

After she woke up at the hotel, she found a vampire killed. But she didn't know who the killer was, Suwilanji and her mentor, Mateo, had been looking for the killer for the past weeks. And the vampire was just another attack. But after that day, things began to look up. She later found a lead about the killer's whereabouts. But after she confronted the man, things turned out not to be the way they looked. "The mark of Cain?" Suwilanji asked. "A demon?" Mateo repeated. Ride along as she faces demons, witches, snowmen, etc.

Traver_Mwansa · Urban
Not enough ratings
10 Chs


I tried to focus more on my powers. Trying to sense where the killer was. But his magic suddenly died down. Did he run away? But why?

Did he sense my magic as well? I pushed the chair backward, and it fell with a clap on the floor. Everyone turned to look at me. Then I saw the ladies talking amongst themselves. Probably talking about me. But I had better things to do than worry about gossipers.

Mateo got up and gestured for me to sit down. But I just went out, and I heard him running after me. I left the cafe and stopped in the parking lot.

The magical flavor I sensed while still in the cafe came into focus. The man, or whatever it was-was near.

I ran around the cars like a crazy person. Mateo, still running and shouting at me.

"Suwilanji, will you stop? I can't run anymore. What the hell is going on?" He demanded.

"The person who killed Isaac is nearby. I can sense his magic flavor," I said and turned to look at him. But I resumed my running and finally the magic flavor was a foot away.

As I turned to around a gray X-Trail, and found a man kneeling down a dead body. The dead body had no head, blood was everywhere, and it looked fresh.

I took a fist full of the man's shirt and threw him away. He cartwheeled once and slammed into a black jeep. The damn car sort it best to start making noise.

I looked at Mateo and we both nodded. I winked shut and appeared right in front of the man as he was struggling back to his feet. I touched his shoulder and vanished again. Then seconds later, appeared on the football ground.

The breeze was just perfect, there was no one there except for me, Mateo, and the killer. The moon was favorable enough to light the whole place.

Before the bastard could get clever, I waved my hand, and he went flying and hit a goal post, then fell to the ground with a groan.

One second from the other, Mateo appeared a foot from the killer. He kicked the man in the gut and then lifted him by the neck. He rounded the man and threw him in the air. Before the man could land on the ground, Mateo shadow walked and uppercut the man before he could reach the ground.

The man flipped once in the air and then fell flat on his back.

"Why are you two...."

"You will pay for killing my son, you twit," Mateo grunted and charged towards the man.

But before he could reach the man, a vast electrical ball left the killer's hand and impacted with Mateo.

He came back flying and then landed five feet from me.

I turned to the man, and a fireball was charging towards me. I waved my wand, which I unconsciously called. Then I quickly waved it and a shield appeared. The fireball hit the shield and vanished instantly.

I waved my hand and lightning from everywhere appeared, charging towards the man. He held his hand up and the strikes of lightning stopped in middle air. Then he looked at me and rolled his eyes.

I went slamming a tree ten feet from the man and then fell with a groan of pain. Quickly got to my feet and waved my wand, but to my surprise nothing happened.

"What the hell," I cursed. I waved my hand, still nothing happened. Then I realized I had chains around my wrists.

This bastard did something.

I looked at him, and he was walking slowly towards me. His hand held up, indicating he was harmless. But why? I was the venerable one in this matter. I should be the one having my hands in the air.

I looked at Mateo, and the old man was still struggling to his feet.

The killer was an inch taller than me, short black hair and a smooth black skin. He had no muscles to speak of. He wore a long black clock just like Mateo's and he also had put trousers and a shirt inside. But he had no shoes.

Then he directed his hand at Mateo and then pushed him towards me.

Mateo groaned as he bumped into me.

"Are you ok?" Mateo asked.

"I'm fine, and you?"

"Well, this bastard surely has skills," he chuckled.

"Listen. I don't mean any harm," the killer began.

"You just psychopathically killed that man in the parking lot. And you are telling me you mean no harm? Come on, man, you can do better than that. Don't get me even started on the murders you have committed for the past days," I spoke.

"I know this will sound crazy. But I'm not the one...."

Before he could finish his sentence, a white furred werewolf uppercut him. Sending the man flying in the air. Then the werewolf round kicked the killer before he could fall flat on his face.

The killer went flying into the trees and went out of view.

Was that Zack? I asked myself as the werewolf turned to look at us and the goddamned thing had the same blue eyes as Zack and his father. Maybe it was Mr. Zimba?

