
The lost maiden

In a bid to flee from a loveless marriage, Aria and her best friend Annalise, set off on a journey to start a new life, on the way they come across Lucien, a knight in shining armor...literally....but faith has other plans, a journey of self discovery soon turns into a search for the missing princess, but forces are determined to find the princess before them. It's a race against time as the trio set out to find the princess, secrets are uncovered, plots revealed, destinies unveiled in this journey to find the lost maiden.

A_ria · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter 2

Aria ignored the ringing in her ears and the ache in her heart....

"No!! No!!! I refuse to be reduced to a commodity that could be exchanged for a price without my consent, I'm a human being with feelings and a right to make decisions for myself, I may be a little bit of an introvert but that doesn't mean I will stand back and watch you sell me off to someone who's older than father"

Mr Damien's face scrunched up when she called him old, Helen noticed it just in time...

"Aria!! How dare you insult our esteemed guest, apologize this instant and go pack your bags he's paid for you, you're leaving with him right now!"

"Mother!! I have done nothing wrong why must you punish me like this!!"

"Yes you have done nothing wrong, but this shouldn't be considered as a punishment, it's an honor, Mr Damien lives in the capital city, he's very rich and if you're obedient he might even open your own fashion store, that has always been your dream right, but that would be after you give him a few children, if the gods are kind, you'll have boys, and you'll have your happily ever after."

"I'm only eighteen mother, yet you want me to marry him?! You're even talking about having his kids, mom!! How can you be so cruel to me?! If you feel this is an honor then why don't you get Amelia to marry him, why me?! She's older, more mature and prettier according to you, she's almost twenty, she's a more appropriate candidate for this disgusting trade you call a marriage, I will never ever marry him! "

Aria stormed off leaving her mother screaming like a shrew and Mr Damien flabbergasted...

The moment she stepped out of the door, hot tears streamed down her face as she ran further and further away from the place she called home, her tears blurring her vision...

Finally arriving at the only place that could calm her down, it was a meadow, quiet, peaceful and perfect, the wonders of nature working together in perfect harmony, nothing in this meadow was man made, it was always like this, from the daisies, elegant roses, dazzling tulips, bright sunflowers, colorful poppies, all merging into a vast and dazzling sea of flowers, the beautiful butterflies hovering above the flowers, peacefully floating and drifting without a care in the world. Aria spread her arms slightly as her her tears flowed down her, reflecting the despair she felt deep down.


Lucien observed the etheral figure wrapped in white as he approached carefully for the fear of scaring her away, a note in his one hand and a pencil in the other, his sketch was almost complete, he just needed to get closer, to capture her facial features. He was close enough, he continued sketching, his heart wrenched as he saw tears cascading down her flawless face, her eyes closed, deep in her own thoughts, her knee length pure white dress, flowing with the wind, the butterflies dancing around her, as though paying tribute to their Fairy, their own way of trying to cheer her up. With her arms spread lightly, she looked like a goddess, ready for her ascent, the tears on her face a reminder of the pain. The more he looked at her, the more he felt she looked familiar, like an old friend, a dear friend, but that friend was long gone. Finally, he finished his sketch, stood up and walked in front of her. He studied her features, she usually came her thrice a week, if she was upset, she'd come more often, to cry away her sorrows, just like today...he continued to observe her....

Aria let all her sorrows out, as she inhaled the natural scent of nature, the sounds, the atmosphere gave her a calming sensation, she didn't know how long she'd been standing there, but considering her numb legs and sore feet, she'd been standing there for quite some time. Aria had always been sensitive, especially around nature, she felt an unfamiliar presence, she took a deep breath, ready to attack whoever the intruder was, she opened her eyes....

Aria was mesmerized by his beauty, she didn't think it was possible for a man to be so stunning, his jet black hair neatly styled, giving off a dark navy blue shine as light shone on it, his deep blue eyes as stunning as a crystal lake, shimmering in the daylight, his lips an envious shade of baby pink...she never expected the intruder to be so handsome...

Lucien felt himself go numb as he looked into her eyes, completely mesmerized by her blue green eyes, they looked especially stunning in daylight...

