
The Lycan Kings human mate

Marie is the lowest werewolf in her pack despite being born into one of the highest Nobel families in her pack. why? because she lived and her mother died. Wanting nothing more than to escape her life she prays for the day she finds her mate. The day comes and Marie's life is turned upside down but not in the way she had hoped. Her life as she knew it became a distant memory and Marie must forge a new path for herself. When life once again takes a dark turn and Marie is pulled back to her original pack, and to her first mate will she fight to survive or will she let the darkness take her.

Butterfly_book · Urban
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51 Chs

Chapter 19

As the evening approached, Marie opened her suitcases and starting searching through for something suitable to wear. Each outfit she pulled out was discarded to the floor. Nothing was good enough. Marie let out a huff and sat on the edge of the bed.

Blake appeared out the bathroom dressed in a navy blue suit and crisp white shirt. The sleeves pulling across his broad shoulders and bulging biceps. Marie swallowed as she caught sight of Blake and bit her bottom lip. she could not believe how drop dead gorgeous he was.

"You look, amazing" Marie said as she let her gaze linger on Blake. "Thanks baby, but why aren't you dressed?"

Marie threw her hands up in the air and sighed. "I have nothing to wear Blake, My wardrobe consists of jeans, tops and the odd summer dress. Nothing that is worthy of me standing next to you when you look like that" Marie flopped down on the bed and stared up at the ceiling.

Blake laughed and lay down on the bed next to Marie. "I am sorry Marie, I did not think, but for what is worth, I find you beautiful no matter what you wear"

"You are my mate, you would say that. your pack on the other hand, that is full of gorgeous Lycan's will look at me and will see that I am not worthy of you or this pack" Tears pulled at the corners of her eyes as she started to let her doubts take over once again.

Just then, a knock sounded at the door, interrupting their conversation. Sophie's voice followed, warm and reassuring. "May I come in?"

Marie and Blake exchanged a glance before Blake replied, "Of course, mum"

The door opened, and Sophie entered the room, a knowing smile on her lips. In her hands, she held a garment bag. Marie's curiosity was piqued, her eyes shifting toward the bag.

"I hope you don't mind, Marie, but I took the liberty of choosing a dress for you," Sophie explained. "I thought this might be fitting for the occasion of announcing my new daughter"

"you mean my mate?" Blake chuckled as he spoke directly to his mother. Sophie flicked her fingers in the air "yeah yeah that too."

Sophie walked past Blake and hung the garment bag onto the top of a full length mirror that stood proud in the corner of the room. As she unzipped the garment bag, Marie's eyes widened in surprise. Inside was a stunning emerald green evening gown—the fabric shimmering in the light, the design elegant and timeless.

Marie was speechless, her heart touched by Sophie's thoughtfulness and kindness. She looked at the gown with tears in her eyes.

"It's beautiful," Marie finally managed to say, her voice filled with emotion.

Sophie smiled, her eyes reflecting understanding. "I thought the color would complement your eyes beautifully."

Marie was taken over my impulse and she threw her arms around Sophie's neck "Thank you so much, Sophie," Marie said, her voice sincere. "This means a lot to me." tears started to fall.

Sophie's smile was warm and reassuring. "You're welcome, my darling" she reciprocated the hug and squeezed Marie as only a mother could.

Marie broke the hug and her cheeks flushed red from embarrassment.

"Well I will let you get ready" Sophie said as she stepped out the room and closed the door behind her.

Blake opened the pack mind link "thank you mum. I love you"

Marie ran her hand over the dress and admired the feel of the material. She too the hanger and made her way to the bathroom to get ready.

Marie let her red hair fall into its natural wave around her shoulders and she applied some makeup. Not to heavy but just enough to highlight her natural cheekbones and frame her eyes. Next Marie slipped into the emerald green gown and stood back to look at her reflection. The dress matched her eyes and it clung to her body in all the right ways. Marie had hated her body at first but as her transition to a human she had gotten curves in all the right places. Marie swallowed down some nerves and stepped out the bathroom.

