
The Awakening, part I

In the dark that the moonless sky emitted, not much could be seen, however, there were a variety of sounds that broke through the silence of the night. In the gentle spring breeze, the forest trees waved their branches to the bear of the rain that was pouring from the endless clouds that stretched over the sky. The rain, however peaceful, stirred an array of reactions from many different residents of the forest. Some were overjoyed by the weather, while others were angered at the disruption of their sleeping routine. The hoot of an owl echoed through the woods, calling out to another far in the distance. The crickets chirped out their complaints whilst frogs croaked out their joynat the coolness covering their bodies.

The rain that had been pouring for hours, dripped down from the thick leaves to form puddles at the base of the trees, soon to be the perfect mosquito breeding place until they dried up, taking the pests with them. The forest was a great place for them to breed due to the condensed number of lakes.

There were many animals that lived between the trees, but many of them had taken shelter when the rain had begun. Their cries had fallen silent after a bit of time out of the rain, while others, the ones that weren't nocturnal, had simply slept through the entirety of it, protected in their burrows and tree knots.

In this particular neck of the woods, only handfuls of people lived. Most of those humans were asleep, the storm didn't impact them through the thick, sturdy roots of their houses, though it would surely impact their way of living; the crops wouldn't need to be watered for days, the absorbent soil turned muddy very quickly, which made the ground to the farms the people tended to easier to break.

In a house deeper in the woods and farther away from the others, there laid a girl who'd been asleep for quite a long time Her empty house was directly in the eye of the storm and though she hadn't been awake for over a decade, she now slightly stirred in the overgrown house. Her messy almond brown hair tugged around her waist as she was laying upon it on a table. At the moment she could hardly lift a finger, as she was not yet awake enough to have a sense of anything around her, but soon she would wake and have questions that no one in the forest would be able to answer.    

It was a few more minutes before another sign of her awakening showed; her eyes fluttered for a moment and a sigh escaped from the narrow lips of her pale face. She would wake up exactly as the signs have told.

Outside of the room that she was in, was the vast forest whilst, the inside of the house was barren and dusty, no light having entered within the deathly quiet building for years. Though no one had been awake inside of the house for a couple years to keep them out, the animals had, for the most part, stayed outside the building.

The outside of the house was overgrown with tall weeds and grass. Ivy, a beautiful dark green though full of poison had snaked its way up the walls over the years and was still ever growing. It had gone through the aged, cracked windows and into the run down house where it made its way down the walls. From there, normal ivy began to mutate out from the old vines outside. This ivy wasn't poisonous, but it was much more durable and long. Over the past few years, it had weaved its way towards the table on which the girl layed and entwined its way around the base. It was a mystery to how after all of the storms that hit the cottage, the roof hadn't even sprung a leak.

For a girl whose dreams were running free, her body was incapable of doing much to begin with. She finally came to but found she was unable to think clearly. For a bit of time she layed still. She grimaced when her body creaked with the impact of sitting up. A long moment later and her head finally cleared up, save for a headache that was left behind, but at the very least her thoughts were able to be registered;

"Where am I…?" She thought, and once she repeated the question out loud the strange, unfamiliar voice startled her. For a second she was sure that someone was mocking her, but the feeling didn't last and the fright gave way to wry and she was certain that she was the only one in the...house?

She tried to get up, but it was too soon. Her muscles, which had been asleep for days upon days left her weak. The second she stood, her knees buckled beneath her, and she dropped down to the dusty ground. She layed there for another moment listening to the rhythm of the rain and breathing in the musty air. She wanted to call out for her mother, but found that her voice, now far too dry, didn't allow her to do so. She closed her heavy eyes again, and slept for another day.

This is my first time sharing any of my writing with other people. I let my girlfriend read it, and she wants me to share it with other people. I have procrastinated writing this for so long, even with her help, so I will fix that now. Enjoy.

Rosabella_McVaughcreators' thoughts