
The lost blossom

Haruno Sakura a medic ninja who fight on the great ninja war is on the edge of death while all her friends, family and even her love one Sasuke die in the war, she thought she already going die too, but a strange thing happen and find herself alive in different world, where every one she know from her world also there. To come back to her own world she need to investigate what kind world is that and who created it, and for her to do that she had to pretend to be Haruno Sakura in that world. Can she survive with the world that unfamiliar with her? How will she survive in the world that the Haruno Sakura there is not a ninja who give her life for everyone but a villainess who hate by everyone even her best friend Naruto and the guy she like Uchiha Sasuke.

Lshemarch13 · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs


'' Well, they said you and Sakura chan is .. you know. '' Naruto said. He's tone have a trace of mixing teasing and intrigued to the dark haired guy, while irritating grin still remained on his face and those eyebrows of him is non stop moving up and down.

Sasuke can't bare it and give the yellow haired guy a warning using those usual death glare of him and immediately Naruto flinch.

" Just tell me already what is it? '' Sasuke said.

'' Don't you get it what I'm trying to say? ''

'' Aa''

'' Ahh! Teme, don't play innocent ''

'' I'm not, How can i understand the meaning of those disgusting things you doing idiot '' Sasuke said.

Naruto cheeky grin was replaced by a severe frown because of what his friend said. That's why, even though he wanted to tease him more, he just stop himself after seeing those boring response of his friend.

'' So tell me, what is it? What kind of nonsense rumors spreading this time? '' Sasuke said.

'' W-well, they said , you two are dating. '' Naruto said putting his both hand to the nape of his neck.

'' Who spreading this? ''

'' Dunno. ''

" How did you know about it? ''

'' Shino told me, he called me this morning just because of that, asking me about those rumors. Gosh, those guy really like gossip! Hahaha'''

Naruto laughing is a sore on Sasuke's ears, but before Sasuke's give him another a death glace warning, the yellow haired guy immediately stop and look surprised while staring in front.

'' What those guys doing? ''he raised his hand and with his index finger, he mockingly pointed to the two person in front of them.

Sasuke gaze follow what his friend pointing out. Theirs are two guy standing in front of the school gate, holding a banner while having a pink cloth tied around their head.

They both shouting and mumbling some stupid stuff. All the students who passed by narrowing thier eyebrows and some of them grimace upon seeing those embarrassing act of those two guy.

Sasuke who just walk straight to school gate, notice those ugly drawing of the banners but act like he doesn't care, well he doesn't really care. He had no plans to involve or to be curious about useless things that would cause him to waste his time. Unfortunately there's a stupid dobe who follow behind him, who really love to involve himself to a mess.

And this morning is so unlucky for him, cause his noise friend like to drag him in a mess as well.

'' Hey theme! I think this drawing is you?! '' Naruto said out loud. Due to noisy buzzard following him that suddenly make a commotion, immediately get the attention of the two protesting guy in the gate.

Sasuke throw a scary glance to his stupid friend ''No'' but Naruto continue and insisting it.

'' But, it's really look like you! ''

The guy who have a thick eyebrows and have a weird hair style look at Naruto then look to the dark haired Uchiha and look back to the drawing on the banner they holding. After doing it for three times. A loud but shrill voice came out on it's small and round mouth.

'' A-ahhhhhhh!! '' the thick eyebrows guy said. Gritting his teeth while still pointing his finger to the handsome face of the raven guy.

The other guy who startle because of those scream immediately drop his banner and go towards to his friends. '' What happen Lee? '' said by the dark spike haired guy.

'' T-tttthis guy!! Same as the guy in the banner!! '' Lee said. His friend automatic look at banner that now is on the ground and then look at the young guy in front of them.

'' Y-yoyou!! It's you!!'' the other guy said pointing his finger towards to Sasuke too.

For the second time, Sasuke look on the banner too, and a frown immediately show on his handsome face.

'' That's not me'' Sasuke said.

The two look to each other at the same time, then back to the banner and then look again to Sasuke, having a doubtful look. And Sasuke who thought he already get out of those nonsense mess after seeing those unsure face of two guy become more furious after Naruto open his mouth and said those useless to those kind of situation.

