
The Lost Returned

A mess of a story, just something I'm writing to see what I can do as I reshape my other fanfics. "Who am I, to ask for more than I deserve, good wine, a mouth to warm my co*k, and the free skies.. what do you say, brothers?" I own nothing. Tags = #2loveinterest #tragedy #action #non-powerseekingMc #strongfromstart

CrazyDemon23 · TV
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53 Chs

Chapter 17 - Joining..

(Mc pov)

At morning light I woke, and the room dyed red and orange as I looked towards the bed. My eyes shrank slightly as I noticed a young woman sleeping with a smile on her face.

"Fuck.." The first word I uttered was a curse, my head hurting at this as I pulled my pants up, "It seems I overly indulged myself, instead of sending her back to her room." My mind slowed, what was done is done, and that is something I can not change.

"It seems I have another matter that will hound me for a while.." I said speaking to myself as I walked to the sofa, my hand reaching down as I picked up a letter.

'We will speak at length later, for now it seems you have dug your own grave, because of your sweet words, and lustful heart..' I read the letter, a smile coming to my face as I could tell she was angry.

"It seems I will have to soothe her more than usual.. she will faint anger until she hears what she likes.." I said, putting on formal wear, taking my old claymore from the wall, and sitting it next to me on the sofa as I waited.

"Just as I remembered, feels and looks like an overly exaggerated long sword." I said, holding it up as the sun gleamed on its edge, yet the weight in my hands looked like I was holding a straight sword.

"Maliketh!" And as if on time, yells and many footsteps could be heard rushing towards my room, placing the sword pointing down as I leaned on its guard, my eyes watching as kings guards and Hightower knights stood on either side of me. While my angry brother could be seen shaking his head as he looked over to my bed.

"Maliketh, what have you done.." Viserys said slowly, his hand on his head as if he was experiencing another headache, yet I paid it no mind, my eyes looking at lord Otto who looked at his daughter with disdain.

My eyes getting a glimpse of Rhaenyra who stood by the door, but was hurried out by her guard Ser Harwin. My face smirking at her smile, and I could only shake my head at this girl.

"Speak! What is the meaning of this Maliketh, what have you done!" Viserys yelled again, getting no answer from me as he watched me tilt my head to him.

"What is it, you wish me to say brother, that you would believe.." I said, watching Otto for some reason said nothing at all, his face trying not to twist as he gripped his hand.

"You defiled our lady, yet you will not speak when asked, surely you are not that cowardly!" At my words, a middle-aged-looking Hightower knight yelled at me, his voice full of self-righteous vitriol as he placed his hand on his hilt.

"Ser nameless knight, I thought I was speaking to my brother, not some worthless shit from nowhere.." I said, my head leaning as I watched anger take over his face, my every word cutting at his pride.

My body standing slowly, watching kings guards and Hightower knights alike place their hands on their hilts, lazily holding the claymore as I looked at Alicent who had covered herself up. Sighing as I looked at the knights, yet none drew there swords.

"Enough Maliketh, this situation was caused by your inability to control yourself, and here you are, wishing to shovel more shit on top of it.." Viserys spoke, his eyes looking me over as he knew what type of man I was, saving the knights of life.

"I merely thought a knight who spoke out of turn on your behalf, would have less weight than my own voice brother.." Calmly I spoke, leaning back on my sofa once more as I watched the knights relax.

"And yet your words spur others to action.." Viserys said his words trying to be the voice of reason as he walked over to the chair opposite of me. "All of you, leave us.." Viserys continued, waving his hand as the knights stood straight.

"But your grace.." a voice of a weary kings guard spoke out, his eyes looking into my own as he tried to speak.

"Do not make me repeat my words Ser Ryam.." Viserys stopped the old knight from speaking, his voice firm as the kings guard bowed and followed Ser Ryam out, followed by the Hightower guards.

"Lord Otto, it is not like you to keep silent, especially on a matter such as this.." I said to the silent Otto, watching his face change as he looked at me.

"While angry, it will do nothing to help this situation, what you took from my girl is unforgivable.." Otto said, his face trying to be ever calm as I cut off his next words.

