
The lost maiden

In a bid to flee from a loveless marriage, Aria and her best friend Annalise, set off on a journey to start a new life, on the way they come across Lucien, a knight in shining armor...literally....but faith has other plans, a journey of self discovery soon turns into a search for the missing princess, but forces are determined to find the princess before them. It's a race against time as the trio set out to find the princess, secrets are uncovered, plots revealed, destinies unveiled in this journey to find the lost maiden.

A_ria · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter 1

Rays of the early morning sunshine streaming from the window, the chirping of the birds, singing their own distinctive melody. The scent of daisies and peonies lingering in the air. The soft humming of a tune, straight from the heart, could be heard in a distance...

"Aria, how do you function so early in the morning."

Aria turned to look at her best friend Annalise, or Anna, her mid back straight red hair flowing with the wind, highlighting her forest green eyes, with a pointed nose in addition to her small round light pink lips, her cupid's arch, slightly less pronounced than normal...sometimes looking at her Anna made Aria feel inferior, she knew she was pretty but Anna was gorgeous and growing up in a place where you are constantly compared to your elder sister, being told you aren't beautiful enough by your own mother would definitely knock a few...a lot of points off your self confidence...

"Don't tell me you're comparing us in your mind again, Aria you're beautiful inside and out"

"You're just saying that to make me feel better"

"No, I'm not, your honestly really beautiful, your blue green eyes are absolutely mesmerizing, your cherry pink lips, your wavy light brown hair, with natural highlights, I mean you're completely stunning"

"Thanks, but it's starting to sound weird coming from you, so, come on help me, I still have to wash the clothes"

"Yeah, yeah, but doesn't your elder sister do anything around here, she only spends money on dresses and what not"

"It's nothing, I'm not complaining, the work keeps me distracted"

"You know you're allowed to dream Aria, it's not a crime to look forward to a good future"

"No Anna, I can't afford to dream, people like you can, I'd rather not get my hopes up, dreaming is not for me, now let's go, I don't have all day"


Three hours later....

Aria sat under the cherry blossom tree behind her home, playing with fallen petals...

"Aria! Aria!! Aria!!!"

"Yes mother "

"Come here"


Dusting the dirt off my clothes, I walked towards my mother, a lady in her mid thirties, her long brunette hair packed up in a bun at the top of her head, her dark hazel eyes staring straight at me...

"Mother, you called?"

"Yes, come with me"

I walked into the house with my mother, she stopped at the door, looked me up and down, then nodded...

We walked into the house and I saw a man who looked like he was in his early forties, dark brown hair, darker brown eyes, plum and a round stomach, nothing much to write home about really...

"Aria, this is Mr Damian"

"Good afternoon Sir."

He took her hand, his lecherous gaze landing on her ample chest as he licked his lips....


Aria quickly took her hand back using her scarf to cover her chest, looking at the man cautiously, she had a very bad feeling about him...about this...about everything...

"Aria, do you know why Mr Damien is here?''


"He's here for a marriage proposal"

"Okay...for Amelia?"

She desperately hoped it wasn't what she was thinking... no her mother would never do something like that, she was mean sometimes but it was just about making her a better person...she would never sell her to some old geezer... no...

"He's your fiance"

Her heart dropped, arms hung limply by her side, her legs loosing strength, tears glistening in her eyes...

"Now, go and give your fiance a warmer welcome"

Seeing her not moving, she frowned...

"Go on now, don't keep him waiting"

Aria looked at her mom's fawning expression, but beneath her dark hazel eyes a burning fury could be seen and it was clearly directed at Aria, because of refusal to move.

"Aria! Go! Now!!"