
Ch 3-Nothing gained

*you have survived your time this far do not grow complacent time remaining Is an hour there is still 33 views remaining*

'oh shit it was to peaceful'

he almost forgot about the trial with a start he rallied the group

"now listen we have a small group and supposedly we one of 4 kins the star Kin there is the Crimson, necros and also the elemental Kin, I can only guess that we'll be facing them so we should prepare if going from my guess with what happened to is correct then we can gain more allies from the wisps like we did you but first we need to burry we only have an hour so me must move quickly I'm not sure what path is ahead of us, but we need to prepare"

After a quick nod so began the crushing of foes all enemies spiders lizards ogres and goblins and more were slain.

*conversion unlocked gained 100 gold as reward- you can use this to get xp to gain skills once used will unlock skills and buffs*

'open conversion 2 gold could get you 1 xp so I'm guessing most skills the higher you get needed more xp'

'convert 50 gold to xp giving him 25 xp'

*unlocked skills and buffs reward 2 xp and 100 gold*

a screen came up all grayed bar 2 unlock able stars 1st star was increase gold drop by 2% each upgrade meaning he'd be getting nearly 2 gold a goblin and nearly 4 for a spider

or star 2

which was all units are blessed by the stars and gain 5%additional dps per level up

'both are 5 xp so why not get both this left the character 17 xp so he checked the buff page.

only 1 unlockable star huh

whilst the warden is in play the Kin will receive the blessings of the cosmos meaning health and dps are increased by 10%

'17 xp that was his remaining xp what how cruel of this system to be so pricy'

'fine it'll help I guess' after unlocking it he could only go back to slaying moving through the wisps all sorts of people were joining, farmers ,swordsmen and priestess plus healers elves and people after short of 5 remaining wisps he looked at the time remaining

* 5 minutes left you have been awarded every remaining wisp congrats now the big guy so don't die*



astounded everyone hauled around the warden did he just eek he's our saviour ,how can he eek. running forwards was a large lizard with solid black scaled. and deep purple eyes mixed with red.

all swordsmen and armed people ran to fight but were flung back within seconds.

most looked unable to get up.

The women and children looked at the warden. "what shall we do".

The warden had no idea he only could look at his fallen comrades in sorrow they were down for the count but he felt powerless.




The stars that shined so bright dimmed and the warden looked up.

If this was it then so be it.

This overgrown gecko is dead!

"roar who do you think you be fooling. I'm the keeper of stars the wiper of tears"

"die fool"

The character was radiating huge pressure all looked shocked he would go so far for them yet he only just helped them through the view.

Tears of sorrow for the lonely warden fell.

After punching and kicking stabbing bashing and ramming the lizard was torn to shreds.

All looked on in shock.