"Taken? or freely given.. it seems you think me guilty already when you have yet to ask lady Alicent.." I said, my head gesturing to Alicent under the covers of my bed, not making a sound.

"He is right lord Otto, but in the same fashion, you took my hands, lord Otto's daughters innocent, while you could seek lust anywhere, the whores of the pleasure houses all around this city for you indulge in, yet you out slake your lust on Rhaenyra's closest friend.." Viserys said, I could see his headache grow, looking at Otto with side eye, because he couldn't tell what the man was thinking.

"What other reason would Alicent find herself here? Unless coerced by prince Maliketh.." Lord Otto said calmly, seeing the king digging into me.

"Before we start pointing blame, I would hear lady Alicent's word's with my own ears.." Viserys cut of Otto who had already deemed me guilty in his heart.

"Alicent, it is no use trying to hide, I wish only to hear your words, not to cast judgment on whatever actions you may have done." Viserys said, his head leaning on his hand as he spoke out.

The light of the sun cascaded gently off the grayish covers atop my bed, the covers rolling like the ocean as a figure moved within, and eventually emerged from the covers. Her state causing my brother to turn his head away, and her father, lord Otto to frown. Her dress gone, replaced with a white, short nightgown, and her hands that brought the covers with her, in order to keep some of her dignity.

"It is best you cover up, lest you provoke your father to slay me where I stand." While the others did not move, I stood, walking to her as I whisper something only we could hear. "But I have to say, you are rather beautiful in this form as well." smirking I finished as I held the cover-up, allowing her to change behind it as I looked at Otto's face calm for some reason.

After a few moments, I felt a soft hand on me as I threw the blanket on the bed, Alicent's figure could be seen, her green dress beautifully hugging her body. Her face trying to hide her blush as I held my arm out, helping her walk to the sofa as her legs were weak.

"Alicent, in your mother's dress? I truly do not know what to say." Otto said, looking her over as she sat down, her hand trying to come to her mouth as I grabbed it, standing at her side as she looked at the floor.

"Father.." Alicent couldn't even raise her head, her eyes remained glued to the floor, unable to meet her father's gaze.

"Alicent, while I know this situation is uncomfortable, i would have your words as well on this matter, did you lay with prince Maliketh willingly, or did he force himself onto you." Viserys said, but none in this room were stupid, would she allow my touch or my presence if I had taken her by force?

"Your grace.." Alicent said, her mouth opening many times, only to close it just as many times, her eyes looking at her father with a worried expression. Sighing I stepped forward blocking her view of him. Resting my hands together in front of my waist as she looked at my back.

"Pick your words carefully Alicent, whatever you decide, could change the outcome greatly." Viserys said, his body leaning forward as he read the room, his eyes scanning her as she finally spoke.

"I I I.." shuddering, she spoke slowly, gripping the back of my clothes, causing me to turn, looking in her eyes as she swallowed. "I choose to lay with prince Maliketh of my own accord.." she finally got out, my head tilted, smirking at Otto slightly.

"Then there is nothing to be done, what say you, lord Otto?" Viserys sighed slightly, leaned back as he looked towards Otto who was in great thought.

"Your grace, if i could ask to be allowed to speak openly?" Otto said, getting a nod from my brother before continuing. "Seeing as they both desired one another, and seeing as your brother has never married nor has he had any children, why not join them?" Otto the scheming snake that he was came up with an idea I couldn't understand.

"Father?!" Alicent said with a blush, she had just lost her virginity, and now there were talks of marriage.

"It would bring our houses closer, and allow them to be seen together without ridicule, for all those involved, this did happen under your eyes in your home.." Otto said, his words chosen carefully as he appealed to my brother's inability to know what was happening, while also saying he would not turn a blind eye otherwise.

"What say the both of you.." Viserys sighed once more, looking into my eyes as I sighed in return, from the way Alicent gripped my loose hand, I could tell the answer she wanted to hear.

"Very well, lord Otto, I'd gladly accept your daughter's hand.."