
chapter one

Every family has its own inheritance, but my family's inheritance is one of its kinds in this world and that is because of my family has the only immortal human in this world as it's ancestor and so that made all possible for my family.

through the ages my family blood line got mixed with others and that made it weaker from its original state , and that changed the form of its shape so little by little the life span of our family members got shortened by much and there is no more immortals in our new porn but that did not make us normal like other humans but we still has many advantages like our life span is much longer than any human and our health is much better even our physical abilities are much better than any human , but the most important thing about us is when we reach our teen age we get our blood line awakened and then the true ability of our blood take form .

but through the ages because of the mixing in our blood the inheritance of our family changed form and as such we had to create divisions in the family and after one becomes a teen age we get him or her to join the division that is suitable for them in the family to help them to learn to control their inheritance and not the other way around , because this had happened before one time and it was catastrophic from not controlling the ability the person become dangerous to himself and to others as well and what happened is one of our teen agers male got his inheritance in the form of mental power which enables him to control the mind of others and when he could not control it , it controlled him and that made him kill a lot of people including his parents and we had to get the help of our ancestor to stop him because he was the only one that couldn't be controlled and he gave the little kid a choice either he stop himself or he stops him and the kid asked ancestor to stop him because he could not stop himself and he did not want to live any more with the shame and guilt of him killing innocent people and his parents , and so ancestor did not have a choice but to kill him and from then forward we created the divisions to help us take control of our powers when they awaken at the age of 16 .

well you see there is other benefits to being one of our family like we get treated differently in our world and that through different treatment than others such as if one of our family members is making any kind of purchasing in any country in any place we get to have a discount more than half the price , and also if we take any kind of jobs we get more salary than any of the employees in the same position even if it was a part time job , and that is in exchange for us making an annual deposit in the blood bank from each and every one from our family members so that the world would make lots of medical developments in many kinds like making new cures and antidotes but they would never make any kind of weapon from these researches .

Speaking of the family divisions after much thought and sweat and blood it has come to be the Sumner, healer, fighter, tamer, sear, witch, warlock …

As for me my inheritance is still unknown for I still got 2 days till my 16th birth day and then I get to know.

but let me introduce myself first my name is Lucifer but I prefer you call me Lu , and if you are wondering who named me this ancient weird name that would be my ancestor who is very old and for him that name is not weird at all and he named me this for he has forethought that I would be mischief and I will not like any one to control me just like the real Lucifer the ex-angel who was exiled for him not accepting being controlled even by his creator and then he became the well-known devil , but am not evil or anything like him at all it's just that am a little rebellious that's all and a little too competitive with the other kids my age but that's normal right

But who knew that my life would change this way after getting my inheritance.

Two days later.

The big day has come, I wake up early like usual and get to the bathroom and do my morning routine then I went down stairs to great my parents who are named Alexander and Victoria who works as the owners of a marketing company , you can't tell from my parents looks what their age is because by human looks they would be in their thirties at most but in real they are almost one hundred and twenty years old and that is thanks to our blood line of course but if you are wondering why are both of them and not one of them is that old that because they are cousins and if you are also wondering why would my father marry his cousin that would be because of our blood line as well you see after many of cross breading in our family that made the blood inheritance very week and that made our family return to the old ways of inner marriage again so that we can strengthen our blood line again which is nothing new in our family really , you see in our family back in the very ancient years they even would marry brother and sisters for the continued of the blood line but after many years that became a very taboo and it only became in the form of marring cousins only and when there is no more cousins for inner marriage we make one outer marriage but only with the most pure bloods we can find and then we get back to marring the offspring's to their cousins again and again till this day we had this way of life .

Thankfully my generation doesn't need to be intermarried like my parents' generation had to, so I can be outer married and I am so grateful for my luck this time because I don't have any one of my family in mind for this kind of relationship and all of them are like brothers and sisters to me. But I didn't know that this was not the same way with everyone in my generation in the family, but that is something for latter.

back in the old days we had our own community that our family lived on our own in , we even had our own schools , hospitals , farms , super markets even our own malls and all who worked in them were members of our own family and that was after the first generation that finished studying in the human schools and colleges and had their own academic degree and then they run their own schools and colleges and hospitals , all you can think about that is necessary for running a city was in our own community and we lived closed in our own life until there was no more inner marriage that could happen and there was only males in the last generation and no females left for them to marry and so it began for our family to let outer humans get in our community and get to know of our existence but off course the human world would not accept us at first if we made all our secrets known all at once and so we used some ways to hide our secrets from the human world like our age and long bloodline by making falls death certificates for many of us and making new born certificates for us with different identities around the years so that it would look normal for our family members existence and no one would know of our real age or identity except the humans who will get to be married in our family like if one of our male members was going to marry a normal human female we let him tell her about our secret and see if she accept to be of our family then they get to be married but if she doesn't accept us we take her memory off the matter and let her either go her way or she could continue to live with that family member but without getting married until either she dies of old age or they break up , and if you are thinking how the male can keep his age a secret from his human girlfriend that is also one of our family abilities that we can make one look like he or she is ageing normally like any human being but that would be on the outside of his body but on the inside he would be like any normal member of our family members and can live as long as any one of us and that would never make any problems with having a relationship with a human with the possibilities of exposing of our secret .

but if a human accepted our existence and would swear to keep our secret they would get married in our family they would get to have some of our inheritance by other means from her husband or his wife and that would make them age a little slower than normal humans and enjoy living longer with their loved ones but off course they would not be able to share all the inherited ability and would only be getting a small thing like more years to live with their loved ones and that would be all, and in the case of female humans getting little of our inheritance they also get their body refined to be able to conceive children from our blood line normally without any problems for the mother in child birth or during the pregnancy time for our difference in blood so that the child would get the inheritance normally and not be set back from it by their mothers blood line