
The Lost Returned

A mess of a story, just something I'm writing to see what I can do as I reshape my other fanfics. "Who am I, to ask for more than I deserve, good wine, a mouth to warm my co*k, and the free skies.. what do you say, brothers?" I own nothing. Tags = #2loveinterest #tragedy #action #non-powerseekingMc #strongfromstart

CrazyDemon23 · TV
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53 Chs

Chapter 16 - isn't it lovely

(Past - Alicent pov)

My time was spent within the Sept, pouring over book after book, even if rare, I found bits and pieces of King Viserys and his brothers, Daemon the rider of Caraxes, wielder of dark sister. Yet the only talk of Maliketh was his feats on the field of battle when he was younger.

"When young prince Maliketh was a natural when it came to the sword, but unlike his brothers, he did not fancy them, instead he adopted a more brutal way of fighting. His love for the mace and Warhammer, brought many to tremble as he broke, armor, skin, and flesh alike." My mind went over books as I pieced together information, yet nothing was known about his time before his 13th name day, when he was allowed to show his might in battle.

"This is strange.. there is nothing, nothing at all, not about Fortassax, or his interactions within his family. It said that Daemon and his twin were inseparable for a long time, but it would seem that bond has worn down, muddy by something." Before I knew it, the 5th candle had burned, my head leaning down on the pile of books, my eyes closing lightly as I thought about why I was doing this.

"Why must I even care.. pouring over a man I know nothing of.." I said to myself, my hand bringing up the key as I rubbed it, my eyes opening as I once again spoke. "It is much too mysterious, he could be dangerous.. getting to know him may shed light on why queen Aemma, was so weary of him.." I thought of another excuse in the form of what the queen had said to me and Rhaenyra.

"I'm merely trying to protect Rhaenyra, just as the queen trusted me to do so.." I thought, my face unknowingly having a small smile crest my lips. "I will not fall for his glib tongue, or words of favor, I will just ask him of his reason for being in kings landing, and about his history." I went on, my mind coming up with anything to use the key within my hand.

"Lady Alicent, the hour grows dark, we must return to the castle, or your lord father will grow worried." In the midst of my daydreams, I was pulled out by a voice.

My hand quickly pulled the key under the pile of books, my head turning to see a guard with his head bowed, 'Had he seen me, what face was I making?' I grew worried, I had openly been fawning over the key, not paying attention to my surroundings.

"I know Ser Erin, but it seems I made a mess of these books, the Sept is quick to anger about such things.." I said, seeing I was having wild thoughts, even if he did see, there was no way to know what it was too.

"My lady, two of the guards will remain to place the books back on your behalf, but I must implore you to come, If you do not wish to worry your lord father.." The knights said, but this is what I knew, it was not my father's worry he was cautious of but his anger.

"Very well, there is no need to be so worried, I will merely tell my father it was my own doing.." I said, watching the young guard's face try to hide a smile, fixing my dress as I stood, walking past him as he gestured for me to go ahead, his fingers snapping as two guards came in to clean up.

Just as before the ride back to the castle was a blur, my hands playing within the concealed pocket of the dress, my thumb forever rubbing the smooth metal of the key. The walk to the keep was equally as boring, the walls now shaded In shadows, as the sounds of me and my guard's footsteps rang out, echoing like falling stones.

"Father, I have come.." finally making it to a familiar door, I stepped past the guards sat like stone on either side of it, my hand opening it lightly as I spoke out.

"Ah, there you are Alicent, you seem to want to worry me, spending all your time within the Sept, even Rhaenyra had come to me when she was unable to find you." Walking in I could see my father sitting at his favorite chair, pouring over papers, his head lifting to speak to me with a smile.

"I did not seek to worry you father, I merely lost track of time, immersing myself in many books." I said, walking to him as he stood up, my hands wrapping his back as he kissed the top of my head.

"I was only concerned, it's rare for you to spend all day within the Sept, especially when most of the time you are by Rhaenyra side, but it seems my girl is growing into her own." He said, waving his hand as if he understood, my hands letting go as I stepped out of his embrace.

"After the matter, I saw in the kings' chamber, I thought Rhaenyra would have to spend a dreadfully long time inside, so I left to do something more interesting." I said, remembering how the king yelled and how Prince Keth seemed to be the cause of it.

"I see, the council *Sigh, that catastrophe seems ever present in my mind. I don't understand why his grace would do such a thing.." At my words, I heard him let out a long sigh, it seemed he was talking to himself more than I, swinging his coat back as he sat down once more.

"What worries you father?" I asked, even if I was sure I would not get an answer. Watching him look up as if he wished to speak.

