
The Magic Following.

4 teenage boys wandering a forest. I try to update at least 1 time a week.

Fleeing_Shadows · Fantasy
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27 Chs

The Battle PT 1.

In the next week, the company had alot of preparations to get done. The week was mainly used for building the arena, but what the two sides did with it was train. It wasn't an all out battle, but instead the five best fought each other. On the last day of preparations, Chris was out for a walk and ended up walking past where the arena was built. It was indoor, and they had to make a completely new section of the building (which will later be used as a second gym). It was very impressive. The floors were white with a large blue circle in the middle. It was built into the earth and the seating was about fifteen feat higher than where the contestants would fight. A lady walked up to Chris, "It's impressive don't you think?" Chris looked at her, "Yeah, it's very neat." "Oh yeah. We spent some time to make it as nice as possible." She said. "Yeah well, you did a great job." She smiled and walked away. Her black hair seemed to glisten as she walked. Chris turned around and walked around the arena. He managed to make it to a pair of double doors with a staff only sign. Chris scanned his card and the doors opened. He walked through and there was a way to go straight or to the left. There was a sign with an arrow pointing to the left that said, "Battle rooms." And another sign that pointed up that said, "Kitchen." Chris went turned left and there was a small walk way that turned into stairs. He went down, and it led him to a room. The pre-battle room. Where either Chris, or his opponent would wait. There was a gate with a chain that would open the gate, but Chris could fit through the little spaces in-between the bars. He walked out and onto the sand of the battleground. It reminded him of the games, but at least here I don't have to kill anyone... or see demons, Chris thought. He walked into the middle of the ring. He pushed the sand around with his foot. He made a small pile and stepped on it, leaving an imprint of the bottom of his shoe on the molded sand. He stood there, looking around for a few minutes, before he squeezed through the gate again. He walked back up the stairs and into the main lobby. A man sprinted through the doors, where Kyle was somehow already there. He was holding a note, before he fell flat on his face. Chris rushed over to see what happened. Kyle picked up the note, read it, noticed Chris was there, and handed him the note. "After negotiations, we will join the Legion, as long as: We get protection, we stay the trade capital and our rights stay protected. In return, you will have control over what comes in, and your name will be on everything sent out." Kyle jumped up, "Get this man to the infirmary." He pointed to Chris, "My office!" Chris made his way there, as Kyle ran over to grab Evan, Dean and Dakota who were messing around in Evans office. They see him and look disappointed. Walking into his office, Chris thinks this is going to be one of Kyle's normal, "Good news, now go work hard!" Chris sits down infront of the desk, when the others walk in. Kyle sits down, and for the first time, his posture is good. "I'm guessing you guys think I called you in here to talk to you about something good, and that's true, but there's more bad news than good. I'll start with the good, the trade capital has decided to join us." The group looked around at each other, that was good news, now we can trade more effectively. "Do you guys remember the city that you stole that gem from?" "We didn't steal it." Evan told him, "We won the games fair and square." Kyle nodded, "I know, but they don't think so. Evan, they know that the Legion is back, and they know that you own it." Evan leaned back in his chair, "So?" "In a days time, they are going to ban anything that slightly has to do with you, or the Legion. The punishment, is death." "That's absurd!" Dean yelled. Kyle nodded. "What're we going to do?" "Well, we already have a few spies in there that have been trying to tell people that the Legion isn't the enemy. They have been barraging them with propaganda." "And what, you want us to go in?" Evan asked. Kyle nodded his head. "Why is?" Evan asked. Kyle hesitated, "You four are the best of us. I'm going to be honest, I don't know why the police force is trying to go head to head against the Guardians." "But aren't we the problem for this whole thing?" "Yup." "Then why are we going." Kyle didn't say anything. After a few moments, he finally responded, "Because your the only one powerful enough to stop it." Evan rolled his eyes. "Alright, let's just get this over with." He said as he got up from his chair. Chris stayed back as the other went. "Why are we doing this?" Chris asked. "This city is one of the most powerful cities in the forest. Not only do they own the massive city, but they own other smaller cities and towns. If we go to war with them, I'm not sure how it'll play out, for us physically, and us politically." Chris nodded and walked out the door. "There you are. You guys ready?" Evan asked. But didn't wait for a response. In the blink of an eye, they were there. "Yup." Dean said, looked around then sighed, "Oh, were already here." "Let's get it done." Evan told them and walked into the city. It had changed quite a bit, the buildings were now different shades of black and grey. There weren't as many people walking in the streets and the ones that were, they looked depressed. There were screens on buildings with a man in a mask aggressively slandering the Legion. As they walked down the street, the screens glitched out, and it was now a live video. Everyone stopped. It was quiet, far to quiet for a city. "My people! The Legion is in our ranks, and that will not do." At that moment, a wall way down the dirt street opened. "Anyone, who associates with the Legion, has no place being here. Those who associate with the Legion, will perish." Chris looked back and there was a line of soldiers walking down the streets, parting into buildings. "Oh dear lord. It's a trap!" Evan yelled. "Come on!" He yelled as he ran towards a house. Then the first scream. There were already a few scattered screams, but this one was cut short. The line of men in their black uniforms, and the mask's, stripping any sort of humanity out of them, grew closer. They were coming faster than Chris anticipated. He ran into the house being Dakota. As soon as he got in, he heard Evan trying to calm down a crying woman. He baby was also screaming. There was a pounding on the door. "Don't open it!" Evan yelled. It was a short hallway, that went straight and took a right with the room that the woman, Evan, Dean and Dakota were in was on the right. There was another pounding on the door. Chris stood looking at it, he took a step towards it, and I'm the span of less that a second, Mante had taken over. His mask was up and it was all a violent, pulsing red. Not less than a second later, and the room got very quiet, the woman stopped crying, the baby stopped screaming, Evan stopped talking. Then as the peak of the quiet hits, the door blows in with a blinding light and a loud BOOM. Chris is immediately thrown into the wall, then he gets hit through the wall. He looks around and he in the kitchen, a big hole in the wall, and a giant, beefy man walks past the hole and into the same room as Chris. His sword is already in his right hand. But then he notices that it's one hand, and looks down at his left. He has some sort of blue, energy shield. It's short lived as his left hand is blocking a blow that throws him into the cabinets of the kitchen. Another one, it hits the shield. Another blow hits the shield, but this time he goes up and through the ceiling. Chris hits the ground hard and groans. But it's not over as the man jumps through the floor, grabbing Chris and sending him up another floor. Chris hits the ground hard again, but gets up as the man breaks through where Chris used to be. He hits Chris's shield with a incredible left hook sending him into a closet. He's up in less than a second but that's barely enough to block the blow sending Chris through the closet wall and into the main rooms plaster wall. Chris puts his shield up again and he through the wall and into a empty room. The only this lighting it up is a window with the sun shining into the room. After a spilt second, Chris runs, and jumps out the window. As he's falling, he see's that the front of the house is swarming with the men in black uniforms. One throws a grenade, Chris pulls his shield down to deflect the blast and it works, but it sends him flying through the face of the house and back into the building, where he's met by the big guy who punches him, taking a small chunk of his mask off in the process. The man seems to be instantly at his left as soon as Chris stands up, he's just punched straight back to the floor. With his back against the wall, there not all that much Chris can do. The man keeps punching, and Chris just blocks. But with every blow, every jab the man throws, Chris's arms get more and more tired, until eventually, Chris falls.