
Chapter 1

"I don't know what to do, Sarah. I haven't been alone in so long." Alex and I dated for a a couple years. And now he's gone and I'm all alone.

"I know girl but hey, it'll be alright. things will get better" Sarah put her arms around my shoulders and hugs me tight. "For now how about a girl's day out?"

"I don't know Sarah. I don't think I'm up to it."

"Come on girl! you need a girl's day out" she brought me in front of a full body mirror. "look at you! You're a mess! Imagine this, we go to the mall, get some delicious pastries, go shopping for clothes, an arcade, coffee from the local starbucks. You know you want to go."

I look at myself. My long brown hair is a mess, there is black noticable under my blue eyes, my shirt is baggy on my slender body other than my chest. My leggings show how skinny my legs have gotten. I look like I haven't eaten or slept in days.

"I look like shit. How do you expect me to go out looking like this?"

"I'll give you a makeover! You'll be a hot chic no one can take their eyes off again. Just come on. Please say yes. I have ALWAYS wanted to style your beautiful hair."

I thought about it for a bit. I guess it would be nice to get back out there. I have come a long way so I shouldn't get myself down. But what if I see....him? What then? Whatever. I shouldn't think about it. I think I should take the chance to feel better.

"Fine. I'll go." Sarah shreaked and hugged me.

"YAAAAY. let's go!"