
The Light Kingdom Revolution

As a running away princess from her kingdom, Princess Chandra decided to surrender her throne and nobility to her father's stepbrother, King Brutus. She tried to escape from her possessive suitor, King Dragon who wanted to make her a submissive princess and marry her only with the purpose to conquer her as a successor of a wealthy kingdom. Would she be able to make King Dragon realize the value of true love? How about Kumara, a half-celestial prince of wars who help her to get back her throne? Will Princess Chandra be able to make revolution under the name of the Bhagavanta Kingdom and resolve her conflict in love?

pandora_blessing · Fantasy
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33 Chs

A Moment of Arrival

"You just traveled through dimension, Princess Chandra!" Kumara talked to her softly.

Chandra tried to stand up sternly, but her physique was weak and unstable. Kumara held her back to avoid her falling behind to the ground. He put his index finger on her nose lobes, inspecting her respiration. He sighed harshly and pressed his two fingers on Chandra's neck to investigate her beating rate. "Take it easy, you are still in a transitional period," he whispered in Chandra's ear as she felt so weak and let Kumara take her by both arms.

Her body couldn't move as she felt so light. She felt all of the energies inside her had evaporated and been changed into high speediness for traveling through dimensions. Her being alert alarmed her unconsciousness system to operate as she tried to function all her senses potentially. She tried to breathe regularly and deeply. She sensed air flowing into her nose lobes and left a warm sensation as she exhaled. She put herself in receiving mode as she remembered her Guru, Brahma Aditya, saying, "Close your eyes! Relax. Don't think just feel. Accept it all. All of your surroundings, what they try to give you. Sense them!" She was consciously aware at the moment Kumara lifted her numb body with his two arms. She couldn't resist it as she was shivering in coldness.

Chandra smelled the jasmine fragrance when Kumara was taking her body inside a big room. Her ears could sense the thudding steps of Kumara entering a room. 'It must be a big room, spacious!' she recorded the sounds into her subconsciousness. She could smell the aroma of Kumara, like some eastern herbal mixed with musk scents coming through from him. 'He smells similar to the strange aroma at the time the big snake appeared,' Chandra moved her closed eyes. Her ears captured his beating rate which sounded slower than any normal human. 'He's in very stable and relaxed condition! Anyways, his beating rate sounds too mild to capture,' Chandra felt Kumara stop his steps and fixed her position making him easier to carry. She could feel Kumara's skin texture it was soft but it felt so thick, as her skin texture collided with his arms. She could sense the texture of Kumara's hair it felt thick, quite rough, and the smell of sandalwood with citrus from those hair strands that touched her cheeks. In a few minutes, she heard Kumara speaking with someone as she heard a 'squeaky sound' of his elbow pushing the door to open and a mild 'bum sound' as the door was closed.

She was aware when Kumara laid her down on a large bed, her eyes were staying close that she could have even no strength to open the lids. She felt the texture of sheet-like satin, silky fineness collided with her skin. Her nose could smell jasmine as she flashed running her memory to her old bedroom in her father's kingdom. She also smelled the fragrance of roses. Kumara's breaths on her face felt so warm and she could feel his hand protecting her head and neck as he laid her down. Then, she felt nothing about Kumara after his hands positioned her legs stretched on. She just heard some thudding steps leaving the room, fading away. She still rested on the bed. Her senses and memories were colliding with each other, trying to build a pattern and dragging her old memories. Flashing within the time and dimension, she captured her father's face, there were a lot of wrinkles on his face, much more than the ones at the time she left the kingdom. She remembered the scent of her father when he hugged her for the last time before letting her go. Her skin could sense the texture of her father's fingers when they touched her cheeks, her hair, and the lip that kissed her cheeks and forehead. She could sense everything about her father…she was hiding her cries at that moment.

"You're still my little princess, Chandra! Remember that!" her father whispered in her ears with his old throaty voice.

