
The Lord of Energy

i'll think of one later. ( just for now know this character is going to going into more detail with energy manipulation than my bleach fic.)

TheKeneticLord5 · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

chapter 1

Chapter: 1

It's been two weeks since I started school at Kuoh Academy and it's been interesting, to say the least everyone is nice to me which I'm grateful for. I also met some interesting people, specifically a group of three whom the entire school populous calls the perverted trio as the name suggests. It's a group of perverts all of whom are second-years. The group is composed of Issei Hyoudou, Motohama, and Matsuda. I didn't learn the names of the last two. During that time I did run into Issei and I will say he's not the bad person everyone made him out to be. He's a pervert don't get me wrong he is indeed a pervert but he is actually a nice person. How do I know this? simple, during the week I have had the opportunity to meet Issei. It was by accident I met him after the girls from the kendo club finished beating the life out of the trio a day or so after my first day of school and he showed me around the school and after that we became friends as much as the school doesn't like it.

Now that I have gotten that out that now leads to my current predicament a day ago someone came and asked Issei out on a date. Now normally in that scenario, I would be happy for my friend but here's the thing Issei isn't well-liked in the school because of his perverted actions which means its no one from the school which Issei did verify. This means it is someone from outside the school which is good and all but here is the problem with that Issei told me that he hadn't met or seen this person once and that was something that raised a big red flag in my head and that led me to two conclusions one this is one big elaborate prank and two this is indeed some love at first sight moment however I honestly doubt it.

"Should I follow him just in case?"

I really don't want to just in case I am indeed wrong and overreacting but what if…

"Argh this is so frustrating."

Then again I don't have to have an answer now the date isn't until Sunday.


"Why am I doing this?"I asked myself

Standing behind a building watching Issei and an attractive young woman with violet eyes, and a curvaceous, slender body. She had long, silky black hair that reached down to her hips. Her attire consisted of a short black dress with a small, light purple jacket on top and she had a slender body with a large bust. 

"I shouldn't be doing this they look like they are having so much fun too."

Pushing those thoughts down I continued to follow Issei and the girl he was with for the rest of the day until the evening when he and the girl entered the park. I then got close enough to hear their conversation but far enough to where they wouldn't be able to see me.

"Hey Issei-kun." the girl said walking ahead of Issei

"What's up Yuuma-chan?"

"Can I ask you something?"

She said spinning around to look at him.

"Wha-what'd you want to ask me?"

She then with a smile on her face.

"I was wondering if would you die for me?"

…huh? Come again.

Issei who was following my train of thought asked.

"Huh? Sorry, could you say that again?"

I was wondering if you'd die for me."

Then a pair of black wings burst from the girl's back and she started to float into the air and energy started to form in her hand.

"These few hours I've spent with you have been a lot of fun."

Then the energy in her hand elongated into a spear.

"What is a spear?"

Move idiot!

The woman throws the spear at Issei but he can't dodge the spear. I sprinted over to Issei and pushed him out of the way. Then a sudden burst of pain shot through my chest.


"Oh, what's this? Someone actually tried to save you aww and he's a cutie too, too bad."


I struggled to stay conscious. Everything felt hazy, the pain throbbing relentlessly in my chest. Issei's panicked voice calling my name seemed distant, muffled by the rushing adrenaline in my ears. My vision turned blurry as I saw Issei trying to run over to check on me.

I… knew that wasn't a good idea.

I blacked out. I woke up in a dark space that seemed to stretch on forever with the only source of light being a bright white flame. I walked towards the pillar absentmindedly a reason I honestly didn't know for some reason the flames felt familiar it was a weird feeling I couldn't quite place. I walked over to the flames I reached out to the flame that seemed to flow onto my hand and the flame didn't burn but a few seconds after the flames rushed into my body and forced me to pass out.

Chapter: 1