
The lost blossom

Haruno Sakura a medic ninja who fight on the great ninja war is on the edge of death while all her friends, family and even her love one Sasuke die in the war, she thought she already going die too, but a strange thing happen and find herself alive in different world, where every one she know from her world also there. To come back to her own world she need to investigate what kind world is that and who created it, and for her to do that she had to pretend to be Haruno Sakura in that world. Can she survive with the world that unfamiliar with her? How will she survive in the world that the Haruno Sakura there is not a ninja who give her life for everyone but a villainess who hate by everyone even her best friend Naruto and the guy she like Uchiha Sasuke.

Lshemarch13 · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

The red haired reporter

''Hey Time!''

The familiar voice of a guy echoed all over the place and was currently walking towards the location of the guy with the black hair, who didn't even respond to his call and just kept his dark sharp eyes fixed on the man in front of him who looking back at him with his fearless red eye.

'' Are we-

'' - having a staring contest?'' the silent broke because of the joke that come from the red haired guy, who can't stand the weird and awkward situation between them.

Sasuke make a quick glare to his car, then look back his sharp eye to the guy in front of him.'' nice car.'' he said.

'' Yeah, you see this is lates-''

''To nice for being stalker '' Sasuke added .

Sasori mouth open, looking left and right to see who's the stalkers this dark haired guy referring. But when he see those smirk on his lips, Sasori felt a little offended. He scratched his head while trying to smile,. '' Look, you mistaking, I'm not a stalker, I'm -''

'' A pervert.''

'' Ye-Nooo!!''

'' Then what are you?''

'' I'm a reporter!''

'' Reporter?''

'' Yes!''

Sasuke eyes flich,taking out his right hand to his pants pocket. Sasuke look at his red eye directly. '' So this pervert reporter lingering like a stalker just to talk to that girl?'' .

This time Sasori's eyes are the one who flinch and a smirk escapes to his lips, the irritating he felt earlier turn in something. His mind telling that the young guy in front of him who looking at him like he can read his mind , might become a big obstacle to get close to the girl with pink hair and to find answers about the incident two years ago.

Sasori smirk. '' Your smart and straight forward''

'' I already know that, so tell me, what do you want for her'' Sasuke said.

'' You don't need to know about it'' Sasori give him a weak tap of his shoulder then turn his back and before the loud yellow hair come near them. He go back to his car then leave.

'' Hey Teme, why are you not answering me? I called your name for so many time.'' Naruto said a soon he approach the young Uchiha.

But Sasuke eyes still fixed on the direction the red car was headed. There was only one thing on his mind at that time.

And that is ,the pink girl that surrounded by things he can't even explain.

''Sasuke, who is the man you were talking to?'' He said and also looked in the same direction where the dark haired guy eyes not bother to look at his friend and just continue looking to car until in vanish in their naked eye.

Sasuke remain silent, putting his both hand to his pocket then leave the yellow haired guy who still remaining there and still looking at nowhere, not noticing that the dark haired Uchiha is already near the gate of the school and left alone again.

When Naruto notice it, he immediately run towards to the young Uchiha '' HEY! TEME!!'' he shouted.

Meanwhile, in the rooftop of the school the two sharp black eye glaring the Uchiha. The uniform was already tangled due to the extreme tightness of her both grip. She lowered her eyebrows . Her eyelids twitched due to the extreme anger that she felt at that moment and her lips tightened.

She doesn't know why all her plan failed. Why she can't ruin that pink b*tch again. She can do it again! Like that time!

But why!?

Meyuki grip become more and more tightly. Then a loud sound that came from the iron door drifting in her ears and all the things in her mind instantly vanish.

Moving slightly her head and make a quick glare what the reason of that sound. Meyuki flinch.

A figure who come from the iron door walk towards to the short haired girl who just only observing her from her peripheral vision.

'' Let's talk!'' the figure said. Standing behind her.Her tone show so much of irritation. And Meyuki know it's. The reason why this figure face show so much rage.

'' Your to rude to that door. Don't you know it?-'' Looking behind ''- Karin.''

Karin who can't stop gritting her teeth for so much angry, walk straight to her.

'' You! You told me that Sasuke will become mind ! But what is this! What the heck is this damn rumors!!'' Karin shouted. Can't suppress her emotion.

