
The Mage with an Existential Crisis (Hololive Fanfic)[Under Rewrite]

A story of old, wherein demons, magic, and all sorts of supernatural exists. A story that told about the truth of the world, uncovering its myths and mysteries. A story of an all powerful mage searching for his purpose in the vast world, searching, for a place to call home. A story where Hololive Idols are more than just idols. +----------------+ A/N: Yahallo! I have decided to post this here as well, since its what I'm currently writing upon. As for those who have read my previous books, whichever it is. I still haven't found a single ounce of motivation or ideas in my bones to continue them for now. I'll occassionally write on the drafts, but for now. I present you my latest work, I haven't seen much Hololive fanfics around, so I decided to make one. I don't own Hololive, the idols, or anything that may came along them. I only own my OC, and probably the plot(?). For those who are wondering if this is a harem or not. Big no. I can't write harems, as simple as that. Some Idols, or hololive girls might be a bit OOC/out of character since I'm not that good to perfectly imitate how they act. Hope you guys enjoy.

Fumuyoshi · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Title Where Are You?

"Hey idiot, yeah you, fuck you!!" = Conversations

'Idiot?! Me?! I hate this guy...!' = Thoughts

"Begone Thot!" = Spells, Attacks, Rage moments, demonic forms, yada yada yada. You get the point.


3rd POV


Marine shouted as the Prisma Cannon lit up like a rainbow. Amelia who was beside Marine watched in fascination as a dense amount of magicka essence gathered at the tip of Prisma Cannon.

Without further ado, the Prisma Cannon unleashed its terrible might. Cthulhu was stuck. Unable to move due to Suisei's Starfall and Pekora's spell.

Cthulhu can only watch in despair as the terrifying beam of light approached him at great speeds.


A thunderous crash sounded out as Cthulhu was struck head-on by Marine's Prisma Cannon. Cthulhu roared and roared in pain as he got blasted away by the Prisma Cannon's attack.

His tentacles that were trapped under Pekora's huge rulers got ripped into halves making him screech in pain.

The attack from Marine's Prisma Cannon was so powerful it launched Cthulhu a hundred meters back. The shockwave emitted by the attack landing on Cthulhu devastated the land around him.

Trees were thrown into the wind and skies. The earth ruptured and formed various shattered ravines on the ground. The clouds above scattered to the four winds, and the hills and mountains got flattened and destroyed.

The shockwave also reached towards Enma and co. Enma, Pekora, Ina, and Suisei were fine due to them hiding inside a reinforced metal dome.

Marine and Amelia, however, were left to deal with not only the shockwave but also the horrible impact resulted from firing Prisma Cannon.

Amelia had to scatter or pop her time bubbles to make sure no unforeseen damages happen to the Flying Dutchess.

Marine had to maneuver Flying Dutchess as it nearly got flown away by the shockwave and recoil combined.

"Hold on Amelia! This is going to get wild!" Amelia suddenly held the main mast tighter as a shiver ran down her spine.

"W-what do you mean by thaaattttt?!?!?!"

Marine laughed as she rode the waves of wind that came crashing towards them. Amelia continued to shriek in fear as the Flying Dutchess did maneuvers that shouldn't be possible for a big ship like it.

The shockwave lasted for about 20 more seconds before dying down. Amelia grabbed a bucket and proceeded to vomit her lunch.

Marine smiled while fixing her captain hat that somehow stuck to her head regardless of how powerful the wind was blowing earlier.

"Now that was wild, we should do that again sometime." Amelia looked up from her position and glared at Marine.

"I am not riding this thing again if you are piloting it. Never again." Amelia declared before vomiting again in the bucket.

Marine shook her head before looking at the devastation the shockwave made.

The ground was upturned while the trees were nowhere to be found. Various sizes of ravines decorated the whole place, as rubble and remnants of the mountains and hills chaotically littered the whole place.

Amongst the rubble and rocks, an eye-catching metal dome appeared in the center of it all. Marine brought the Flying Dutchess right above said metal dome before she shouted below.

"Enma boyo! You can come up now, staying down there is not a good idea. Unless you are having a good time with the ladies in there. Then never mind what I said." Marine chuckled to herself as an enraged shout came from the dome echoed out.


Marine gained a tick mark on her forehead as Enma, Pekora, and Suisei landed side by side. Enma has Ina carried on his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

"Oi, what did you just call me?!" Marine was mad as she marched up to Enma and took hold of his collar, and shook it.

Due to Marine's manhandling of Enma and his collar, Ina was unfortunately dropped unceremoniously to the deck with a loud thud.

