
The Lost Heir (A Harry Potter Fanfic)

An unexpected tragedy happened, and a boy suddenly died. Because his death was unexpected even in the eyes of Fate, he was given a chance to reincarnate to the world of his liking. Follow the boy in his misadventures and series of misfortunes as he lives his second life while being burdened by the curse of his name. Author's notes: So this story will have slow updates as this idea was stuck in my head for a while, and I can't really find a fanfiction with this idea so I'm making one. You can even copy my idea since I don't know if I will put an end to this story. I will apologize in advance if there are grammar mistakes because English is my second language. I don't own any of J.K. Rowling's works, except my SI-OC character.

MapleLeaves · Fantasy
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29 Chs


A small room, which could be found in an enormous magical castle, housed large numbers of artifacts that survived the trials of time. In the middle sat a candle with a small dancing flame, a book that seems to be enchanted, and a moving quill. The quill is eagerly writing on the book, and every name transcribed lit up as if it is already permanently engraved. These are the Quill of Acceptance, and the Book of Admittance. Responsible for identifying every magical child born inside Magical Britain.

"A new generation has come Albus, but I fear for what's coming for them. With the war going on, the future looks bleak." A witch garbed in dark green robes and a pointy hat said. Looking sad as some of the names inside the book were suddenly erased. Meaning, they have become a casualty of the war.

"We surely are in dark times, Minerva. But the school will still accept them and it will be guiding them. All wars end, and so will ours. We can only look forward to the future and prepare them." An old man in light gray robes said with a faraway and sad look. The old man looks docile, but he exudes a magical aura proving how powerful he is despite his old appearance. The witch recognized that look and can't help but to only sigh.

"Yes, I hope those children do not suffer further. We've already lost enough people, but we can't do anything but teach and prepare them." The witch said with a pained voice. She knows what it felt like as she herself lost her husband and only child in that war. It's hard to move on, and her job as a professor is the only thing that distracts her from remembering those painful memories. But it will take a long time for her to accept the harsh reality that even magic was not able to change.

"Come, Minerva. We should start making the letters soon." And they left the room while the quill was still busy writing on the book. No one was there to witness something odd and magnificent.

The quill started to write a child's surname when it froze. It's only for a moment, but the quill continued its job. It wrote the surname, only for it to come to be invisible before appearing again. It seems the spell was powerful but still proved to be weaker than the ancient artifact. Any magical person would recognize that name for the name itself carries a certain power, that anyone who hears it will feel either awe or fear.


'Frederick Grindelwald'

Fidelius charm is a very powerful spell. It's the ability to hide one's secret in his or her soul that makes it invisible to anyone but the caster and a designated secret keeper. The spell and the caster may be powerful, but as the book and quill themselves were ancient artifacts, enchanted by the most complicated enchantments, runes, and spells cast by the founders of the school, it's only obvious who will outpower the other.

Time passed by with no one witnessing the great changes in the threads of fate. Only the odd quill as it danced between the pages of the book.


In an alley somewhere on the other side of another vast multiverse, a man barely in the twenties laid on the cold hard ground. A pool of blood is forming around his body coming from multiple stab wounds.

'Ugh, I feel cold. This is it huh?'

One moment I was going home and a bunch of thugs suddenly ganged up on me. I only thought it was a robbery so I immediately gave them my stuff. I didn't try to fight back as I'm outnumbered, but one of them has something else in mind.

I felt a sharp pain on my back before I fell on the ground. Then the sadistic one continued to stab me. The movies surely lied about stab injuries. I can't even move or speak because of the pain and fear.

When they were done, they immediately ran away and I was left alone in a dark alley. I was waiting for death when my whole life flashed in front of me.

I remembered my childhood. Spending a lot of time playing outside, and the nagging that I hear from mom whenever I come home late. I also recalled being a fan of the Harry Potter franchise. I bought every book that Rowling published. Hell, I even read almost all fanfictions that I saw on the internet especially those self insert types. That was the time I wished that I was a wizard too. Throwing different spells to your enemies must be fun.

Then I saw a glimpse of my family in those memories. Good thing my family won't be too sad when I die. My older brother already has his own family and my parents were happier when they found out they were having their grandchildren. I am already in my last year in college as an aspiring neurologist, and I have no romantic life, but I am not a virgin. I only had a one night stand, but nothing came after that. I was just stressed at that time because of my studies.

Then the flashbacks ended, my eyes felt heavy and everything went black.