
The Living Bot! (Multiverse ft. Robot!SI)

What happens when you put a soul inside a simple droid, give him mental instability and let him wander the multiverse? Lots of shenanigans, meddling and utter domination! "I will be updating this novel from the forums once a month(if there is any), so don't complain if there is nothing to read, I'm as big of a reader as any of you are XP" This novel I bring to you from forums that not so many had visited and it's hard to find constantly updated stories. Forum stories of origin: https://forums.sufficientvelocity.com/threads/the-living-bot-multiverse-ft-robot-si.56139/reader/ All right for star wars and etc are reserved by their respected owned, this is work of fanfiction and made by [JustBukharin] Author

Terrier · Movies
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19 Chs

First comes the Army... (1)

Green: I will say that what I am just going to say is not a reference to the prequels-

Yellow: *snort*

Green: But I do hate rain, even through it is relatively insignificant to me now that I was a... pseudo-droid?

A soul in a machine.

Yellow: Ghost in the shell?

Blue: We are not a ghost and this body is far from a simple shell.

Yellow: *Sigh* Every party needs a pooper,

Green: that's why we invited you.

Yellow: Party pooper, party poopeeer!

Blue: ..I never felt this much murderous..

Let us return to the ever-raining issue. While the droplets of water were harmless, that didn't mean they were actually not going to annoy me somehow.

I had tried to step outside the ship after I had parked on the free hangar spot but just an inch onto the weather and I decided to return back with the cloak.

When you start to hear multiple clankish sounds softly but surely murdering your neutrons and sanity, you know that it is best to not challenge nature and just be smarter.

Blue: It's absurd that a civilization capable of mass-producing clones is unable to create some machine capable of solving this one.

Green: I suppose they didn't see an issue when they are always inside their little bunkers.

Yellow: Lazy and boring, maybe the Kaminoans are our natural enemies.

Blue: Probably, especially since they are so uncaring towards clones and-

Yellow: Neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerd.

Blue: I-

Yellow: Nerd.

Blue: *Groan*

I finally reached the entrance of the facility and entered through the automatic door.

I had just the time to remove the cloak from my head that I was greeted by.. the same female Kaminoan that had been there in the movie.

"We have not expected to receive any visits from... Wat Tambor."

Wait, why they would- Oh right, I AM in a Baktoid's droid right now.

"I am actually not from the foreman." The female alienoid blinked and I repressed a shiver going down my nonexisting spine.

Yellow: They are scary to look this closely..

Blue: I admit that Kaminoans do have that terrifying edge within their appearance.

"Truly? Then may you state the reason of your visit?"

"Unit 428 and I am here to discuss with Prime Minister Lama Su regarding a... clone army for the Galactic Republic."

Realisation hit the Kaminoan that nodded at my words. "It's.. quite surprising to hear from the Jedi Order but.. I think the Prime Minister will be eager to chat about the situation of the army."

I nodded and was lead through the intricate white maze of lights and glass, quite the unnverving walk since I first woke up.

Green: This truly remind me of some psychological horror movie...

Yellow: Yep.

We finally reached the familiar room I had seen in the movie, a small oval office where Lama Su was waiting.

Yellow: H-How did he knew we were coming?

Blue: It could be either telepathy or some hidden communication device we had not noticed on the female.

Both theories were sound as George Lucas didn't have much time to expand more on Kamino and its inhabitants, something about making the third movie mainly about Anakin.

"I suppose the Order has sent you to oversee the Grand Army, Unit 428."

I paused for a moment, thinking about a possible truthful reply that wouldn't warrant any unnecessary attack on me.

"Technically speaking, I am not affiliated with the Republic but.. I have information regarding a possible error with the demand."

"An error?" The wariness in his expression melted in something cautious in his face. "Please explain this 'error'."

"The clone army was commissioned by Sifo-Dyas for... the Republic." Lama Su nodded at my statement and I sighed. "Well, Sifo-Dyas was removed from the Jedi Order prior to his request."

The Kaminoan frowned at the information. "That is- That means that he wasn't representing the Republic during the transactions."

I nodded and the Prime Minister turned to look out of the massive circular window he had in his office. "An embarassing discovery, I suppose. One that cost us quite the resources in the production of the Army."

He turned back once more, this time an intrigued expression directed at me. "But you wouldn't come here just to warn us of this deception." Pure black eyes grew inquisitive. "What is the true reason of your visit, droid."

I hummed quietly and decided to sat in one of those fancy chairs they had. "I want it."


"What?" His confusion only ended up fueling the little fun I was having in that moment.

"I want the clones, I want the Army. I want it all."

"You have not paid the costs and-" "I have the capacity to go to some tribunal and demand a trial for the violation of the Reformation Act."

