
The Lord of All Dungeons

Jason Reynolds has always been different. Growing up in a society where the strong rule over the weak, he was taught from a young age to always be cautious of other people's actions and he, therefore, grew up with few to no friends. Even the few people some may consider his friends are actually just acquaintances who he can get rid of at any moment. Calm and collected, he weighs the pros and cons of every situation. Why then did he choose to have the core of an unknown creature when he had the option to choose kobolds, goblins, elementals and more? Perhaps he saw their potential. Perhaps he knows something others do not. An unknown core, a core nobody has seen before. What could make it special?

FilledWithHope · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Sword Fighting Prodigy

After his history class was completed, Jason had one more class before he could go home, sword fighting class. Considered a prodigy, he reached the stage of one with the world at fifteen, making him one of the youngest at the level in the world. He won the recognition of quite a few clans and sects with his skills.

"Gather around, today's going to be a bit special. Today, we'll discuss the realms after one with the world."

"As you probably know, after one with the world is dao seeking, where one attempts to gain enlightenment with the dao. The first level after the mortal levels (called foundation building) is dao entering, where one achieves enlightenment on a dao and can be considered to have a foot inside the door of the dao and may have a few techniques based around the dao. After dao entering is dao achieving, where one can be considered to have a solid understanding of the dao and has an entire sword method based around the dao. After dao achieving is dao understanding where one can be considered to be at the peak of the dao and has a basic level of control of the dao even if they aren't using a technique. finally, we have dao mastery in which one masters a minor dao to completion and is capable of completely controlling that dao. These are all the stages I'm aware of."

"So, to recap, the stages of sword understanding is sword practice, sword understanding, one with the sword, one with the world, dao entering, dao achieving, dao understanding, and dao mastery while the two realms of sword understanding I'm aware of are called foundation building and dao seeking."

"That's all we'll talk about today, for the training today we will be doing a tournament."

Everyone except for Jason let out a groan.

"Is there even a point? We all know who's going to win." Many people could be heard saying.

"Quiet. Everyone come and grab a number and I'll call out random numbers and the two people with those numbers will fight on the stage."

Jason quickly walked up and grabbed a number, grabbing number 16. It took a while before it was his turn, around twenty students went before him, taking about 35 minutes from their hour and a half long class. Thankfully, the class only has twenty-eight students.

Walking up the stage, Jason observed his opponent and noticed that it was a boy with shoulder-length black hair and brown eyes. If he remembered correctly, the guy's name is Fred. As for his age, students below sixteen who haven't awakened there core were grouped together, so he was either fifteen or sixteen exactly, and he's most likely fifteen.

Jason let the opponent feel him out a bit, Fred slashing left and right and stabbing towards him. He calmly parried each of the slashes and stepped aside to dodge the stabs. Finally, he noticed a light breeze coming and quickly turned his upper body slightly to the left and slashed towards the right, the breeze making his sword move a tiny bit faster. Fred paused slightly, not expecting him to suddenly attack and was instantly hit with the wooden sword in Jason's hand, causing him to lose the battle.

Time passed quickly and after ten minutes and 6 more students, it was Jason's turn again.

This time he was up against a girl with light brown hair and light freckles that has green eyes. Jason decided that he didn't want to wait any longer than he had to and quickly slashes multiple times in a row hitting the girl twice and knocking the sword out of her hand.

After a while, it was once again Jason's turn and he dispatched his opponent as quickly as the second time before going back and waiting. For this round, a student sat out of the fights. For the final four, the teacher decided to allow the other three students to fight Jason at the same time.

Jason walked up the stage and got into his stance, observing his three opponents quietly. Suddenly, all three of his opponents charged at him and he quickly threw two slashes at one of his opponents before jumping to the left and throwing a left slash at the middle opponent, taking out two opponents in a short time period.

Jason and his final opponent stared each other down before the opponent dropped his sword and walked off the stage, admitting defeat.

Nobody was surprised at his victory and the students spent the rest of the class partnered up and training with each other while Jason was partnered with his teacher, another one with the world sword user.

Finally, the bell rang and it was time for Jason to go home and activate his core.