'' But Sasuke I think it's really you!'' Naruto said, not aware to what happening. Walking to the banner

'' Look those spike dark hair, and those scary dark eye and those terrible smile..it's you dobe!!'' pointing his finger to his friends.

Sasuke lost a word, he knows his friend is not smart but now? He think it become worst. It seems that the little brain left in his head has completely let go. Doesn't even know when to shut up his damn mouth. And what's more funny? Those other stupid bastard who suddenly show up, who can't even know to distinguish the real person look to that trash.

How on earth he look the same on those drawing on the banner? He can't even know if it's a drawing of a human or a monster. Even a child can draw better than this crazy person.

But before his brain worn-out to this three idiot Sasuke want to finish this nonsense, so he can go to his classroom and sleep. He let out a weak sigh and then faced the three brainless men in front of him.

Keeping his both hands in his pockets, he quickly looked at what was written on the banner.


'' Stop to what? '' Sasuke said in his mind. He doesn't recall anything that he do to this two guy. So why this guys doing useless rally Infront of his school?

Sasuke frown again after reading those word with arrow pointing his self-portrait? (Lol)

Make a two step toward to the two guy Sasuke said. ''Hey, what the heck are you up to?''

''T-tell me, are you this guy.'' Lee said pointing the drawing in the banner.

'' What if it's me? What are you going to do?''

A fear crawled faster through to Lee's whole body after seeing those dark eye of Sasuke. And without noticing, his feet already move backwards.

''Lee don't be afraid of him. He just scaring us. '' Said of the guy beside him, make Lee sanity back after hearing his friend voice.

'' You're right Kiba, we can't show him that we are scared. For the shake of our club.

'' Club?'' Naruto ask

'' Yes, our club'' Lee said.

'' What kind of club? Rally club? '' Naruto said grinning to his own joke.

With that kind of corny jokes said by the yellow haired guy, the two guy face change in something so boastful. Smiling wildly while their both hand holding their own waist.

"No! Our club, is the number one and unique club in this village, and it's called The Pink Blossom club!! '' Lee and Kiba duet. Throwing a petals of blossom to the ground.

Sasuke and Naruto looks to each other with disgusted on their face.

''Did they really prepare those petals just for that?'' Naruto said.

'' Dunno. ''

'' This two is weirdo '' Naruto added

'' Aa, like you '' Sasuke said in ironic way but before Naruto could react, Sasuke walk away from him and go to the two guy that's still not stopping what they doing.

'' Hey'' Sasuke said. His cold and scary tone make the two of them stop and immediately make two step away from the dark haired guy.

'' - tell me, what do you want from me? '' he added.

With tremble lips and shaking voice Lee groan and with a few courage in his body he said

'' Cause you flirting our princess!! '' pointing his index again to the young Uchiha. But everytime Sasuke look at them in his sharp and cold gaze, Lee felt like his looking in a big snake that will eat them alive.

His throat felt dry and he felt like he going to pee anytime if he continue looking to the dark haired guy. He knees don't stop shaking like crazy


Holding his throat, and trying to stop his knees for shaking. Lee simply hold Kiba's hand.

In the other hand, Naruto and Sasuke frown at the same time upon hiring those word.

'' Princess??'' Naruto repeated

'' Yes! Our princess! the only female member of our club.The pink princess who have a beautiful yet so scary face! A girl with a weak figure but fearless emerald eyes'' Kiba said.

'' And who is that? '' Naruto ask

'' The one and only.The warrior, the goddess, the princess! Princess Haruno Sakura! '' Lee and Kiba said and throw a pink petals again.

'' WWW-WHAAT!!? '' Naruto said, shock to know that the popular bitch that hate by everyone have a two fanatic fan.

But before the rest of his brain was consumed by the thought of why the girl that everyone hated had a fan club, he quickly approached the two fanboy who were obviously proud while mentioning the girl with pink hair..

'' Are you sure you not mistaking to someone else?'' '' Naruto added. He know very well Sakura is a good girl, but because of the controversy that surrounding her, it's really doubtful to trust this two guy who just suddenly show up and claiming to be her fan.

