see them after. Right now, they smell of two Alpha females." I chuckled before adding, "And Doc taught them a new trick."

Nicolas rubbed his hands down his face and rolled his eyes.

"How about you spend the next hour getting cleaned up and dressed? I'll have a Beta bring over some clothes for you."

After assigning a male Beta to help Nicolas choose an outfit, I headed over to the location of the Mate Meet, via Alpha ring, which is a clearing on the edge of the Sinclair Pack lands.

Blood Alpha Sinclair was there, with several Beta females. I'm so glad he listened to my instructions. Nicolas will meet her Blood Alpha and father first, to get their scent, before meeting his mate. Any male scent on Kayla could cause a problem. This lowers that chance.

"Good day to you, Alex."

"Good day to you, Sam. Could you explain this?"

"My people are setting up a sealed room made of plastic to keep out any lingering scents in the area. The outfits they are wearing will prevent them from leaving a scent behind. I know this may seem overboard but we've learned the hard way how a scent can trigger a bad situation. While this is mandatory when an Alpha is involved, we do this now for all meets as it's happened with all the ranks. Safety is our biggest priority, Alex. Has Kayla had a good bath and only associated with females today?"

"She has." He walked closer to me and motioned me to take his hand, so the rest of our conversation was through mindlink.

"Her brothers asked permission to go through the old library after you left. They wanted more information about the Mahani. Even though you told her so, and her brother also informed her that you told the truth, she still has the fear that he will reject her. Is this a possibility?"

I thought about what he said and my conversation with Nicolas a few moments ago.

"Does she want children? I'm not sure if Nicolas will give them up for his mate."

"She does. Her wolf is over the moon about having pups."

"We have no worries then. He won't reject her." I said. "But I have to ask, once she realizes this, what are the chances she will reject him?"

Alex seemed to think hard about that. I didn't look into his mind to see his thought process as he would know what I was doing and most likely take that anger out on Nicolas. But, I wanted to.

"Kayla's parents are Alpha and Omega. She has never treated mixed-rank couples with distaste and has defended them to others. She knows of his shift but stated she did not want to become a Mahani, however, I got the feeling she is still thinking about it. She would take down any wolf that goes after her mate or children. She is very protective, as that trait runs in their family. And lastly, they both have the emotional baggage you spoke of. So my instincts are saying no, she would not reject him, but - she asked me years ago not to look inside her mind and I agreed and have not done so."

I pulled my hand away from Blood Alpha Sinclair and placed it on his shoulder.

"So we wait and hope for the best."