'' Relax'' She said. Not having any trace of fear in her dark eye, even Karen is looking at her like she ready to kill her any minute. Her red eyes burning for jealousy.

'' Relax?! How can i relax, if i already know that b*tch clingy to Sasuke!'' Karin look down.

''- that b*tch how dare she!! For getting closer to my Sasuke!! And all of this is because of you!!You said, you can help me to bring Sasuke to me! You! You promise me!!!!!''

'' Relax Karin, don't act like fool and try to calmed yourself!''

''No!! I won't believe you anymore! I won't follow your orders anymor-''


The cold hand of Meyuki landed on Karin left cheek. The angry girl who losing her mind earlier is now in state of shock after the strong slap on her cheek.

'' What? You won't obey me anymore?! You won't obey me!!!'' Meyuki shouted and in flash her right hand is already in Karen white neck. Her nail slowy pushing down in on her flesh.

''How dare you to rised your voice on me! Don't you forget? You have no right to complain or demand anything on me for the first place!'' Meyuki eyes become more and more sharp as if those eyes is not the eye of human. Different from the look she show to everyone.

The nail in her neck tightly every second past.And Karin who almost lost on air cough and a tears fall on her pale cheeks. Those dark eye of her and those kind of glaring makes Karin trembling like a rat that shaking her own tail in fears. Seeing those kind of eyes make the bold Karin feet move backwards. In instant all of the courage and the angry she felt melting away just because of that eyes.

She scared, she really scared. Karin feel like her stupid act make this girl angry. Causing of her life make in line. The girl in front of her is like a witch. No more that a witch! She's demon.

Seeing the look of the red haired girl struggling to her grips Meyuki grin.As if she enjoying to see her like that. But killing this pathetic girl will not bring any good to her plans. And beside she know this obsessed girl still have use to her and might effect her plan if she throw this pathetic bitch. The strong grip to her neck slowly lose and eventually Karen neck finally free to those strong yet cold grip.




Karen hold her neck, catching her breath while still continue crying.

The sob come from the helpless girl that already sitting on the ground, broke the silent between them.And Meyuki who still grinning and looking down at her with her death glare speak. '' You are not in the right position to act like that''

Karen look at her with her shaking voice she said '' B-but you promised me-''

'' Yes! I promised that, and I am the person with one word.But if you continue act like that i might change my mind. Do you think Sasuke will look at you back with out my help? '' Meyuki bend her body and go near to Karin ears and whisper '' After what you done two years ago?''

The words released by the girl in front of her is like a cold wind that bring terror, flowed from her ears to her entire body. A word that slowly eating her in despair and fears. A word that make her crazy.

Karen eyes wider and shaking like crazy. Her pale lips slowly turn in bloody red because of her finger that already have a wound for bitting it.

While his eyes were restless with fear the girl who causing it smile like she just enjoying what her naked eyes seen .

A weak groan escape of her lips. Seeing this girl making those face just only for a guy,make her laugh. A jealous heart of girl is so easy to manipulate. And because she can hold her in to her neck. She know this girl will do anything for the shake of her selfish and foolish dreams.

Meyuki kneel and pat her back. '' stop crying, you know i won't do that, I'm your ally.''

Karen stop bitting her fingers and look at her.

'' really?''

'' of course''

A bitter smile draw on the lips of the red haired girl and quickly hold Meyuki's hand .'' Y-ou won't tell Sasuke what i did right? ''

'' I won't ''

'' Y-ou still help me right?''

'' Of course ..i will help you, you just need follow my plan and Sasuke will be yours -



'' Okay, that's all for today.'' said by the one and only teacher who wearing a mask while teaching. Lead by class president Meyuki, everyone stood up and showed respect to the teacher before it leave the classroom.

'' Forehead!''

Sakura look to the only girl who calling her like that. '' What is it?''

'' Do you have time today?''

'' why?''

'' What to come to my house? The girls are going there to hangout.''

'' The girls?'' Sakura narrow her eyebrows.

Seeing the confused reaction of the pink haired girl Ino immediately remember, that Sakura's memory's haven't returned yet. So those girl also erase on her mind.

