
ch 2-running into a new beggining

"well its obvious what I have to do now ain't it, the feckin impossible this is a swarm like sh*t bro".

A club laid on the floor near the character he picked it up and charge running with only a club swinging like a mad man catching both goblins and spiders that leapt.

+1 gold

+2 gold

+1 gold

+1 gold

*gold can be used to purchase exp skills buffs and passive states but also can used to recruit kinsmen*

After collecting the gold little gray streaks almost like smoke wisped off the ground at places

swinging continuesly left and right and spinning he claimed more whilst edging to the smog.

*bossing appeared / sub boss*

a 6 foot goblin with horns stood in front of the wisp as if to to only say death is the only way passed

"call me to your side young-un let's us advance upon your foes" bellowed forward a voice of demanding clarity "I will become your advisor to build up the Kin of the warden"

*do you wish to call upon nobunaga the general of the breach this will cost 12 gold upon request of the general*

"yes become my vessel and may we bring piece to the cosmo from all those beyond ,now arise and smite my foes for you are nobunaga of the star Kin who shine brightest among even space"

a man with a long bear 2 swords and a musket stepped out of the wisp with 2 samurai at his back

"we may be small in number but the star Kin do not fear you impotent filth"

gaining muster the character and his force charged swords and clubs swinging reaping all in there wake.

*sub boss has been eradicated 1 Kin token given can be used to recruit Kin or upgrade already beholden to your kin*

the character was grinning 'such wealth and power to be shared for my kin may we be bless by the stars'

After turning "old man thank you for your help once things settle I hope for a peaceful time for us all."

taken a back 'old man' this young lad who was barely even 18 called him old man 👴 what smarting brat could stand to his face.

"boy I am merely 45 call me old and you'll he joining the gray smoke by the way what is it?"

"star veil. those who have been blessed by the stars in history have there memory preserved in the stars for when they called upon by the warden of the stars.With you stepping out of the veil I can only think that you are one such being blessed?!"

'how did he know this he only was suspecting but still why did he all of a sudden know this'

"we must rest for now who knows what will happen they seem to be keeping away for now"