
Demon Mage?!?!?!?!

Kai Fukuhara : *Charges at the demon mage then summons his saber/sword*

Demon Mage : *Charges as well while smirking*

As they clashed it created a big aftershock between the Saber and the Scythe and it pushed back everything including Past Lone Wolf

Tadashi Fukuhara : oofff *tumbles to a near concreate wall then look at his father and the demon mage*

Kai Fukuhara : *trying to overpower him/her* So tell me why your really here

Demon Mage : *Trying to overpower him* Oh didn't i tell you th-

Kai Fukuhara : Don't Give me that Bullshit, I know why your here. Your here to take my son *Overpowers him/her*

Demon Mage : *Jumps Back* Your still cleaver as always Kai Fukuhara

Kai Fukuhara : Am not just Smart * Summons A Hurricane at the Demon Mage* AM STRONG as well

Demon Mage : *gets hit and he/she was sent flying to a wall and then stands up and wipes the blood at his/her face* Hehehe That Tickled

Kai Fukuhara : *Surprised* (He really did got blessed by the Demon Lord, It means he is on my level)

Demon Mage : Now my Turn *grins like a psychopath raised one of his hands so high* Heat Of The Sun!! *a big ball of heat was created which all in the dome feels the heat* Now Stop This!!! *Throws it at him*

Kai Fukuhara : Wall of Ice! *creates a wall of ice to stop the ball of heat*

Demon Mage : You Think you can stop it with Ice *Expands the heat using his/her hand*

Kai Fukuhara : *Saw the ice melted immediately* WHAT!?!?! *gets hit by the ball of heat and was sent flying to the wall and it got destroyed* Arghhhhhh *spits out blood and has a bit of burn marks*

Tadashi Fukuhara : Papa!?!?!??!?!?! *about to run towards his father*

Demon Mage : *teleports Infront of him*

Tadashi Fukuhara : *was startled* ahhh!?

Demon Mage : Now lets go kid, My Lord asked for you

Tadashi Fukuhara : Am not going

Demon Mage : It wasnt and option kid *about to take Past Lone Wolf*

Kai Fukuhara : *Sends a Lightning Bolt at the Demon Mage*

Demon Mage : *gets electrocuted* Arghhhhh!!!!

Kai Fukuhara : *runs to past lone wolf and grabs him then they run to find a place in the dome to hide*

Tadashi Fukuhara : *saw that the demon mage is flying* Papa!

Kai Fukuhara : What is it son?

Tadashi Fukuhara : That Thing is Flying!!

Kai Fukuhara : What!?!?!? *looks behind him and saw the demon mage flying towards them*

Demon Mage : You think you can run and hide in my dome *crashes into the past father*

Kai Fukuhara : *lets past lone wolf go and hits the ground and then tumbles* arghh

Tadashi Fukuhara : *Hits his head on the ground and becomes unconscious*

Demon Mage : *stands up* Its time to finish this

Kai Fukuhara : *about to get up*

Demon Mage : Obsidian Prison *sprouts out of the ground*

Kai Fukuhara : *gets caught and the prison only exposes his head* ughh *tries to get out using earth magic*

Demon Mage : *smirks* You really think you can use magic while i got a hold of you *evil laugh* your magic is useless you know why

Kai Fukuhara : Tchhh *anger in his eyes*

Demon Mage : Ohhh Your not going to ask, oh how bothersome but I'll tell you anyways, Well its because this Earth Spell is not like any other this spell is forbidden

Kai Fukuhara : *eyes widen* You do know what will happen to you if you do that

Demon Mage : Yes but remember earlier that i told you that i have been bless by the Demon Lord

Kai Fukuhara : *realizes* No *while shaking his head* That's not possible!!!!

Demon Mage : Ohhh but it is. Now Time to Kill you!!!! Water Bubble *Makes a water bubble and send it to the Past Father's Head*

Kai Fukuhara : *starts lose his breathe and starting to drowned*

Demon Mage : yes, Yes, YES!!!!! *enjoy seeing him suffer*

Tadashi Fukuhara : *wakes up and saw his dad drowning* Let go of my papa

Demon Mage : *looks at Past Lone Wolf* Ohhh Nooo Kid, Your Father needs to die *Looks back at the past father*

Tadashi Fukuhara : I.....SAID.....LET.....HIM.....GOOOOOOOO *releases his magic aura*

Demon Mage : *felt it then looks behind him/her and his/her eyes widen*

Tadashi Fukuhara : *floating and controlling all the magic traits around him* .....

Demon Mage : It cant be *in disbelief* A kid wielding all 9 Magic Traits *looks back at the Past Father* I see why you left the Magician's Guild and went into hiding. *giggles*

Tadashi Fukuhara : *whispers* Combination Spell: CrossFire *Creates a mix of Ice and Fire at the Demon Mage*

Demon Mage : *gets hit and was sent flying to the other side of the dome* Arghhhh *hits the dome and has 3rd degree burns and frostbite then he/she slowly gets up* That damn kid, he became super powerful. I need to get out of he-

Tadashi Fukuhara : *Teleports in front of the demon mage*

Demon Mage : *got surprised* What the!?!?

Tadashi Fukuhara : Ultimate Spell: *claps his hands* Gate Of Heaven and Hell *releases his hands and it creates a big door with a face of the Devil and Angel*

As the door opens the demon mage saw a lot of souls

Demon Mage : *saw that the souls at going to him/her and started to run away fast* NOOO AM NOT SUPPOSE TO DIE, THE DEMON KING BLESSED ME WITH UNLIMITED POWER

As the souls tries to catch him they manage to cornered the demon mage

Demon Mage : *Panics as the souls come closer to him* No NO NOOOOOO!!!!!! *soul got taken*

Then as the souls go back to the door with the demon mage's soul it closed and it disappear

Tadashi Fukuhara : *teleports to his past father and removes the magic spells that was casted to him and makes the dome disappear then he goes back to normal and become unconscious again*

After a few hours 2 random people found Tadashi Fukuhara and His father. They called the Police and the police got there they took both him and his father to a near hospital and shortly after the demon mage's body got found. Past Lone Wolf is fine but for his father, he sadly died because of the demon mage.

Now after 4 days

Tadashi Fukuhara : *wakes up in a hospital bed gasping for air*