'' Anyway,just come tonight okay, i wait for you and also-( Ino whisper) ''- i also invited a special guest.'' then wink to her friends before running through the door. And before it disappears Ino look back and shouted '' Make sure you come, if not you regret it! Bye!'' waving her hand.

Sakura left dumbfounded. Can't understand who is that special person that Ino talking about. But before her mind swallow again by other questions she quickly grab her bag then follow her best friend through the door. On the way to the gate Sakura can't believe her best friend Ino is already gone, in the classes earlier Ino face looks so tired but now after the classes Ino suddenly become energetic. Showing that her yellow haired best friend hate studying that much.

She just want to ask about the special guest but because it's quickly disappeared on her sight Sakura only release a long sign then smile.

'' I guess, i really need to come to find out who is that special guest is bragging and the girls she mentioning.'' thinking to tell to ask permission first to her Father. Sakura decided to call her father right away, when she felt something in her back. Sakura slightly move her head and simply look behin. And in her corner of her emerald eyes a shadow can be seen. It's standing behind her with even moving as if that figure only observing her.

The encounter of Saigetsu flashback on her mind, so before something might happen, Sakura slowly putdown her phone in her side and with her agility and her flexible body she quickly lower her head, look back and twisted her body and a quick punch release in her left fist.

Sakura eye wider. When she recognize who it is, she immediately cease her attack, and thankgod Sakura is a chunin with a good self control and a strong mind.

'' You!?'' Sakura said seeing the shock look of the red haired handsome guy. Her fist almost reach his bare skin. If Sakura didn't stop, this guy might taste the strong punch that make Naruto knocked down.

The red haired guy face show a terrified look. He can't eveb blink his red eyes and just remain wider, and a tiny cristal dots in his forehead flow all over in his cheeks through his small chin. His adams apple move up and down as if he swallow something. The shock he felt overtaking his consciousness.

In Sasori's mind, if the pink haired girl didn't stop of that time. If this girl infront of him don't have a self control,100% those grip of her will landed on his handsome face and his popularity decrease to zero.

A long sigh release by the red haired guy. He know that punch is not ordinary punch, cause when Sakura stop her attack, the sound of the wind gasp of his face.

'' What are doing here?''

The voice of the pink girl that flow to his ears are the reason that his nervous in his chest and the scared in his mind slowly disappear. And before he can have a guts to look at the eye of this girl Sasori force himself to relax. Forgetting the terrifying experience and fullfil the real reason why his back at that place.

'' I'm sorry if i scared you'' he said, can't help his self to feel deceitful in his own words, cause the real person who scared is him.

'' So what do you want!''

He smiles, those familiar words remain him of a person he meet earlier. That arrogant brat. Sasori grimace, cause remembering those brat also remaining him with his friends. They have a same color of hair and the way they look is also the same.. it's annoying.

'' Are you gonna smiling there like crazy or do you want to answer my question?'' Sakura said. Can't help to feel irritating cause she felt like this guy is just wasting her time.

'' Oh, sorry..i just remember something ''

Sakura roll her eyes '' If you done reminiscing something, can you tell me your business, cause you wasting my time.''

'' Okay, sorry'' Sasori smirk, then look around, talking to this kind of place is not good,that brat might interfere if he saw them talking. So Sasori think to move in different place '' Can i invite you to a coffee? There's something i want to ask to you.''

Sakura look seriously at him. She doesn't want to agree, after what Sasuke told to him last time when they see the red haired guy but her guts screaming something, something that might the answer to all question in her mind.

'' Okay.'' she agreed.

In the long noise alley the two walking without taking to each other. The awkwardness between them can sense even to those who passing by.The serious face of Sasori, that full of questions and the determine face of Sakura that seeking for answer.

Her eyes are still full of suspicion about this man's true intentions towards her. Why it's suddenly appears infornt of her that time and what are the things he wants to know to the point this guy follow her through her school?

Whether this red haired guy has connection to the real Sakura or maybe, this man has involved why she sucks on this world and facing those weird things?

Until she's not sure about this man personality and his intensions '' I need to be more careful, i mustn't let my guard down.'' her inner self said and still observing the man infornt from head to toe.

When Sasori suddenly stop walking and look back to her Sakura immediately flinch and said

'' What?''