" That's impossible, we never mistaking our princess to anyone else and we are 100% sure that our princess studies in this school and her name is Haruno Sakura..'' Kiba said.

''B-but, the only Haruno Sakura who study here, hate by everyone, and have a bad reputation. '' The yellow haired guy said.

Naruto doesn't mean to insult his friend infront of everyone. He just want to chase those two away by telling them what others think about the pink haired girl, so they can't get close to her best friend. After what happened to Kabuto, he want protect her best friend. He doesn't want anyone hurt her again by telling so much lies.

The thick eyebrows boy, who flinch his ears to what Naruto said walk towards to the yellow haired guy and before Naruto could react. Lee snatch his collar " Don't talk to rude to our princess, you don't know anything! ''

" Hey dude, what the heck are doing let me go!-'' Naruto push Lee's hand that gripping his collar.

'' Don't judge her like you know her. She's a good person!! '' Lee added.Still holding Naruto's collar.

''I-i said .. let me go!! '' pushing hard to the thick eyebrows guy that quiver until he fall on the ground.

''- I know everything about her rather than you who just only a show up here and claiming as her fanboy!! '' Naruto shouted. Remembering what happened to their friendship before because of his stupid pride.

After Naruto escape to the grip of the thick eyebrows guy, he quickly close is grip to attack back to Lee but Sasuke immediately block his way. Standing between those two hot headey guy and said '' Stop it''

'' B-but dobe! He's started it!''

'' Were infront of the school, don't do reckless things idiot. '' Sasuke said then look to Lee that already stand up because of the help of his friend '' Tell me, how do you know Sakura? ''

The two guy look to each other, after Kiba nodded to Lee they both look back to the young Uchiha.

'' Haruno Sakura, save us. '' Kiba said. The sincerity of his voice and his grateful smile show on every word that come out on his mouth.

'' She save, both of you? ''

Lee and Kiba nod. But before they can tell the more details, the princess they talking about show up behind them.

'' Hey guys, what are you doing here? '' Sakura said looking to all of them who blocking the way and when her emerald orb landed to familiar figure near to the yellow haired guy, her lips can't stop curling for forcing herself to not showing her excitement look to see her one and only Sasuke.

Pretending to act cool in front of the man she like.Sakura just raised her hand and give a little wave to the dark haired guy '' Good morning Sasuke Kun ''

But Sasuke, who have those calmed face as always, only look at her and then look away.

'' Kekekeke Sasuke Kun is real cool'' her inner self said, jumping for so much excited to see her love in this early morning forgetting that his best friend is also there.

'' Ne, Sakura chan, I'm also here.'' Naruto said, feeling a bit hurt for not noticing of his girl best friend.

'' O-of course Naruto, I -i know you are also there, I'm just about to great you too. Haha. " A force laugh escape to her mouth, not admitting she really forget about the yellow haired guy that's now is looking at her with his doubtful look. She and Naruto just only back for being friends not to long ago and it's not good if Naruto changed is mind to become her friends again so Sakura quickly change the topic.

'' So tell me, what are you doing here?''' Sakura said.

'' Oh, yeah, I almost forget it, ne Sakura chan, do you know these two?'' said by Naruto, pointing to the two guy who already starstruck and not even moving.

'' Who? '' Sakura only noticed now the two guy standing near them, she though they just a student who just passing by. But when Sakura look at them again, she immediately recognize those two..

''What this two doing here? '' inner Sakura said, confusing why this two suddenly show up in her school, after those incident of Suigetsu she never heard news about those two. So why? But since she didn't what her friends to worry about her, and has no intention to let those two to know what happened between her and Suigetsu, and asking weird question that might reveal her true self. Especially to the dark haired guy. So she pretended that she didn't know them.

''oh, aren't you -''

'' Do you still remember us Ms. Sakura?-'' Kiba said while Lee nodding his head so fast without blinking his big eyes . Their eyes are filled with tears of joy.

The two fanboy eyes sparkling like cristal, they couldn't believe what they were seeing in their naked eye. The girl who save their life is now here and talking them. Is like a dream come true. It's felt like they are the most luck guy in the world. To meet their saviour again is really an incomparable joy.