Aria noticed the stranger was really well built, if she actually attacked him, she'd probably lose, so she decided to sneak away while he was distracted... one step backward after the other...after taking the third step back, she was ready to turn and make a run for it, when she tripped on a vine.


She shut her eyes, tensed up, preparing for the impact...five seconds... ten seconds...it never came...she opened her eyes and realized she was in the arms of the stranger, his arms around her waist and her hands grasping his biceps, she gazed into eyes, lost in those glistening orbs...it took a while before she finally realized she was staring and the tiny smirk on his lips said he knew as well, her cheeks flushed, she was blatantly staring at a stranger, but he was so good looking. She cleared her throat and tightened her grip on his arms, trying to get up, she was finally on her feet, but not for long, she tripped on the same vine again and soon found herself in his arms again....




'why do I feel this meadow is against me today'

She quickly straightened herself and glared at the handsome stranger in front of her...

"Who are you and what are you doing here? "

"I could ask you the same thing, who are 'you' and what are 'you' doing here? "


"Fine I'll answer one question and you'll answer one of mine"


"My name is Lucien Winter"

"I'm Aria Allistaire"

"I've been coming here since I was eight, with my best friend, so, Aria, tell me, why are you here?"

"I don't know, it's just a place where I relieve myself of all the stress..."

"You know, it's really hard to find this place cause it's really hidden, so how did you find it"

"I don't know either, it was a really bad day for me, so I left home and ended up here, it was like my feet had a mind of their own... "

They sat under the cherry blossom tree...

"Aria, you remind of someone, someone really special to me..."

"Really?! Who?"

"She was a really good friend, my best friend..." he said with a unique smile on his face and a special glint in his eyes, he looked absolutely...love struck...

She smiled, looked at him and said "You love her, don't you"

"..huh...I...I...I..." he looked hesitant to tell her.

"You can tell me, it's not like I'm gonna tell anyone"

'I don't have anyone to tell anyway...except Anna" she thought.

"Why should I trust you, I don't even know you"

"Probably because when I leave this place we're most likely never gonna meet each other again, so you are free to vent, I will vent too...eventually..."

"I guess you're right..."

"I'm always right" she said with a smug smile.

"You're right...I do..."


"I do love her" he said looking up at the sky.

"I knew it! So why don't you tell her?"

"I can't..."

"Yes you can, just tell her how you feel, it's pretty easy..."

"I can't...so, it's your turn to vent..."

She noticed he didn't want to talk about it anymore, so...

"Do I come off as unlikable?"

"No...more like outspoken"

"Am I ugly?"

"No, you're actually really beautiful"

"Then why doesn't she want me...and...and...why does she hate me..."

"..wait...she?...she!...she?!...you're...you're into girls?!"

"What? No! I'm talking about my mom!"

"Oh! I don't think it's possible for your mom to hate you, I mean she gave birth to you..."

"You say it's impossible cause you aren't me"

"Why do you think she hates you?"

"All my life I've tried to make her proud, but she was never satisfied, I would help around the house, take care of her when she was sick, I'd do anything and everything just to see her smile at me like she does to Amelia..." she said with tears glistening in her eyes.

"I had never asked for anything, but I had one dream, just one dream, I wanted to study fashion designing at a fashion school in the neighbouring kingdom...that was the only thing I asked for, the one thing I really wanted, but do you know what she said, she said it didn't matter what I wanted, Amelia would be the one going to the fashion school, she'd be the one to become a stellar fashion designer, and I...I was thrown into a marriage with a man thrice my age, he's older than my father!! I didn't have a say, I couldn't ask for toys, only Amelia deserved them, I couldn't get new dresses or shoes, only Amelia deserved them, I couldn't fulfil my life long dream, only Amelia deserved that, I didn't even have a say in my own marriage, someone I was supposed to spend the rest of my life with, only Amelia could pick the one she wanted to marry, not me. Am I not their child, why is the treatment so different, why am I treated like a plague, why am I always told that I'll never be good enough, why can't I voice out my opinions, why don't I have a say in anything that concerns my life, what do they think of me, a puppet, a lifeless doll that they could manipulate to their will and desires, why me, all I ever wanted was to be loved...why do they hate me?!"

she broke down in tears.