
The Living Bot! (Multiverse ft. Robot!SI)

What happens when you put a soul inside a simple droid, give him mental instability and let him wander the multiverse? Lots of shenanigans, meddling and utter domination! "I will be updating this novel from the forums once a month(if there is any), so don't complain if there is nothing to read, I'm as big of a reader as any of you are XP" This novel I bring to you from forums that not so many had visited and it's hard to find constantly updated stories. Forum stories of origin: https://forums.sufficientvelocity.com/threads/the-living-bot-multiverse-ft-robot-si.56139/reader/ All right for star wars and etc are reserved by their respected owned, this is work of fanfiction and made by [JustBukharin] Author

Terrier · Movies
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19 Chs

First comes the Army... (2)

It's been two days since I have reached Kamino and I have enjoyed much the impressive living quarters there.

But my luck had failed me today in the worst way possible.

Depressed and furious at myself, my fuming self was staring at the smug smile plastered in Jango's face as we continued to insane standoff, one I was losing badly.

Blue: This is just ridiculous, we shouldn't have risked so much with this.

Green: I know but... it was a gamble, one I needed for.

Blue: You and your idiotic reasoning are going to kill us one of those days.

"What do you intend to do, tin can?" My vocal box released a low growl as I stared down at my odds with no little worry.

Few feet away from the table were this was all happening, Bobba had decided to take a seat in one of the chairs of the room, his grin unnerving me further as I couldn't find a way out of that situation.

Blue: You messed up the moment you started to bet money we don't have.

Green: I-It is not that bad-We have an outstanding debt now and you think it is not bad?

Yellow: ...I think we have to rob a large bank to recover from this.

Green: Seriously? This... this sucks big time.


The man nodded as he exposed the new card that added up to the few ones in my hand, forcing me to slam them on the table much to the bounty hunter's amusement.

"26. Your luck is not as good as you have boasted until now, rusty." I scoffed and crossed my arms close to my metallic chest.

"It isn't my fault I am unlucky today." The mandalorian chuckled at my petty attempt to downplay my loss.

"But it is your fault that you owe me 2 milion galactic credits."

Blue: Boredom will kill us all..

"Can you just close your eye just this once about this all?"

"And lose that large sum?" He snorted as he put the cards all in the deck. "I have 2 milion reasons not to."

Yellow: ...Why I am getting some Deadpool-Cable vibe here?

Blue: Maybe because one is suicidally sane while the other is insanely retarded.

Yellow: Woah, no need to offends retards here.

Green: I never felt so much betrayed by myself.

Yellow: Payback is a bitch, ain't it?!

I sighed in defeat. "At least Bobba is getting a nice fund for galactic college."

Jango blinked at that comment but replied with a frown. "That is IF we avoid too much unwanted attention." His eyes narrowed on my frame. "Something your plan is going to possibly throw at us."

"Meh, that is not going to happen." I waved my hand at him in a relaxed gesture. "Nobody is prepared for what I got in my head."

Someone decided to knock in that very moment and the door opened to reveal the receptionist. "Jango, there is a Jedi here that wish to speak with you."

Green: Obi-wan was already there? I mean, sure it had passed enough time for him to make a visit but... I hope the plan works.

Blue: We all want that.

The mandalorian gave me a quick glance and ruffled Bobba's hair as he passed near him.

The plan was technically easy and would leave the Order without footprints that conduced to Geonosis.

Lama Su had agreed to not speak of the clone army and deny that the bounty hunters had left the facilities in the past few days, denying any proof that the bounty hunter could be connected to the assassination attempt on Padmé.

The door closed quickly but I could see a glimpse of the Jedi Master, seeing how he resembled to Ewan McGregor in the movies.

"428?" I turned to Bobba, the boy giving me a curious look. "What is a Jedi?"

I blinked at the question but I could see that Jango didn't have to explain his son about the Order.

"Jedi are monks with super-powers." He frowned at my overly-simplistic depiction of the grand order but I merely nodded. "They are a group of devoted men and women that can use incredible abilities thanks to the Force."

"What is the Force?" I decided to bite down a sigh at the expected wave of questions about those terms.

"The Force is a... how should I put it.." I picked a book that was set on the desk and pulled it up.

"You see this book?" He nodded and I let it fall with a loud thud on the table. "That is gravity."

