

After she woke up at the hotel, she found a vampire killed. But she didn't know who the killer was, Suwilanji and her mentor, Mateo, had been looking for the killer for the past weeks. And the vampire was just another attack. But after that day, things began to look up. She later found a lead about the killer's whereabouts. But after she confronted the man, things turned out not to be the way they looked. "The mark of Cain?" Suwilanji asked. "A demon?" Mateo repeated. Ride along as she faces demons, witches, snowmen, etc.

Traver_Mwansa · Urban
Not enough ratings
10 Chs


My mind raced a bit, thinking about why he was so confident I was carrying his grandchild. He didn't question me even once. But don't get me wrong, I was as happy as ever that the old man was on board with all this. Just imagining seeing the face on mother's face would be priceless after I tell her the old man accepted my pregnancy.

But what if all this was nothing but a ruse? What if the old man had a motive behind accepting me? What if he sensed my wizard powers and came to a realization that refusing me would mean Armageddon for them? Was that the case?

"Suwilanji, just be happy the man accepted you. I can't sense anything that indicates he is lying," Paul spoke.

I looked at him, but his mouth didn't move, not even a bit.


Before I could finish my thoughts, Paul confirmed my questions. "I can speak to you in your mind, silly. Now just concentrate on the old man." He smiled at me and I just turned to Zack's father.

"My son acted stupid, and I apologize for that. He knows nothing about such things. Now, to answer your question, young lady. We have a family tree in one of the rooms. The name of your daughter appeared on the tree this morning. So, when Zack got here and told me about you, it only confirmed what the family tree already told me," he smiled at me.

"What? I'm kinder lost," I said.

"My dear. Just know I believe you are carrying my son's baby. You will get to know about us more. But for now, we should just enjoy our tea and then make your way to your bed. They had prepared it for you," he added as an afterthought.

Jonathan's shoes made the knocking sound as he approached us with three steaming cups of coffee. He gave us each one and then left with a silver tray in his hands.

Was he the one who cooked for them? For the house that big they could have hired a cooker. Not putting all the weight on the poor old man. I took a sip from the coffee and then looked at Mr. Zimba. "I'm asking for a favor, sir," I said.

He smiled and put down his cup. "Call me father. And anything for you dear."

"I won't be able to come back today. I have a few things that need to be attended." I began, "I also need to say bye to my mother. And I came with zero clothes."

"Oh, ok. And I suppose you don't want me to know about this thing you have to attend to?"

"I will tell you about it later," I said assuredly.

"Alright, my dear. Drink up," he said, smiling.

After a few minutes later, me and Paul left the house. I even forgot to ask where Zack was. Did he go to another bar and try to sleep with other women? According to the lady at the hotel, the bastard took a different girl each night and left them there in the morning.

As we walked to the car, I realized I folded my hands into fists, just thinking about seeing Zack with other women. Was I having feelings for him? It can't be. That bastard still needs to pay for his actions. I can't soften my heart right now.

We entered the car, and Paul drove off. Then half way to the location Mateo sent to me, I realized Paul hadn't spoken ever since we left the house. I looked at him and he just shot me his devilish smile.

Was he ok? He hadn't been this quiet ever since I met him.

"Paul, what is it?" I asked, trying not to sound too demanding.

"I'm fine, Suwilanji, thanks," he said. But something about his voice made me doubt his words. What might be bothering him? Was it the fact that I was getting angry imagining that bastard Zack with other women? He must have read my mind.

"Paul, li...."

"Don't even bother yourself. I'm fine, ok?" He forced a smile across his face. "I'm just a bit upset that I might not see you after tonight."

"Of course you will, we have to attend your friends' party remember," I said cheerfully.

"I don't think that will be possible. You will be leaving with your in-laws now. What if they refuse you from escorting me to the party? What if they refuse me from seeing you and the little girl," he touched my stomach with a smile still on his face. "That is something we need to accept."

"It shouldn't be like that. You played a part in all this, and I won't allow anyone to stop me from seeing you. Especially that damned child, Zack. I'm coming with you on Saturday for that party. Whether by hooks or by crooks. And I think the old man as a soft spot for you, so he will surely allow me to see you again. Don't cry," I teased.

"I'm not crying," he said, but he looked into the mirror. Just to make sure he wasn't actually crying.

"Yes, you were," I burst out laughing.

"I think something might have entered into my eyes," he said and pulled the car. "We have reached your destination." He added.