Chandra nodded her head, and put away her father's hands on her face. "I must leave, Father as you told me! Take care of yourself!" She had to leave the kingdom and everything she used to have behind, for the Bhagavanta Kingdom's sake. Rose was waiting for her on the horse and the horsemen were ready to take her and Rose to an unknown place. She turned around to see her father for a while before jumping on her horse, Magic. She drew the horse's halt rope and swung it harshly to ask him to run as fast as he could.

"Father," she whispered softly as she saw her father sitting on an old wooden chair. He looked skinnier and his eyes weren't sparkling as they used to be. Chandra put herself down and her hand touched her father's knees. Father didn't react at all…Chandra kissed her father's knees, "What happened Father?" She tried to touch him but something imperceptibly existed within that she couldn't do it.

As she opened her eyes, she could see Kumara sitting beside her, waiting for her to wake.

Kumara smiled at her. "Don't! Recline, please!" he ordered her not to get up as he put his hand on her shoulder. He inserted one of his hands on her back and put his hand there.

Chandra felt some warm energies infiltrating her spinal bones. She felt energy exchange again. She felt that she released some cold energies from her body. As she felt warm enough and her heart beating normally. She saw Kumara taking a cup from the side table.

"Drink this," Kumara leaned her neck with his hand and drank her something from the cup. It tasted sweet, bitter, and sweet.

Chandra tried to get up as Kumara put the cup back on the side table.

"What's that?" she wiped her lips. Some condensed liquid with very dark brown stained on her lips.

Kumara looked at her from his side eyes. "Honey, extracted from specific nectar! It's good to give you energy again," he answered in his heavy deep tone. He was seating on the bedside with one of his legs folded on the bed. From his pale-skinned arms, Chandra could see a painted ornament on that skin.

Chandra inhaled and sat on the bed. Kumara had put her shoes off. She spread her eyes thoroughly. She was sitting on a silky red maroon sheet and she saw a large bouquet of roses beside her bed…the red roses, her favorite flowers when she was still living in the kingdom. The interior room was decorated with jasmine and red roses. Chandra swallowed her saliva. She fondled her dark hair which had been cut as long as around her neck.

"Where am I, Kumara?" she asked him curiously. She felt a bit dizzy and her head was quite heavy.

Kumara inhaled and rose from his sitting position. "You are in my palace, Princess Chandra!"

Chandra turned her eyes around again. She still felt so light. "I feel light like there's a little gravity here!" she turned her eyes to Kumara and begged for an explanation.

Kumara turned his head at her and grinned. "I told you, Princess Chandra, you are still in a transitional period!" he explained patiently. "Your body is coming through a dimensional journey. It will function normally, don't worry!" Kumara looked at her.

"I just feel numb," Chandra worriedly touched her face. Her fingers couldn't feel anything. She couldn't feel her skin texture. 'What happened to me? To my body?' she curiously asked herself.

She saw a candle on the table beside her bed. She couldn't believe what she stared at. She could see the fire on the candle in the form of several layers from dark red, to some light degree of red, yellow, white, and black. She exhaled recklessly and looked at Kumara again. She could see some layers of color in Kumara's eyes, from dark brown to some lighter degree of brown, yellow, and black. 'What happened to me?' she rubbed her eyes but she couldn't feel anything. She saw the candle again. 'Fire!' she thought as she tried to reach it with her fingers. She put her fingers there but she could feel nothing. She still kept waiting and saw the skin of her fingers changing. Kumara turned his head to her from outside the room. He hurriedly gripped her fingers and put them away from the fire of the candle.

"What are you doing, Princess Chandra? Can't feel anything it doesn't mean you can't burn your fingers!" Kumara looked at her sternly and rubbed her fingers with his fingers. Again, Chandra felt some energy flowing into her fingertips and then, she felt her fingers burnt.

Kumara was standing beside the bed, his eyes were piercingly staring at her. He seemed examining her condition as he breathed in. He folded his two arms and said no words before he turned his back and left the room.