Sasori smile '' Let's go inside.''

Sakura looks to the door where Sasori pointing at, it's a coffee shop, but the store structure looks really old, like it's been built for so many years but what make Sakura feel a bit confused is the street and the surrounding is so familiar at her.

'' What are doing? Come inside.'' Sasori said. Open the door for the young Haruno. '' Ladie's first'' then wink.

Sakura dumbfounded to the action of the red haired guy but act like she doesn't see those disgusting playboy act of him. Pretty sure that this man is a womanizer. Sakura cringe and horror when her mind suddenly snap of the image of Sasori on her world, and act like a fool womanizer while using his puppet technique.

She shake her head.

'' What's the matter?''

She gasp.'' A-ahh, n-nothing.'' then immediately go inside, not looking back to the guy who have a confused look in his face.

'' Welcom-'' the tall waiter who just came back from the kitchen surprise upon seeing the girl with pink hair and big emerald eyes that also showing that the girl is also suprise to see him in that place.

'' I-itachi?'' Sakura said.

'' Sakura, what are doing here?''

'' Well im-''

'' She's with me.'' Sasori who answered Itachi 's question walk through them and wave to his friends. '' Yo!''

'' I didn't know, you two, know each other '' Sasori added.

'' Huh?, Aah she's-''

''- my younger brother's classmates.'' Itachi said.

'' Oh yeah, i remember your younger brother is already high school now. Wow, times flies so fast.'' then laugh.

Itachi force himself to smile. And with his pokerface he assist the two of them to the empty table and ask for their orders then leave.

'' This place have a very tasty coffee and cake's,'' Sasori said bragging about the coffee shop.

Sakura look around, it's really have a unique interior different from the other store she seen sincen she goes to that world.

But more important, Sakura wants to know the connection of Itcahi and Sasori. '' Tell me, how do you know Itachi?''

'' He's my friend and classmate on highschool.''

'' I see.''

'' Looks like, you close to each other.''

'' Who?'' Sakura look at the haired guy, a blush appears in her both cheek.

'' Itachi.''

'' Ah.'' She simply grimace, she felt shame cause she thought the one this man talking is the young Uchiha then suddenly she remember the scene when they first saw the red haired guy.

''if Itachi knows this guy and their real friends, why Sasuke saying this man might dangerous ?'' her inner self can't stop thinking why Sasuke said those things. '' Is Sasuke doesn't know this guy? But that impossible this guy is Itachi's friends..unless his lying?'' Sakura close her grip.

She need to be sure about her true identity.

'' So, are you gonna tell me now what do you want to me?'' Sakura said.

'' You are really brave and straight forward person, don't you want to wait our orders first ?'' a sound of admiration came from the red haired guy, can't help but to admire those bold and fearless emerald eyes of the girl infornt of him.

'' Look, Mr. reporter, there's something i need to do, so, if it's okay to you, don't waste my time, let's get to the point. What do you want to know.''

'' Then, if you wish lets go to the business.'' Sasori smirk. Look to his back and take the brown folder. and from inside the brown envelope, he took out a paper-like thing and placed it on the table near to the pink haired girl, then turned his attention to the girl he was talking to.

His playful eyes change to a serious look.

The emerald orb curiously followed the paper he placed on the table and then asked. ''What is that?''

Sasori didn't answer, instead he pushed that thing more closer to her. And with out hesitation Sakura take it and look.

'' A photo?'' her eye roll and her right eyebrows rise while looking to the red haired guy, as if this guy is making fun at her. Going to this place just because of that photo.

'' Aa.''

'' But why? Why giving this to me?''

'' Look closely, don't you recognize the person in the photo?''

Sakura eye look back to the photo, and immediately her eyes wider to what this guy talking to. '' So what this photo all about?'' she said looking again to the guy in front.

'' You recognize who is it?''

Sakura smirk '' Of couse, how i can't recognize my own pictures? So tell me is that it? You asking me to go all the way here, just to tell that you have my photo's ? What are you my admirer?'' those playful word that Sakura said make Sasori grin smile can't stop showing on his lips

'' I really honored to become admirer of the only princess of this village, but is not the really reason why i showing you this photo.''

'' Then what is?''