Amelia, Pekora, and Suisei winced at the loud sound it made, while Marine flinched. Enma on the other hand backed away from Marine and looked at her in accusation.

"Look at what you did you, horny pirate." Marine scratched the back of her head sheepishly.

"Un..." A soft hum escaped Ina's lips as a frown appeared and creased her forehead.

Just when Enma was about to approach Ina, a shadow suddenly loomed over their heads.


Enma thought in surprise and turned around. Above them, Cthulhu suddenly appeared. Its body charred and burnt from Suisei's Starfall, while several ripped tentacles hang limply at its sides.

Enma then noted the huge hole at the center of its body. The sides were charred and smelled like cooked fish or octopus.

'Even with those injuries, it can still move that fast?!'

"I SAID! GIVE! HER! BACK!" Cthulhu screamed in madness before lifting its huge tentacle and striking down.

"Everyone dodge!" Enma shouted before running towards the captain's quarters and took Gura out.

"Come on Gura."

Enma whispered before hugging her and jumping out of the window.

Pekora and the others followed his words and jumped out. Marine however was very reluctant to do so. They watched as a much more smaller tentacle enveloped Ina and took her away from the ship before the huge tentacle slammed down and tear the ship into two.

"No! My Flying Dutchess!"

Marine cried out as she landed on the ground with a thud. She kneeled and watched as the Flyting Dutchess got crushed in the grasp of Cthulhu's tentacles.

They all glared up at Cthulhu, while he looked down at them with his remaining eye.

"You will pay for this Arch-Mage!" Enma gritted his teeth as an ink-black portal appeared underneath Cthulhu and slowly dragged him down.

An awkward silence permeated the air as they slowly watched Cthulhu's big form get dragged down into the portal.

"How long are you going to take just to retreat? We don't have enough time to watch you slowly, and I mean, very slowly make your retreat." Enma deadpanned as so did the others.

"Err, wanna play cards while we wait?"

"Punt this guy while we still can." Cthulhu screamed in pain once more as various spells landed on his already severely injured body. Further making it worse.


Enma snorted as the last remnants of Cthulhu disappeared from the portal and it closed.

The moment it did, Pekora, Suisei, Amelia, and Marine collapsed to the ground, their rather different sizes of chests heaved up and down in exhaustion.

"That damn freak destroyed my Flying Dutchess! Oi, Enma boyo, you better pay for numeration for the loss of my beloved ship!"

Enma waved her hand at her as he knelt beside Gura.

He reached out his hand to caress her cheek and pinched it. Gura frowned in her sleep and smacked Enma's hand away.

Enma chuckled lightly before noticing the various injuries scattered throughout Gura's smol body. The most noticeable was the one at her side.

Enma winced as he remembered using Gura's own trident to smack her away with it earlier.

"Alright, we can't stay idle here for too long. Marine, how's Aqua's progress from last time?"

Marine groaned before speaking.

"Aqua-tan's progress has been phenomenal lately. She was crowned as Feltiore's number one Water Magician not long ago I think. Her healing capabilities with her water magicka are practically godlike."

Pekora and Enma smiled at that. It seems that Aqua hasn't been idle for the past few years.

"Alright, everyone! Get up, we need to get to Feltiore and get our injuries healed. We can't stop now, Atlantis is still in danger."

Gura stirred from her sleep and slowly woke up, just in time to see Enma holding out his hand to her.

"We'll be home soon Gura. Come on." Bewildered and confused, Gura took Enma's hand and stood up.

"Ugh, my head hurts. Wait! Where is Cthulhu Enma-nii?!"

Gura asked in a hurry as she scanned the devastated landscape. She then noticed the grim expression of everyone and concluded that Cthulhu must've escaped.

The realization of knowing that your family's murder is still out there made Gura's blood boil in rage. A flicker of red flash by deep beneath her azure blue eyes before a hand landed on her shoulder, ultimately pulling her out of trance.

"Don't worry Gura, we'll get him next time. He took us by surprise this time, and we won't let that happen again."

"Enma-nii..." Gura whimpered as she got pulled into Enma's arms. She once again passed out as the warmth of Enma's embrace enveloped her.

Pekora and the others watched in worry and concern as an overwhelming amount of blood lust coated Enma's figure.

It's as if they can see an image of a devil made up of Enma's bloodlust.

"Let's go."

Everyone nodded before they followed behind Enma's tracks as he carried Gura in his arms.

Feltiore was just a few miles away. Pekora and co can feel it, the storm brewing stronger and stronger as they got closer to Atlantis.