''- we are really happy to see you again Ms. Sa-''

'' Who are you again? '' Sakura said.

Those words, a words that make those innocent heart crack in a piece. Knowing that their saviour forget about them. Make Kiba cease his talking, and change they joyful in state of shock.

'' Kiba, Lee, I'm sorry if I pretend that I don't know both of you'' Inner Sakura said, pleading for forgiveness to those poor guy even they can't heard her.

'' See, Sakura doesn't know you guys, so you can leave now! ''

What Naruto said make Kiba's snap his mind back to reality and quickly grab both Sakura's hands.

'' Hey, you bastard let go Sakura chan hand! '' Naruto shouted.

But Kiba don't listen and just only look at the pink haired girl, who feel sorry for those two, because of her lie.

'' Are you sure you don't remember us Ms. Sakura? '' Kiba said,

But before Sakura could answer, a quick hand suddenly reached out her wrist and in an instant, she found herself heading inside the school. Those shaking and wet hand of Kiba who just holding her wrist a minute ago suddenly turn into a warm and strong steady grip.And the only man who always holding her thin wrist like that is none other than, the quiet dark haired guy.

'' Eh? Sasuke Kun? ''

Sasuke who not looking back and just continue walking only said '' class is about to start''.

With those past walk, only the blurred imagine can see by those people who left behind, and Naruto is one of them, can't believe himself that his two best friends forget about him, and leave him alone to those two guy who just like a burnt out candle because of the shock from the scene they witnessed.They look so miserable like it's the end of the world.


The second subject is about to start when all of the students in the class started to distracted because of the loud footsteps. And even Sasuke is resisting his head to his both arms, he knew already who is the owner of those loud footsteps, then after a few seconds...


A loud sound from the door rang out all over the classroom and an enraged figure of Naruto appeared from the doorway. Directly towards to the Uchiha that's still sleeping and ignoring the noise caused by his friend who about to blast in so much annoyance due to what happened earlier.

'' Don't pretend, I know you already a wake SA-SU-KE!''

Sasuke raise his head a little and look up. Seeing his friend's appearance, the drowsiness he was felt completely disappeared. He didn't even want to take a quick nap because of his friend's disgusting look.

'' What do you want ? '' Sasuke said.

'' What do i want? What do i want? After you leave me the those two weirdo? You only telling me this to me!? '' Naruto let out a strong slap on the table, luckily Sasuke know him very well, and already guessed what he was going to do next, that's why he quickly get up his head from resting on the table.

And because the yellow haired guy is so childish, and he know his tantrum won't stop if he doesn't apologies, even he doesn't want too. Sasuke force himself. With annoying in eyes and emotionless face he looked at his friend and then said. '' Is that it? Okay sorry.'' His hypocrisy made his friend even more angry.

'' You-'' but before Naruto can charge to his friends the gray mask teacher appear in front.

'' Naruto! '' Kakashi called.

'' Sir Kakashi? ''

'' This is not your class so what are you doing here? ''

'' I'm just talking to Sasuke-''

'' Go back''

'' But sir Kakashi-''

'' Go back or i punish you? ''

Naruto can't help but to obey, turning his back away to the Uchiha who having a grin smile and simply waving his hand.

Sakura who forcing herself not to laugh to see the childish act of his two friends.'' Both of them are really the same to my world, I'm glad they closed here too. '' Sakura said in her mind and look in front to her teacher doesn't notice the glance of the young Uchiha.

In Sasuke's mind, he really curious about the '' saving things'' those two talking about earlier. How did this weak and fragile body same those to guy? What kind of dangerous things this girl doing?..

Those question still remaining to his head. But what most bothering him is the guy he saw earlier.

While the three head egg messing around, Sasuke catch the figured of a man standing not to far from where they are.

'' That guy again '' Sasuke groan. Simply looking those direction and observing what the red haired guy is up too.

For the whole time Naruto talking those two fanboy, the red haired guy only standing there not even moving, like he just only observing his surrounding or he just waiting to someone?

And Sasuke never left his gaze to the red haired guy.

And when the moment the pink haired girl arrived, Sasuke immediately noticed it, the changes of his reaction after seeing the pink haired girl and suddenly walked towards them.