Sasori leaned his back to the chair, rest his right tight to his left tight then make his both arms a X gesture to his chest. '' That picture taken two years ago ''

Sakura look back to photos and see the date below. '' You right, it's taking two years ago. Then?''

The innocent face of Sakura, make him feel a little unease, as if this girl really don't know what this picture all about or just pretending.

'' Y-you-

'' Hm?''

'' - don't you really know this photo?''

Sakura nodded. '' If i know this, then why I'm asking now? Beside how did you get this photo?Did you took it? ''

Sasori look seriously, like he trying to read her mind.As a reporter he expert about this kind of situation, he can read some one by just looking to they're face expression, he can see clearly if the person is lying or just pretending. But why he can't figure it out, just looking to this pink haired girl, his mind became so confused. Sasori can't decided what to do. He can't tell what this girl thinking right now.

'' Are you having a staring contest?''

'' Ye-''

''- W-what the-'' Sasori heart almost jump on his chest when the dark haired guy suddenly appear in his side.

'' S-sasuke kun?'' Sakura said seeing the young Uchiha standing their side while looking to the red haired guy ''And?-

''- Gaara!? ''Sakura look to the guy beside the young Uchiha who also giving a death glare to the red haired guy.

'' What are doing here? How do get here? '' continues question came from the fluster pink girl.

'' I just passing by.'' he answer but his sharp eyes were still fixed on the man with red hair who was now confused and can't stop thinking how the dark haired guy suddenly appeared from nowhere. and why he didn't stop looking at him like that. Like he wants to eat him alive. And also who is that red haired guy with eyeliner on his both eye that also giving him a death glare, like he commented a big sin.

'' just passing by? that's kind of excuses is to old no one will believe to those foolish lie and this generation.'' Sasori whisper, but when his eyes landed to the pink haired girl. Sasori lost a word, seeing her face that she actually believes those excuses.

'' Sasuke kun rid you know each other? '' Sakura said. And that moment Sasuke stop his glaring to the red haired guy. Instead look to the guy beside him, who that not even blinking his eyes and not even talking.

''No'' Sasuke and Gaara said at the same time then throw a deaths glare to each other.

'' Then, why are you both here? ''

'' Ino ask me to take you to her house.-''

'' Wait a minute! you said you just passing by. '' Sasori interfere but Sasuke ignore him instead he look to the pink haired girl.

''- tell me, how do you this guy.''

Gaara look at him but didn't speak.

'' Gaara is Ino's friend little brother.'' then look once again to the quiet guy. '' Gaara, what are you doing here? ''

Gaara shake his head '' I'm lost.''

'' What do you mean you lost?''

'' I'm looking for convenient store and got lost.''

The two continue talking while Sasuke only listen to them. While the three busy to their own world the red haired report lost a word. He felt like they forget his still there. Like he is not existing and just a invisible.

'' Hey, guys I'm still here.'' he said but no one listening to him. '' Sakura chan-''

Sakura suddenly stand up '' I remember, Ino telling me that the girls is hanging out to her house, your sister might in there! ''

Gaars nodded.

'' Sasuke kun, are you coming with us?''

Sasuke nodded also

'' Then let's go!''

'' Wait Sa-''

But Sakura didn't hear him and just continue walking through the door follow by the red haired Gaara.

When Sasuke is about to follow them. Itachi came with the coffee and cake that Sasori ordered.

'' Sasuke?''

Sasuke only look to his brother then walk through the door.

A soon Itachi notice that Sakura is missing, he already guess what happened and why his brother suddenly came to his workspace.

While putting the coffee and cake to the table Itachi said. '' I guess, you didn't find the answer you looking for.''

'' You bet.'' he take the cup of coffee and drink it-.

'' -there so many irritating bug's that lingering to her.''

'' i see.''

'' but, wait a minute you seem to know that dark haired arrogant brat.''

'' yes.''

'' how did you know that brat.''

Before he answer he take a one bite of the cake .'' his my little brother.'' then smile before leave.

Sasori dumbfounded. '' so they brothers?'' he smirk '' that the reason why they both arrogant and annoying.'' he take the photo on table and look to the girl on the picture.

'' Well, i might failed today, but i will assured you, that i obtain all the answer i need to you. Let's meet again princess.''