"Thanks crybaby," I opened the door. But before I could get out, he held my hand.

"Please, promise you will be careful. I wouldn't want anything bad to happen to you. You know what, let me just tag alone."

"Paul, I will be fine. Go home and get some rest."

"How can I sleep knowing you are wondering around in the night without protection?"

"I have Mateo. We are not discussing this ok? Just go home dammit!" I scolded and left the car.

He waved a hand, and I did the same as I entered a coffee shop. The doorbell rang as I pushed it. Then immediately spotted Mateo sitting in the room's corner.

He was about Mr. Zimba's age. Light in complexion with brown long hair that he currently tied in a ponytail. He was the same height as Paul, with gray eyes.

He wore a comfortable looking black clock over his black sweatpants and a white shirt. Then he put on sneakers, making him look like he was just from a road run. When in the actual sense he was busy hunting monsters.

I went over and sat down.

"Sorry I'm late," I spoke as I settled in.

"We have a big problem. But first tell me, what kept you busy from morning up to now?" He looked at me thoughtfully.

"I might be a mother," I looked away.

"You what?" He snapped.

"I'm pregnant. And before you say it. I know you told me so. I'm sorry, but it has happened. Please tell me you are not mad?" I said, still looking away. I can't see the same disappointing eyes I saw on mother.

"I'm, but I'm sure Temwananji scolded you enough. Should I confront the father or you have taken care of that part?" I heard fingers snapping. Then, as I looked back at Mateo, he was massaging them.

"We took care of that," I said and took a sip from the cup of water I found on the table. I just assumed it was Mateo's, so there was no need to ask.

"We? I don't suppose that is your mother, no Sarah."

"That is the other thing I needed to see you for." I explained the whole thing from morning until Paul and I separated.

I was actually getting tired of telling the same story over and over again. But he slapped his hands on his mouth as I told him about Paul been a sear. And that he might have read my mind about me working for the Vatican as a monster hunter.

The way he reacted before we patted ways made me believe he knew about my dangerous night. He was trying to protect me and my child. Which was nice and all, but it was my fight a bit of Mateo's as well.

And still need to find out more about him. He was way too nice to me. Even to my child.

"You need to be careful around this friend of yours, Suwilanji. Sear's aren't friendly beings. And the fact that he reads your mind makes this all thing bad all together. We need to find a way to keep him out of your head. Or I'm afraid you won't be seeing him. Much less go to his friends' party. But that will have to wait," he looked from side to side. Then looked at me again, after realizing no one was eavesdropping. "I think the vampire that I found dead killed the woman you saw at the hotel. But why would someone kill a vampire? If the killer is killing humans, he or she-or it. Shouldn't have killed the vampire. He should have actually teamed up with him. Don't you think?" he spoke enough for only me to hear.

"That's what I have been asking myself. Unless we have another killer in town. Or are we missing something here? What if the one who killed the vampire was the one who killed the woman as well?" I suggested.

"But the vampire didn't have vampire teeth on his neck. His head was half sliced. And the lunatic left the vampire in the open. Allowing the sun to incinerate him. I was just lucky to end up there in time. Or everyone would have known vampires are real."

"Then we might be missing something here. I think we need to pay the mortuary a visit."

"That would be the best thing to do, I guess. But we need to talk about your pregnancy. We need to put it into consideration now. You shouldn't...."

"Don't even think about finishing that sentence, Mateo. I'm a few hours pregnant. We just have to catch the killer before this pregnancy starts showing."

"And did you tell your in-laws about this job?"

"No," I stiffened in my sit.

"You need to. What if they highly object to it? It wouldn't be nice for them to find out from someone else. You at least need to tell Zimba."

"Yes, I will. Shall........ Mateo. Get ready," my wizard powers kicked in. I smelled a flavored magic in the air. Something powerful. I looked around, but everything seemed calm.

"What's it Suwilanji?" Mateo asked.

"We have got company. I can sense the same flavor I sensed the other day when we found your son dead," I looked at him. But didn't see no tears or sadness on his face. Not even remotely.

About a month ago, before the all killing thing became even known to us. We found Isaac; Mateo's son dead. Sliced to pieces. The only thing the killer left was a piece of paper with the writing, 'get ready,' on it.

Mateo was very sad because he was his only son. His wife died after giving birth. So, you can just understand what he went through.

If that bastard was here, then we have our killer.