
The Backstory

Narrator : This World is Called Xenovia it is habited with humans, monsters, mythical creatures and demons. There is 20 year old Boy named Tadashi Fukuhara who wants to become the worlds strongest magician or what they call it in this world is a Grand Master There Could only be 1 Grand Master in this World. They Get their magic from birth that needs to be activated with either a serum or some other way, There are a Total of 9 Magic traits and Those are Wind, Lighting, Light, Dark/Shadow, Fire, Water, Earth, Ice, and Nature. the magic bearers have a limit on how many magic traits they can get. A normal person can get at least 0-2 magic traits then there is royalty blood or pure blooded they will get 3-4 magic traits.

Narrator : Now lets gets into Tadashi Fukuhara story.

Tadashi Fukuhara : when I was born, I didn't know who my Mother was because she died when she gave birth to me, my Father, he was an amazing parent he always protect me from my bullies and gave me some toys, when I was a kid. but something happened when I was 8 years old, something that made me change. it was the time to check if I have any magic traits to gain.

Tadashi Fukuhara : Hey papa, what would my magic trait be?

Kai Fukuhara : I don't know son but whatever it is I will always love you for whoever you are. *Smiles*

Tadashi Fukuhara : Ok papa but I hope I have a cool type of magic trait like yours papa.

Kai Fukuhara : *laughs a bit* hahahaha, so you wanna be just like your dad ?

Tadashi Fukuhara: *Smiles* Yes papa because you're the coolest mage I have ever met.

Kai Fukuhara: awww son that's so sweet of you.*hugs him*

*goes to the hospital and waited for their name to be called*

Doctor: Is anyone here named ***************** pls come to my room.

Kai Fukuhara: looks like it's our turn now son.*picked him up then go to the designated room*

Doctor: Hello young man are you here to see what type of trait will you have?

Tadashi Fukuhara : Yes I'm ready to know what my traits gonna be.*Smiles*

Doctor : *Smiles back* I like your enthusiasm kid. So this might hurt a bit but it will activate the magic cells inside your body *shows the syringe and puts in the fluid to activate the magic trait*.

* the doctor gives past lone wolf a shot then past lone wolf groans a little because of the serum*

Doctor : Ok now for the Magic Orb *goes and gets the magic orb to know what will his magic trait is* ok now just place your hand here and it will show us what trait you have.

Past Lone Wolf : Ok *puts his hand on the orb*

Doctor : Hmm, ( that's odd, why isn't it glowing even a little cause if I remember even if you are not born with a magic trait the orb will still light up a little) Ok, now kid you can take your had off the orb.

Tadashi Fukuhara : ok *takes off his hand*

Kai Fukuhara : So Doc What is his magic trait gonna be?

Doctor : I actually don't know because even if you don't have a magic trait it will still lit up even for little bit but for some reason it didn't even lit up. *checks the magic orb* Hmm, Maybe the orb is a bit faulty, so how about you guys come back tomorrow, so that we could do the test again.

Kai Fukuhara : Ok doc we will see you tomorrow to try again.

Doctor : Yeah Sure

*His Father and Tadashi Fukuhara left the hospital and now they are outside the hospital*

Tadashi Fukuhara : *stomach growls* Papa am hungry.

Kai Fukuhara :Ok son there is a restaurant near the hospital so why don't we walk to there.

Tadashi Fukuhara : Ok papa

Kai Fukuhara : * starts to hold lone wolf's hand and starts going to the nearest restaurant and it lead them near a long alleyway and he saw the restaurant* Looks like we are almost there son.

Tadashi Fukuhara : *sees the restaurant too* I see it too papa

??? : *Creates a barrier to where lone wolf and his father is and it concealed them*

Tadashi Fukuhara : *looks up* Papa is the sky always Yellow ?

Kai Fukuhara : Huh? * looks up into the sky and saw the barrier* (Shit, It is here for me but why now, I still need to teach my son, the magic power that he posses)

??? : *Jumps down to them and starts to walk slowly and then summons a scythe*

Tadashi Fukuhara : *starts to become scared* Papa who is that

??? : Ohhhh you don't know what I am kid, didn't your father taught you anything about us or even your teachers.

Tadashi Fukuhara : *realizes about something and starts to become more scared* Your a Demon aren't you

??? : Close enough but Am a Demon Mage

Kai Fukuhara : *goes in front of Lone Wolf* Why are you here

Demon Mage: The Lord has sent me to kill The Arc Mage Ichirou Fukuhara and your son

Kai Fukuhara : Do you think that you can kill me and my son

Demon Mage : Ohh I know that I can kill you and your son cause, I have been blessed by The Ruler of the Demons, he gave me the power to kill the both of you.

Kai Fukuhara: Lets see about that *goes into fighting stance*

Demon Mage : Hehe, this is going to be fun *smiles evilly then goes into fighting stance also*

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know and have a nice day.

KanemotoIzanagicreators' thoughts