"Nothing you need concern yourself with, my daughter.." He said, my eyes flicked, my legs carrying me to the window overlooking the city, my mouth opening many times, but I thought there was no need to speak of Maliketh, obviously there was something my father didn't want me to know.

"I understand father, I was just asking out of necessity. Because you seem upset.." I said, seeing him smiling with his eyes as he nodded his head.

"If there is nothing else, I will retire to my room father." Seeing him going back to work, I walked over, placing my hand on his, as he smiled.

"Have a good night my daughter.." bringing my hand up, he placed it against his lips, holding it with care as he spoke a few words.

(Present - Alicent pov)

While difficult, I did manage to get the guards to give me space. My body standing in front of a mirror, touching my collarbone as I took a dress from my now-deceased mother. The dress was green, showing more of my upper collarbone, it had gold borderings, woven into the neck and rim of the sleeves.

"Hmm, would he be surprised?" I thought, spinning around in the dress, asking a question but quickly stopped. "It matters not, it is only to allow his tongue to loosen.." I told myself as I looked at my hair, curled, and pinned back as it hung over my shoulders.

"Miss what if your father.." Ser Erin said, watching me walk out of my room, his face worried as I looked at him.

"Stop worrying, I'm merely trying to help my father with a thorn in his side, worrying will only make things worse Ser Erin.. " I said lowly, the dress covered with a cloak, my face covered in a hood, as I watched him nod his head.

"This is her.." Ser Erin led me through the halls, no longer in his armor but in common clothes, showing me to a room used by the maids within the castle.

"Is there anything I can do for you, my lady.." The woman who stepped out of the door, looked around nervously, talking to me with respect as Ser Erin walked to the end of the hall to keep look out.

"No need to be nervous, I only need to know one thing, King Viserys brother, Prince Maliketh has come back to kings landing recently, I heard you were a maid set to take care of his needs, all I need is to know where his room is.." I said, my words calming as I saw her face relax, her hands no longer gripping her dress.

"I thought I had done something wrong my lady, but if that is all, I can show you myself.." The maid offered, causing me to smile as I nodded to her.

"You may return, if anyone should ask for me, then tell them I am sleeping.." I said as the maid walked to where Ser Erin was standing, my voice a whisper as I spoke to him. His face twisted for a moment but soon he nodded, walking away into the darkness of the keep.

Our bodies moved, each step felt like it took longer than the next, up different levels of steps, turn after turn as we came to a part of the castle I had rarely been to, It was dark, and from the time we entered the halls, I had not seen a single maid nor guard. Our steps only slowed as we came to a large black door, my eyes looking at the many keyholes on the door that confused me.

"Here it is my lady.." The maid said, gesturing to the door, as she bowed a little.

"You may return.." I said, not giving her a second look as I walked up to the door.

"I will return on the hour my lady.." With a bow, she spoke her last words as she walked into the dark of the hallway once more.

My hand placed on the door, my hand rubbing it gently as finally the nervousness of the situation, started settled in, I was going into a man's room at night, a man I had not known long, a man who gave off an equally dangerous and calming, feeling that twisted my thoughts. It is said that the temptation of the unknown can drown ones heart.

"I am merely trying to do what's best for everyone, he is an enigma, and knowing about him will help keep Rhaenyra safe if it turns out he is dangerous.." talking myself into it, I never heard the voices inside the room, feeling the key in my pocket, I soon put it to rest as I knocked on the door.

"Lord Maliketh, uh, may I come in? It's Alicent Hightower.." My voice could not hide my nervousness, my hand trembling as I heard the door open, watching him look down at me, his shirt open showing off a body of a battle-hardened knight.

"It is rather late little flower, and what point of a key if you knock anyway.." He spoke, his voice sweet as I looked at the floor, unable to look into his eyes.

"Well come in.." he said, gesturing for me to enter, words that seemed to be lost to me, finally came out as i walked within the room.

"I am sorry for interrupting, prince Keth.." After those words fell I could barely remember anything.

laughter, anger, pain, and immense pleasure fogged my mind, the words and night left in a blur as I felt my body be filled with a new form of care and love. The swirling of the night only came to a stop as I remembered a few words.

"Isn't it lovely.. not to be all alone.."

Those words seemed to echo in the darkness I found myself in, my world and body changed, only for my eyes to crack open, hearing the yells of a man.

"What is the meaning of this Maliketh, what have you done!" My vision returned to me as I watched King Viserys yell at Maliketh who sat in a chair, his head tilted as he looked at me covering my body.

"What is it, you want me to say brother, that you would believe.." Keth said, but I did not have time to pay attention as my father's eyes showed disappointment, then to Rhaenyra who was smiling.

'What have I done..' I thought as I covered my face in shame.

'it's all his fault.. Isn't this just lovely.'

(r-18 will be from the mc pov)