That little fact seemed to burn whatever doubt the Kaminoan had.

Quick reminder about this Reformation Act and the Ruusan Refomation: The Grand Republic wasn't meant to have a massive army. 200,000 clones were far too many soldiers ready to be deployed.

If the Senate had been aware of this before the Clone Wars, it would have gone on a warpath to dismantle the clone facilities and... crippling Kamino's income.

"You are driving for a hard bargain, droid, but I found myself quite limited by this... situation." He blinked before continuing. "But may I ask what you wish to do with such a massive military force?"

If I had a mouth I would have smiled, yet I suppose my posture was enough to show how smug I felt. "You know, bringing true democracy to the Galaxy."

"True democracy?" I let this confusion linger for a while before I sighed calmly.

"May I see how the clones are? I need to know if I am doing a 'good deal' here."

There was no response at first and I hoped it was just the Kaminoan trying to retrieve whatever he could from his decimated composure. "S-Sure."

The visit proceeded pretty much like how it did in the movie, first the incubation chamber, then the learning structures and finally the troops ready for duty.

This is barbaric. We should be dismantling this-

Yellow: We may be cool but fighting 200,000+ clones is a bit out of our reach, Bluey.

Blue: It doesn't matter! We could easily destroy the planet and remove this abomination of civilization-

Green: And kill the innocent clones... and little Bobba?

Blue: I-

Green: This is a war crime, I know that and I would like to dismantle this too but.. we need the greatest army ever to create a new republic and be ready for the Yuuzhan Vong.

Blue: Aren't they still preparing?

Green: And you wish to let them be ready for war? We will strike them first with the greatest army this universe can muster.

Blue: And then?

Green: And then we will free the clones.

Yellow: I doubt they would let us.

Green: They will once we got enough droids 'guarding' the facilities.

Blue: You plan to capture those?

Green: Of course! How do you think we will avoid getting backstabbed from them?

Blue: I... Fine! But I will make sure you die if you don't respect this promise.

Yellow: Jeez, what a bitchy personality you are, Bluey.

"Bobba?" I blinked as the prime minister addressed the familiar child by the end of the hallway that was staring at us. "I thought your 'father' had told you to stay in your quarters."

The child didn't reply, continuing to stare intensily at me and only me.

Yellow: This boy is creepy as hell!

Blue: I wonder if he is spying on us or he is merely curious.

My eyes slowly descended on the small ball the boy was holding in his hands as a small but interesting idea formed within my mind.


"Welcome back, Jango. I hope your mission went well." The Mandalorian nodded at the receptionist and smiled.

"Just as expected and... is Bobba still up?" The Kaminoan blinked as some hesitation appeared on her face.

"Bobba is... making a new friend."

The bounty hunter's face froze in a tense expression. "What?"

"The Prime Minister has received a visitor interested in the Army and-"

Jango was already moving, his mind going quickly through the horrible possibilities about whom was with his son.

Dooku? No, the old fool wouldn't linger in a place so close to be discovered.

A former acquaintance? None of them knew about his current whereabouts.

Then whom was with Bobba?!

His hand was already grasping one of his blasters as he finally arrived to the room where Bobba's chip was and he paled when he heard some yells and grunts within the room.

He bursted through without hesitation and... stopped in shock.

Bobba was smiling widely, his face red and sweaty as he continued to move in the section of the playfield, pushing the ball on the other side of the single net set mid-field.

On the other side was a droid with quite the modern design that was moderating his own action to allow the child some possibility in winning this unusual game.

It was in that moment of relief that his son noticed his presence. "Dad!"

A smile reappeared in his face as he removed his helmet and was greeted by a tackle from the boy. "Bobba. I see you got... a new friend."

A ghost of a grimace was playing around his smile, the bounty hunter thankful his son was busy in the hug, to notice his wariness with the approaching droid.

There was no hint of emotion just like the usual tin cans but then-

"May I have your autograph?!"

The bot bowed slightly while extending a small notebook with a page open.

He blinked and nodded as he picked the pen and signed there. "Thank you, Mr. Fett."

The Mandalorian frowned at the address, quite unnerved by the formal way but also recognising some hint of genuine respect in the droid's voice.

How was this even possible? A droid shouldn't be able to- Actually nevermind!

He had lived long enough to know this kind of situations were relatively normal in his career and merely shrugged at this.

Man, he was not expecting the explanation the droi-human was going to give him the following few moments.


It was volleyball and Bobba is a little kid that needs affection. I have plans with Jango and he will not die because of that badass Samuel L. Jackson. Also I was half-tempted to call this chapter the 'Volleyball Diplomacy' but felt it too much copying from RL and Forrest Gump.

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