The boy launched another confused look, possibly because he couldn't see yet where I was going with my words.

"Now gravity is a factual condition, it is there. It will never fail in a fair situation, correct?" He nodded slowly and I continued. "Well the Force is pretty much a factual condition that only few people can use."

"Few people?"

"The Force can be used only by those with high quantities of Midichlorians, a microbe in living being's bloodstreams that can manipulate this... energy."

"But I... I remember hearing that Jedi are good." I paused for a moment before a little theory clicked in about Bobba's knowledge about the Force-wielding monks.

Kaminoans were still friendly with the Order and the boy would have certainly heard one of them speaks about them.

"They were good in the past with how things worked well centuries ago... but they didn't adapt to the republic's own pacing." I hummed quietly as I formed something that could coherently explain the Jedi's situation the easiest way possible. "As I said before, we are talking about glorified monks. They meditate, they preach peace but are the first ones to strike at the 'enemies of the republic' and they steal children."

The boy paled a little at this little bit. "W-What?"

"When a baby with high midichlorians is found by the Order, they are always taken away from their parents and educated back to the temple."

"B-But why? Why would they need to get them away from their families?"

"Part of their mantra goes 'there is no emotion, there is peace' and they means truly no emotions with that." I stressed the very crux that the Jedi suffered through the prequels. "Children are trained to be emotionless as to not let feelings overrule logical reasoning and push on the Dark Side."

The boy didn't ask more, his eyes lowering to the ground.

"They are dumb."

I would have smiled at those wise words if I had a mouth but limited myself to a happy nod.

The door opened once more, it was once again the receptionist. "Unit 428, the Prime Minister received an urgent call from the foreman of the Techno Union." She walked towards me and set a small communication device on the table. "He wishes to have a word with you as quickly as possible.

The device was buzzing quite madly and I didn't waste time to open up the call.

"Unit 428, it's good to see you still functioning."

"It's good to know that you have some faith in me, Wat." I snorted at the Skakoan. "Anyway, I got hold of the Army."

"I know, the Kaminoan Prime Minister seemed quite smug when he revealed 'what' was supposed to be the Republic Army during a possible war." He growled a little. "Clones! And so many of them. It would have been a slow defeat for us, that is for sure."

"Yep, it was meant to be a slow defeat." That comment seemed to irk the industrialist and fuel more his hatred for the treacherous Sith Master.

"Sidious will met a slow and painful death, I hope that will happen too."

I nodded with a cheerful whistle. "He will suffer for everything he had done in his whole life."

"Good." He paused for a moment before frowning a little. "What do you plan to do now?"

"A small revolution in a backwater planet. Nothing to worry about."

"You... what?" I could see some panic but I waved my hands in an appeasing gesture.

"I have plans to conquer peacefully a planet under some criminal warlord and convert it in a modern world." I pointed my metallic finger at him. "A world that would sell some land to some ambitious industrialist."

"You call me ambitious, but you certainly don't seem to have a limit with your thirst of power."

"That's partly incorrect." I stated calmly. "Sure, I love myself some power but.. I do stuff for fun's sake."

"You are insane." He muttered with a genuine annoyed tone. "Hopefully your insanity is balanced out by the very interesting way you twist things in our favour."

"It will work out perfectly." The call ended without any salute and... I turned to the wide-eyed Bobba.

"Who was that?"

"Wat Tambor." I stated truthfully as I stared at the ceiling calmly. "He is a trusted ally of mine, maybe ' of ours' actually."

"Oh?" The boy seemed eager to rekindle the barrage of questions but it was in that very instant that Jango returned back inside the room with a small smile.

"He bought it." I blinked at that with a skeptical expression, knowing full well that the Jedi Master was a good bluff.

"You sure he went away?"

He nodded quickly. "Had to use some old information about some former colleagues of mine's old whereabouts but he seemed to accept this without much complaint."

I nodded. "That is good."

He returned to the table and, as he seated in his former seat, he frowned. "Is there something wrong?"

"Just thinking about going for a quick holiday." I turned to the bounty hunted with a bored pose. "What do you think of sand?"


Action will return next chapter as the Glorious Plan About The Liberation Of Tatooine (AKA G.P.A.T.L.O.T) will enter in action. What you should expect? Tribal Hordes, freedom for slaves and the decapitation of the Hutt Empire!

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