
The Lord of All Dungeons

Jason Reynolds has always been different. Growing up in a society where the strong rule over the weak, he was taught from a young age to always be cautious of other people's actions and he, therefore, grew up with few to no friends. Even the few people some may consider his friends are actually just acquaintances who he can get rid of at any moment. Calm and collected, he weighs the pros and cons of every situation. Why then did he choose to have the core of an unknown creature when he had the option to choose kobolds, goblins, elementals and more? Perhaps he saw their potential. Perhaps he knows something others do not. An unknown core, a core nobody has seen before. What could make it special?

FilledWithHope · Fantasy
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10 Chs

History Class

Jason sighed, he's always hated history class. It's always just a dull repetition of things he already knows. He'd much rather be at home celebrating his birthday. Opening his textbook, he decided to re-read the current chapter to keep it fresh in his mind.

'The Age of Evolution'

In the year 2053, a scientist by the name of Roger Hankles discovered an inactive gene located inside the human body that he named the 'Core Cultivation Gene'. This gene, when activated, created a mental core inside the creature or person who possesses the gene. After further testing, it was widely activated in the year 2058 as small governments released the gene among their populace in an attempt to increase their military might. Threatened, the governments of the world rapidly spread the gene throughout their populace. As the gene spread more and more techniques were created and more and more cores were discovered. Eventually, after tens of years, an entirely new form of government was set up. Time seemingly returned to the feudal age and clans became more popular. Sects claiming to have the best techniques arose and sought disciples. Thus began the age of evolution.

So, young reader, what is it that makes a core so special? A core is a virtual dungeon that holds its own ecosystem. Originally it only holds one creature, but as you advance you can invade the cores of others and gain their creatures. The first core you get isn't useless, however, as it sets the foundation of the dungeon. If you have a human core, for example, your dungeon would be a miniature city. The strengths and abilities you gain would also be based on humans, giving you more intelligence and technological skills.

It is important to remember than no core is worthless. Every core has its advantages and even the cores considered the weakest can take on the strongest cores if their abilities are used wisely. Of course, they'd have a lower starting point.


Deciding that that was enough of a refresher, Jason pulled out the book Proper Dungeon Management and opened to 'Managing an Ecosystem'. It's his birthday, after all, so he should prepare for his cores awakening.

'Managing an Ecosystem'

A core is not something one can just set aside and have grow to the peak. In addition to meditating to bring spiritual energy inside it, one must manage the ecosystem well. From the first creature inside the dungeon, a war of territory will arise. Perhaps it will be a war between varying elements, or perhaps a war amongst those of the same species, regardless war will erupt.

Your job as a dungeon master is to maintain stability between the varying warring factions, through either quantity or quality. For some cores, even the wiping out of an entire faction will be easy to fix, but for some even losing a single creature can cause thousands of energy value to go to waste.

It is recommended that each faction has a powerful leader of around equal power to the other faction leaders. This will make it more likely for factions to avoid going to war for fear of the various leaders...