


Some days have gone by, and I haven't heard from Alessandro. I'm wondering what happened. I don't have his number, and I feel really sad. I don't want to stay here anymore. I want to leave. I need to leave. But where to? Alessandro's place is in another country. I do have money, but I can't leave. I'm really scared. What if my father finds me?


I felt something touching me while I'm half-asleep. It made me very uncomfortable. I tried to ignore it for a while, but then I opened my eyes and saw the shape of a man on top of me. It was too dark to see his face.

I screamed and tried to push him away. "WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?" I yelled. I called for my dad to come and help me.

I managed to hit the man with my side lamp, he fell to the floor. I used the opportunity to escape and was screaming with so much fear.

Then I realized no one was home. I was so scared I hid inside my father's wardrobe. I heard the door of the room open. I stopped breathing out of fear of being caught.

"Is he gone?" I thought. It was so silent. I opened the wardrobe and silently left the place. I sighed in relieve.

I turned only to see the figure standing there. I screamed so loud and ran only to be grabbed by my hair and thrown to the bed. I was so scared of what will happen to me"

My pyjamas were torn off my body and my nakedness was exposed. I fought so hard, tears and snorts were all over as I was turned over. Side of my face was pressed to the pillow.

I felt disgusted and violated. I begged and pleaded for him to let me go. "Please I won't tell anyone, please don't do this". I was slapped hard on my neck. I silently cried and prayed it was all a dream.

He never spoke a word. He stopped, I thought maybe he felt guilty but I was wrong. He then touched me all over. He touched my body. All of it. I felt disgusted. He roughly tore my underwear.

I felt it entering. My eyes widened with so much pain I was feeling. I screamed but was punched on the back, I coughed violently. It kept going for hours till I felt nothing, just numb.

I was left there after I was raped, used and violated. I cried so much. I wanted to die. I climbed off the bed, I noticed too much blood and I felt something else flowing out. I went to the balcony, climbed on it and jumped to my death.

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Elizabeth_Solomoncreators' thoughts