
The Lightning Dragon In Harry Potter

A young man named Luke found himself in a peculiar situation, transported to a world far removed from his own. Surprisingly, an unexpected invitation landed in his hands, beckoning him to Hogwarts, the renowned school of witchcraft and wizardry. Unbeknownst to him, his life was on the brink of a profound transformation. Accompanied by a unique and otherworldly traveling companion, a frog with the uncanny ability to traverse the multiverse and procure one-of-a-kind treasures, Luke's odyssey into the realm of magic was just commencing. However, the cascade of surprises did not conclude with his acceptance into the institution. As he unveiled the enigmatic package delivered by his amphibious companion, he stumbled upon a remarkable artifact known as the "Thunder Dragon Slayer Crystal." This enchanted gem possessed unimaginable power, capable of subduing the most tempestuous storms and harnessing the very lightning coursing through the skies. The astonishments persisted as Luke's frog presented an array of astounding treasures, including the mysterious "Eternal Mangekyo Sharinggan," a relic cloaked in legend, believed to bestow its bearer with unparalleled insight into the secrets of the universe. Yet, the most remarkable revelation of all unfolded when Luke's frog introduced an unexpected guest to the hallowed halls of Hogwarts – none other than the renowned "Erza from Fairy Tail."

Midnight_Wonder · Book&Literature
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118 Chs

The Basilisk

Luke's mind was set on a method to deal with the basilisk. His gaze remained fixed on the golden snake head, which evidently required a specific spell or command to trigger. The only person with knowledge of this trigger was the founder Slytherin himself.

With this realization, Luke knew there was only one option left: brute force cracking.

With determination, he placed his hand on top of the snake's head and slowly channeled his magic power into it. If he could replace the existing magic power with his own, he should be able to open it easily.

"It might work," he muttered under his breath. Uncertainty gnawed at him, considering he was a young wizard with less than a day of studying.

If this method failed, he would have to resort to Thunder Dragon's Breakdown Fist, and that would undoubtedly awaken the entire Slytherin house.

Luke's eyes narrowed as he focused on the magic circuit, gradually channeling his magic power into it.

Three minutes passed. A glimmer of joy crossed his face.

His expectations were met. By replacing the original magic power with his own, he gained control over the stone door leading to the basement.

A sudden boom echoed in the otherwise silent Slytherin common room, its harshness amplified by the stillness of the night. Fortunately, it was late, and Luke scanned the room to ensure no other wizard had been awakened.

The stone door on the floor was open, releasing a foul odor that forced Luke to pinch his nose.

After a moment's contemplation, he grabbed an oil lamp from the nearby table and descended the stone staircase.

The flickering flame of the oil lamp hinted at ventilation in the basement, easing Luke's apprehension.

With Luke's command, the stone door rumbled shut. Even if someone came to investigate, they would find an empty common room.

Descending the stone steps, his footsteps resonated loudly in the narrow tunnel. The oil lamp cast its light, dispelling the surrounding darkness.

"I had no idea Slytherin had a place like this," Luke whispered to himself. He moved cautiously, and the long stone staircase took about two to three minutes to reach the bottom.

Before him lay a small stone gate, and on the other side, light spilled from a small square.

Luke was prepared to call upon his divine power at any moment as he advanced cautiously with the oil lamp in hand.

Upon passing through the stone gate, he encountered a vast semi-circular platform. Beyond the platform, a long path extended, flanked by shallow pools of water, and eerie snake heads adorned the sides of the pools.

Ensuring there was no immediate danger, Luke approached one of the pools. The water was clear and shimmered in the oil lamp's glow.

Turning his gaze to the entire platform, Luke relied on the Sharingan to detect any hidden magic. He soon spotted a cave on the upper left corner of the platform. Although there was no active magic, he had a sense that something was amiss there.

"A basilisk's lair?" Luke mused, his eyes locked on the cave as he slowly made his way in that direction.

The current Basilisk should have fallen into a deep slumber under the command of Parseltongue, and similarly, only Parseltongue could awaken it once more.

Nevertheless, he remained cautiously prepared to enter the murky depths at any moment.

After all, navigating the ship with care was the key to success. With this in mind, he inched closer and closer to the cave's entrance, step by step.

An unpleasant odor wafted from within, causing Luke to wrinkle his nose and instinctively cover his mouth and nose.

This Basilisk was crafted by Salazar Slytherin, the founder of Slytherin House. Considering the passage of nearly a millennium, it was apparent that this Basilisk was anything but ordinary.

According to the "Encyclopedia of Magical Creatures," Basilisks could live up to 900 years, so Salazar's creation must have been extraordinary indeed.

Upon entering the cave, a faint light instantly illuminated the narrow cavern, revealing the creatures concealed within. Luke and his companion could see clearly now.

It was a massive Basilisk with scales covering its body and dark green skin.

At this moment, the Basilisk slumbered with its eyes tightly shut. Evidently, Luke's presence had not disturbed it in the slightest.

The Basilisk was incredibly long, stretching to approximately 50 meters, and appeared robust.

Luke pondered his next steps, especially the challenge of maintaining eye contact with the Basilisk, a prerequisite for controlling it through the sharingan.

However, directly gazing at the Basilisk could spell certain death.

His solution? To fashion a sizable mirror that would enlarge his sharingan and allow him to control the Basilisk from a safe distance. But, for now, he would have to wait until the Basilisk awoke from its slumber.

"Time for that notebook to make its way here," Luke thought to himself.

With this in mind, Luke's hands remained busy. He retrieved the psychic scroll from his pocket and used a sharp dagger to make an incision. But the dagger proved ineffective against the Basilisk's tough scales.

Luke had no choice but to channel the magic within him and imbue the dagger with a layer of lightning. This time, the scales yielded easily, releasing crimson blood.

He collected a small amount of the blood and applied it to the scroll, followed by his own blood, and then inscribed his name. This was how he forced a psychic contract with the creature, using blood as the binding agent.

With the task completed, Luke glanced at his watch; it was now one o'clock in the morning, quite late indeed.

Instead of retracing his steps back to the Slytherin common room, he gazed at the stone door further down the corridor. If his memory served him right, that door led to a restroom known to harbor a weeping ghost.

With the oil lamp in hand, Luke made his way toward the stone door, pondering what eerie encounters might await him.


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