


Summoning courage, I inclined my ear towards the door, the sounds coming from inside stirring up a whirlwind of emotions. Shaking, I reached for the door handle, praying that the scene inside was just a figment of my worries.

However, when the door opened, my worst fears came true in just one, heart-wrenching moment. There, caught in a tangle of limbs and lust, were Gabby and Antonio Ajello, my competitor and so-called friend, entwined in a sinful hug that destroyed the delicate facade of faith and loyalty.

Surprise, doubt, and an intense agony like I had never felt before surged within me, almost engulfing me entirely. I was frozen in the doorway, unable to look away from the unfolding scene.

Unaware of my presence, they were consumed by their illicit passion. And at that instant, a basic instinct was triggered - the urge to record the betrayal, to preserve the proof that would always stay etched in my mind.

I reached for my phone with shaking hands, silently turning on the camera to capture the incriminating images in front of me. Every time the shutter closed, it was like a stab in the chest, but I understood the importance of capturing reality, regardless of the discomfort.

As I prepared to depart, the heaviness of what I had seen pressed down on me heavily, almost suffocating me with its intense pressure. Quietly, I shut the door after me, abandoning Gabby and Antonio to their dishonest ignorance.


My anger weighed heavily on my chest, my eyes filled with intense fury in the dimly lit room. The continuous ringing of his phone, with each alert reminding him of the turmoil caused by my now ex, only made my anger stronger.

I felt trapped like an imprisoned beast, desperate to let out my built-up feelings consuming me internally.

I struggled to control the storm of emotions within me, taking a deep, shuddering breath. I resisted allowing the destructive impulses to take over and control me. Despite the threat of tears clouding my sight, I gritted my teeth in determination, promising myself to never cry for a woman.

The view in front of me resembled a nightmare, with the man before him appearing as a horrifying depiction of pain, his beaten body illustrating the harshness of the world. However, despite the man trembling in front of him, I did not feel any compassion stirring in his heart.

I looked at the broken figure before me with a calm yet chilling demeanor, my smile hiding the cold determination underneath. "Where's the cash?" I asked, his voice seeming gentle but hinting at venom.

While looking into the tearful eyes of the man, i coldly listened to his desperate begging. The mere mention of Antonio Ajello made him shudder, the name serving as a sinister reminder of the hidden evil.

I maintained a cold detachment as I listened to the desperate pleas of the man with tears in his eyes. The mere mention of Antonio Ajello made him feel a chill down his back, the name a haunting memory of the evil that hid in the darkness.

Confessing with desperation, the man admitted that his family was being held hostage, pleading for mercy in the midst of the chaos of his broken life. "He instructed me to take things from you... He pleaded with the man, "Boss, I beg you to trust me," his voice filled with desperation.

However, I remained strong in my determination, my thoughts protected like a fortress from the overwhelming emotions trying to consume him. At that point in time, I realized that he could not afford the luxury of forgiveness. Survival in his harsh world required him to accept the darkness within, which would ultimately guide him through a journey filled with bloodshed and betrayal.

I should have murdered the scoundrel on that particular day. I laughed bitterly.

I stared intensely into the man's eyes, looking for any sign of deceit among the overwhelming sorrow. To mg astonishment, he saw only pure truth mirrored in front of him. Despite the truth being revealed to him, the heaviness of his anger remained as he let out a deep sigh.

"Where is the location?" I inquired, my tone tinged with a blend of annoyance and urgency.

"I'm not sure, boss," the man answered, his voice shaking in fear. I was just called... Initially, I believed it was a cruel joke, but he later sent videos of my wife and kids... Afterwards, he phoned me from a different number and instructed me to carry out the task or else they will perish. I intended to inform you, yet I was also fearful that he might harm them... therefore, I reconsidered. Boss, I beg you to trust me," he pleaded, expressing desperation to be understood amid unimaginable horror.

My heart tightened with a blend of sadness and determination when he came to his conclusion. "I'll assist in locating your family, but unfortunately…," I stated, his voice filled with sorrow. "I still need to kill you." I will make sure your family has all the financial support they need. They will receive proper care. You were kind to me and my father, so I owe you this much.

The man's eyes filled with tears as he broke into a thankful smile. "Boss, I really appreciate it." Please don't take back your words. I can now die feeling at peace," he uttered, his voice filled with emotion.

I reciprocated the man's smile, but his eyes shone with tears that he had not yet cried. With a firm grip, I lifted my gun, feeling the weight of his choice press on me heavily. Shutting his eyes briefly, he quietly apologized to the sky.

After that, i swiftly pulled the trigger in one firm motion, causing the gunshot to reverberate through the room similar to a thunderclap. The man's lifeless body fell to the ground, his previously lively eyes now dull in a state of perpetual motionlessness.

As I gazed upon the lifeless form before him, he felt a profound sense of sadness wash over him. Yet, amidst the sorrow, there was a flicker of hope, a hope that, in death, the man had found the peace he so desperately sought.