
The Awakening Pt.2

When she awoke again, she found that she hadn't moved from her spot on the ground; had her mother really not come back yet..? She felt wetness around her, but it wasn't from the rain from the previous night. She didn't particularly care at the moment, she had a bigger issue to deal with.

The rain was now gone, and orange light from the setting sun streamed in from the remains of the windows, and surrounded her.

She attempted to rise up from the ground, and this time, with the help of the edge of the table. she managed to remain on her feet. She didn't want to wait for her mother- she was hungry and weak, though she didn't know why. The clothes felt small on her skin, yet she chose not to focus on that at the moment. She walked over to the old door. Because it was stuck, rusted with age, she had to slowly creak it open.

The woods outside were unrecognizable. "Have I been here for awhile?" She wondered. She was pretty sure that she hadn't… but then she saw something that looked vaguely familiar!

She walked in the direction of a small lake, the water reflecting the beautiful light from above. She stared at it for a moment before recognition hit; "Mommy can I go play in the water?" She still remembered her mother's answer. "Not right now dearest, mommy has to go get ready. But you can stay out here and look around for a little." Her mother had seemed so tired that she didn't ask again. She had simply walked around the house looking at the nature that surrounded it until her mother called her into the house.

"I have been here before… But I just got there!" She said out-loud as she slumped against a tree. The house, for her only being there for two days, looked very different from how she remembered it. It looked as though a tornado had come and messed up the entire thing. Dust was making her sneeze, though she had already been outside for a few minutes. She suddenly realized that she hadn't checked to see if any of their belongings were in the house. She straightened up to go back, but out of the corner of her eye she heard something through the trees in the distance.

She made a hasty decision to walk in that direction and not go back the way that she had come from. After all, she was hungry and her mother and her hadn't yet gotten the chance to go and gather food.

Her mother had probably gone to the market, meaning that she would have taken Opal, their black horse, with her. She smiled at the thought of Opal; who had been given to them as a gift. They never would have been able to afford to buy one, so eventually, after one particularly hard to cure sickness. The on the mend man was so grateful he gave a foal to them. They had tried to refuse, saying it was too great a bill, but he was insistent and eventually they took her home with them. (When she had been old enough and they had space for her).

Opal was three different colors; black, white, and brown. Her mother had let her child name the beautiful creature, and she had named her 'Opal' because they were usually many different colors. Opal was a great help to the family- whenever one of them needed to go to town they rode her.

She soon realized that what she had seen was farther away than she had anticipated- and a lot of it was uphill. Would she even be able to make it in the condition she was in?

She walked on, using a few of the trees for support. The light was gone now, but the slim sliver of the moon helped her find her way through the woods. Should she just go back? The thought nagged at her again, and again she pushed it away. There was nothing left where she had been.

She walked for what felt like an eternity, but was probably only an hour. By now her limbs has grown tired and numb. She frequently had to rest, sitting down on tree logs and big boulders that were all over the forest floor.

"I-I have to make it!!" She told herself as she continued on. After an hour of walking she reached what turned out to be a single house. Around the house was an ember glowing circle, and inside of the circle was a fire that had smoke rising into the sky. The house was small, but in good condition, it was clearly made out of the wood that the trees around them were. It wasn't a village like she was hoping… But at least it was something!

She took a few steps into the ember colored circle before hesitation, uncertain of what or who could be there. She was scared, but knew it was a risk that she would have to take. She took another step and leaned against a

Suddenly her heart felt like it could take no more, she got dizzy quickly and just about managed to stay on her feet. "Huh?" She heard someone gasp and went to turn in that site. It turned out to be a mistake, before she even saw who it was, her hand slipped from the tree she was leaning on and she crashed towards the dirt.

The boy was shocked!! He had gone out to the woods to get some more wood for the fire, and when he came back there was a stranger standing in front of his house. He gasped at the surprise. He saw that it was a girl, and that was all he had time to think about before she appeared to fall towards the ground. He dropped the wood that he was holding and ran forward to catch her. He didn't make it in time, and instead lifted her off the ground and carried her into the house.

He didn't know who she was, but from the looks of it, she needed help.