I looked at Mateo, and we helped each other up.

The werewolf's bones began popping as the skin ripped open. Then reshaping anew to accommodate the change in size. As his teeth began falling out, I looked away. It was just way too disgusting to look at.

"Are you ok?" the man asked, running towards me and Mateo. Then I instantly knew who it was.

"Paul," I looked at him. And just like I feared, the bastard was naked. His snake flapping his thighs as he made his way towards me and Mateo.

He hugged me tightly, not even considering that he was naked. Breathing as heavily as possible.

"Paul," he let me go. And I just looked down at him. His shine and chiseled body glittered in the moon, making him look even more like a statue. His clothes earlier hid his muscular freaking body.

My mind raced, lost in Paul's body. But Mateo knocked me out of my thoughts as he spoke.

"Here, boy. You are disrespecting all men," he handed Paul his now filthy black clock. And it was still removing smoke. Presumably due to the fireball that hit him.

Paul took the clock with a smile and wrapped it around his lower body. Leaving his sexy upper body in the open.

"Suwilanji, are you ok? He didn't hate you that much did he?" He asked, looking wary.

But before I even answered him, another thought warmed its way in my mind. Paul told me he was a sear, how did he end up being a werewolf? Was he lying to me earlier? But that does not explain why he was able to read my mind.

I waved my hand, only to realize I still had the damn chains around my wrists.

"Were you trying to use magic on me?" He asked.

I just looked down. The man just saved mine and Mateo's ass. And here I doubted him. But he lied to me. Something is not ok here.

"I'm sorry. But how the hell are you a freaking sexy... That came out wrong," but he was seconds from laughing. "How are you, a werewolf?" I asked, trying to stay as focused as I can be.

"Oh, I must have forgotten to tell you. But my father was a werewolf. That's why I put on contact lenses," he removed his black pure contact and blue eyes stared back at me. "I took my sear powers from my mother," he added after seeing the shock on my face.

"Oh," was all I could say.

"And you must be Mateo. Pleasure to meet you sir," he bowed his head.

"The pleasure is all mine, young man. And thanks for your help," Mateo spoke.

"Really, thanks Paul. If it wasn't for you, I don't know what would have happened to me and my child," I touched my stomach, "how did you even know where to find me?"

"Can we go somewhere to sit? And it's freezing, I need to put on something," Paul said.

I touched his clothesless shoulder and vanished. Seconds later, we appeared inside Mateo's house.

The place was as dark as hell. Not even candles got lit.

I heard a gateway wink shut and then a snap of fingers. Seconds later, the place got lit.

It was not that big of a living room. Actually, it was small than the living room at home. About three green couches surrounded a wooden table. He had no dining table nor a television set.

The house was very empty; it had no things to occupy it. Which I presumed was because Mateo leaved alone.

We matched to the couches and sat.

Then Mateo waved a hand and then black trousers, a blue polo shirt, and vans appeared on the table. He gestured and Paul took them. Then he went towards the hallway.

My mind was fighting me. Wanting to see him changing. Wanting to look at his muscular body once.

Was I felling for Paul? It can't be. First, I was going crazy about Zack's eyes and now Paul's body.

I slapped my hands on my face. My mind is an emotional rollercoaster.

"Are you ok?" Mateo asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. But before Paul appeared, the killer said something about him not being the one killing people around," I said, regarding at Mateo's reaction.

"Suwilanji, we caught him red-handed. You saw yourself what he was doing to that poor man, or woman."

"I know, but why didn't he end us when we were venerable in front of him? We wanted to kill him. But he didn't kill us when he got the chance. Don't that say something?"

"That bastard is not a good person. He was seconds away from killing your two and the little girl inside you. I'm with Mateo on this one," Paul came back and sat next to me.

"But Paul, what if we are missing something here? What if our killer is not the killer? We might be busy chasing someone who is not our man, while the actual killer is dismembering people out there," I spoke, looking from Paul to Mateo.

Then I remembered Paul had some questions to answer. The man just appeared from nowhere and rescued me and Mateo. Was he following me? Didn't he go home when I told him to? Or he was another problem I needed to worry about? He also suddenly appeared in his werewolf form.

Though he said his father was a werewolf, that didn't convince me at all. I needed to be careful with my decision. Now more than ever that the killer might not be the killer.

Also, I needed to concentrate. I shouldn't get lost in Paul's charming, devilish smile. Or his muscular body. I needed to ask him necessary questions.