"fuck" Blake's breath caught in his throat as his gaze fell upon her. . "You look stunning".

Marie's cheeks flushed slightly under his intense gaze, his eyes tracing the contours of the gown and the way it enhanced every curve.

Marie offered a shy smile, her emotions reflected in her gaze. "Thank you, Blake. your mum certainly has exquisite taste"

Blake took a step closer, his eyes never leaving hers. "It's not just the gown, Marie. It's you. You're breathtaking." He leaned in for a kiss but Marie stepped back. "Blake if let you kiss me now this gown will be coming off and we will never make it to dinner"

Blakes eyes flashed golden and he felt his cock twitch at Marie's words. "Later" he growled into her ear sending thrills down her spine.

Marie and Blake exited their room, hand in hand, With each step, their connection grew stronger and Marie felt the stirring once again in the back of her mind. "Lilah" Marie whispered in her mind but she once again she was met with silence.

Blake guided Marie with a gentle touch, his presence a reassuring anchor as they made their way to the dining hall. The anticipation was palpable, the weight of the moment hanging in the air as they approached the closed doors.

Behind the closed doors, Sophie's voice rang out, her tone carrying a mixture of pride and reverence. "Ladies and gentlemen of our pack, tonight we gather to celebrate a bond that is both sacred and powerful. It is with great honor that I announce our King, Blake, and his mate, Marie."

After a brief pause, the doors slowly swung open, revealing the couple standing before the pack. Marie's gaze met the eyes of the individuals before her. Her eyes darting from person to person. Blake's grip on Marie's hand was steady, his touch grounding as they walked together.

The pack members rose from their seats, a sign of respect and acknowledgment for their King and his mate. A mixture of applause and nods of approval filled the room as Blake continued to Guide Marie forward. As they reached the front of the room, Blake and Marie turned to face the pack, their hands still joined. Blake lifted their hands in to the air and Marie followed his move as he lowered into a bow.

Sophie approached them, a warm smile on her lips. She extended her arms, a sign of her approval and welcome. Blake and Marie shared a glance before turning to Sophie, stepping forward to embrace her.

"Welcome to our pack, Marie," Sophie said softly, her embrace conveying a sense of belonging.

Blake took his seat at the head of the table, his presence a symbol of leadership and unity. Marie sat beside him, her nerves giving way to a growing sense of connection as families from the pack approached them, introducing themselves and extending their greetings to the new queen.

The interactions were warm and welcoming, a testament to the pack's acceptance of Marie into their fold. Each introduction held a promise of unity, an understanding of the mate bond. All families pledged to honour, protect and love the new Queen.

As the evening progressed, the meal was served. The feast was grander than anything Marie had ever seen before. There were meats of all kinds laid out by the waiters onto the table and the smell of freshly cooked vegetables filled the room. As everybody returned to their seats to eat Laughter and conversations soon filled the air, the room resonating with a sense of joy and belonging. Marie could not help but look int the room her eyes filled with amazement at the sight of her new pack.

As the evening began to wind down, Marie found herself needing a moment of solitude. The events of the evening and the constant greeting of the pack members had her feeling overwhelmed. Marie leaned across to Blake "Do you mind if I step out for a moment, I need a bit of fresh air" Blake looked at her concerned "I will escort you baby"

"No baby, I am fine. I promise. You stay here and finish saying your goodbyes." Marie smiled warmly as she stood from her seat and pecked his cheek.

The air outside the dining hall was cool and refreshing, a contrast to the warmth and energy of the festivities. Marie walked along a path that led into the darkness, her steps guided by the moonlight filtering through the trees. The rustling of leaves and the distant sounds of the pack's celebration provided a comforting backdrop.

She found her self stood by a lake with the moon reflecting in the water and the light bouncing around. Marie stood taking in the beauty of the spot she had found, when suddenly she heard a branch snap behind her. She spun around in the direction of the noise. Ahead of her, a figure emerged from the shadows.