'' So she after Sakura? '' He whisper and before he can't even think what this guy real intension. His body suddenly move and immediately go to the pink haired girl and snatch his hand to the grip of the guy name Kiba.

Sasuke groan. He avoided her gaze when he saw that she going to look at his direction. He didn't want anyone to see the anxiety on his face, especially the girl who's the first reason he was experiencing it. So even it's hard, he still compose himself and try to show his pokerface.

Because up to that time, his mind was still filled with questions.

The two strange guy who claiming that Sakura saved them, and the man with red hair who suddenly appears and introduces himself as a reporter.

Sasuke couldn't imagine why they suddenly appeared and they all seemed to be connected to the same person.

Haruno Sakura.

But the most annoying thing for Sasuke is that, he doesn't understand why he also associates himself with that girl. To be honest, he really doesn't care.

But why?

Why he always feel this way about all things related to that girl?

Why can't resist himself to anything about this girl?

And why his empty mind full of her and surrounded of many questions he can't answer?

And what's he hates most to all weird things he experience since he meet this girl?

That's is , he can't control himself when it's come to the girl name Haruno Sakura.

At the end of their teacher's lesson, he stood up quickly and silently left the classroom.Leaving the pink haired girl who just only looking at his back until he disappear on the hallway.

Sakura eyes still fix to the direction where the dark haired guy go. Haven't noticed the scary at weird look of all her classmates. Until Meyuki speak.

'' Wow! What a great couple we have here! '' she said in a loud voice, but Sakura still not realizing that all his classmates is burning her alive in they're eyes.

'' Playing deaf? Princess? '' Meyuki said. And this time Sakura look at her. Giving a grimace look to all of her classmates especially Meyuki, who can't stop babbling about something she doesn't understand.

The way Sakura look at her, really make her blood boiled in angry, she really despite that look. Meyuki ready to say rude word again to Sakura but it immediately stop because of a quick action of Sakura's best friend Ino.

Walking through the pink haired girl, Ino clap is hands two times make all her classmates attention turn to her.

'' Sakura is really luck having a guy like Sasuke beside her. '' Ino said, saying it loud on purpose while simply make a quick glance to the girl Meyuki.

She looked at her best friend, her eyes is full of wonder what the yellow haired girl talking about. Giving her a simple beckoning using her eye that blinked a few times then all of a sudden she widened her eyes at her, as if it's indicate that she need to get along to her act. So even though she was totally confused, Sakura simply said ''yes'' and nodded her head.

The response of the pink haired girl brought a big infact to all the girls who already gritting their teeth on jealousy, especially Meyuki who flaring up in annoyance at her chair due to unexpected intrusion of the yellow haired girl. Seeing the reaction of some of her classmates her plan to make all her classmates hates the pink haired girl ruined. Because of what the yellow haired girl said, some of them show admiration, especially the boys. So even she want to continue her plan, Meyuki choose to stay still. And just gripping her skirt in so much annoyance.

The sound of the bell come from the school is a sign that's is already lunch time. But Sasori still waiting patiently outside the school. Sitting inside his red car. While looking to the school, Sasori can't find a good chance to go near the pink haired princess.

Fours ago, he patiently waiting in his car, observing all the students who passing by. Praying he have a chance to see and talk to the only girl who made him wait there like a stalker.

''its almost time to her class, but why she haven't here? '' he said take a one bite if his sandwich then take a sip on his coffee.After eating his breakfast, Saoriy back his eyes to the gate of the school and see those two weird guy doing a rally.

'' Is this how the young kids wasting there time now? '' He chuckled. His eyes suddenly look on the passenger seat. Seeing those folder, Sasori groan.


'' Oh, Sasori are you still here? '' Shizune said after seeing the youngest reporter of their company, sitting on the editing room by herself.

'' Hmm, I going home after finishing this. '' he said to her senior.

''Okay, but don't tire yourself, remember, A reporter-

-health is important so that you can deliver good news to everyone'' Sasori finished what Shizune trying to tell to him.

'' That's right! I'm glad you know it.''

