
The Lord Of Dreams (A HP Fanfiction Novel)

He is the Lord of Dreams, called simply The Lord, or as the love of his life knew him, Dante King. Robbed of his love by treachery, he slaughtered an entire world. Upon completion of his vengeance, he once again comes face to face with the love of his life, Freya Valmore, the goddess of Darkness and Life. Now, after feeding on the life force of a trillion dead souls, Freya has completed her ascension to complete godhood. Now, after countless battles, what does the ultimate villainous couple do? They retire and tour the multiverse, starting with the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. Join them in their tour of death and delight as they reshape the myriad realms of fantasy and fiction. Join my patreon today to read advanced chapters. www.patreon.com/everstone

EverStone · Book&Literature
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Head Over Heels


Freya dodged slightly to the left, and the spell missed her. She responded to the man, saying,

"What, you want to give me a haircut with that little papercut spell?"

The man grew confused, saying,

"How can you dodge my spell like that?"

Freya sneered in contempt and responded,

"Only an idiot stands still when magic is being cast at them. You can't hit what you can't catch."

This was some wisdom that was never taught to students at Hogwarts. In a real magic battle, mobility often matters more than the spell itself, at least until you reach a certain dueling level.

Freya said to the bearded man,

"You're looking kind of hairy on your face. Let me give you a shave."


When Freya unleashed this spell, the wizard's head flew off his shoulders and did a three hundred and sixty-degree spin in the air.

Freya put her wand to the tip of her mouth and said in a sad voice,

"Oops, looks like I missed!"

The other three wizards looked at Freya as if she were a monster. One of them said,

"You're a monster. It's no wonder we don't see foreigners here. You're all dark wizards; the rumors must be true."

Freya nodded at these words, saying,

"Thanks for the compliment."

"Avada Kedavra"

Freya unleashed another killing curse while they were talking. Another lesson in dueling is that distractions are a great way to launch a sneak attack.

The spell hit one of the three men, sending him flying into the brick wall on the left side of the alley. He was now only a puddle of charred remains.

Of the two remaining men, one of them got the courage to ask Freya,

"Why are foreigners becoming Death Eaters?"

Freya laughed at this question.

"Ha ha."

"I never said I was a Death Eater. I just like the art of killing people, and the forbidden curses are fun to use."

Then, while they thought about Freya's words, she cast,


One of the men's bodies suddenly exploded into chunks of meat and bones that covered the last standing wizard.

He began to shake in fear and dropped his wand, then got on his knees to beg for mercy.

Dante stepped in by this point. The shadow cast by his body stretched to the begging man, and dozens of arms flew out from it. They grabbed hold of the wizard and began to pull him into Dante's shadow. The wizard cried out,

"Please, no, have mercy! I was just doing what I was told."

Dante and Freya both ignored his pleas for mercy until he finally vanished into Dante's shadow. Then, as if satisfied, his shadow let out a burp of contentment.

Freya looked at Dante and crossed her arms, saying,

"Dante, you said you would let me have this battle. I didn't even get to kill that last guy."

Dante shrugged and responded,

"Come on, Freya, my minions were a bit hungry. They deserve a snack too from time to time."

Freya nodded in understanding. She also had to provide for her minions, so it was understandable.

"Fair point. It has been a while since your helpers have had a meal. I will let it go this time. But next time, wait until I kill him."

After the last of the five lackeys was dealt with, Freya and Dante approached the man that Freya had knocked out of the battle first.

She left this man alive to get some information from him. But honestly, Freya just wanted to torture someone a bit with these unforgivable curses. It looked fun.

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