'' Senior, how can I not knowing it? You always said it to me, a hundred times already. ''

'' is that so? Haha , well at least you won't easily forget it, then, I leaving first and don't stay late here okay? '' She said then leave the room.

Sasori spend almost two days in editing room, just to finish his report. And a soon his foot step the out the door, his eyes still focus on the paper his reading. Walking through his table, Sasori's eyes never left to all the documents in his hand. Checking for so many times, before submitting it to his superior.

and after reading it for so many times, he let out a deep sigh. A sign that he is satisfied with his work.

'' Okay! it's done!! ''

His body feel suddenly feel weak,so he sit down in his chair and leaned his tired shoulder and back, looking in his drowsy eyes to the white ceiling

'' finally, it's over, I can relax now'' he said.

He really tired for working for straight two days, so Sasori wants to relax his body, so he decided to go home after going to his superior office ''I'm going to sauna today then drink beer. '' he said in humming way.

But before he could get up from his seat, he noticed the small box with a card on his desk.

'' A gift? '' he take a small card and read it. But unfortunately there's nothing written on the card except his name.

'' Who send it this time? '' he groan not noticing the old man l, until he spoke in front of him.

'' looks like one of your fans sent gift again. You really are popular even you have a weird color hair'' the old man Oniki said.

Everyday some random fan girl sending gift to him and the old delivery man is the one who always putting those gift to his desk.

Smiling to the red haired guy that already blushing to what he said. The old man wave his hand and go to the next office to deliver others parcel.

'' Those old man, mocking my hair again. '' Sasori grinning, starting to unboxing his gift.

But a soon seeing what's inside the box the red face of Sasori turn darker. His lips draw a bitter smile while frowning. '' Who's that's bastard dare to send me this! '' he said gritting his teeth. His plan to relax after a hard working turn in vain because of some bastard sending him this things.

Inside the small box is a newspaper about the incident two years ago. When his friend Itachi's parents die and his grandmother Chiyo hand broke. Remembering how hard Itachi's life turn after that happened. And seeing his grandmother sad face while looking to all the doll she created before.

'' What kind of frank those bastard trying to do now? ''

Actually, Sasori's always recieve useless package. Sometimes it's a gift from his fans, but most of the time a trash or death treat from his enemy. Because his work being reporter make more people hate him for revealing they bad doings especially corrupt politician, most of the time Sasori's life always in danger, but he doesn't pay attention to any of this. He just ignored it, and do his best to his job.

But this time, he felt it was too much.

Involving his friend and his beloved grandmother, is the things he won't tolerate anymore. He crumple the newspaper in rage, then go to the trashcan, getting ready to throw it when a paper felt.

Sasori look on the white square paper in the floor. His eyebrows narrow a soon as he see what is that.He can't understand what the meaning of that photo.

A picture of bunch of people waiting in pedestrian lane.

'' what the heck is this? -''

"-Those people always sent useless things. people who have nothing to do in life.'' he added then he threw it together with the newspaper.

Turning his back and ready to go, when he realized something, making him to cease. A strong heartbeat escaped from his chest. And slowly look down on the trashcan.

Without even thinking, he hurriedly opened the trash can and immediately took out the newspaper and the picture.

Sasori goes back immediately to his desk.Looking to the photos of bunch of people waiting in pedestrian line. Then his eyes catch a familiar figure in the photo. A familiar girl standing in front.

Sasori eye's turn big, when he realized who is that girl, immediately open his laptop and search for the family of the major. '' I'm right , this girl is the mayors daughter. '' but what most Sasori's catch his attention? Is the time when the photo taking..

....a minute before the incident happen.

'' This can't be? '' Sasori read the newspaper.He want to confirm it before make a conclusion. But when he saw the same pedestrian lane where the a unknown person suddenly jump to the road to commit suicide. He's sweat appears even the aircon on the office is already in 16°c.




Sasori eyes immediately look outside the car. Theirs guy knocking on the window of the car. And Sasori lips draw a bitter smile when he recognized who is it.

He take off his sunglasses and open the his car door. When he get out on his car, Sasori raise his hand and said '' Yo!''. But the guy in front of him don't great him back and just look straight to him. His dark eye show one things. This guy not happy to see him here.